Cultivation Chat Group - Chapter 2734: If You Can't Kill Me, You'll Be Dead

Chapter 2734: If You Can't Kill Me, You'll Be Dead

Chapter 2734: If You Cant Kill Me, Youll Be Dead

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In any world, theres always that group of people tirelessly scheming to destroy the world for various reasons.

Some seek revenge, some pursue their ambitions, some are inherently destructive, and some would even destroy the world over a bad meal There are even those who believe in breaking before rebuilding to save the world!

The world has always been innocent, its fate often determined by others conflicts and disasters.

Fortunately, most lack the power to bring about world destruction, merely dreaming of it no matter how hard they try.

But whats truly frightening are those with both the will and means to act. Once they conceive the idea of world destruction, its an immediate disaster without time for an oops.

Just like now.

Song Shuhang stared in despair at the exploding star.

Though small in cosmic terms, it was still a star. Its explosion could challenge even a Ninth Stage Tribulation Transcender.

Heavenly Emperor Song Shuhang reacted instantly.

The long-legged figure before him wasnt Soft Feather but Celestial Thearch.

She had yanked him from the Devil Sea world into this destroyed world.

The virtuous lamia, still in her armed virtuous empress form, s.h.i.+elded Song Shuhang and herself from the stars aftershock.

Are you insane? Song Shuhang yelled.

The former Heavenly Emperor Fairy tilted her head, making a cant hear gesture while mouthing, Senior Song, what did you say? I cant hear Song Shuhang was speechless.

Cant hear you? Im using secret sound transmission, not shouting!

Goodbye! Song Shuhang waved at the Celestial Thearch, turning away decisively.

He didnt want to face the apocalypse with her; he was just a newbie with less than a year of cultivation.

After turning, he activated his newly mastered spatial ability, forming a spatial gate.

He was now a cultivator truly wielding spatial power!

Behind him, Celestial Thearch calmly opened a domain barrier, summoning the phantom of an ancient Heavenly City.

But just as Song Shuhangs spatial gate formed, it was disrupted by a force with a calamity attribute, vanis.h.i.+ng.

Song Shuhang was confused.

This power didnt belong to the Celestial Thearch. She didnt interfere with his s.p.a.ce Gate.

Heavenly Tribulation? the virtuous lamia couldnt help but exclaim.

Thats right, its your heavenly tribulation! Celestial Thearchs voice echoed.

My heavenly tribulation has ended, Song Shuhang said.

In theory, yes. But dont you think your Final Tribulation was a bit weak? You handled it too easily. Doesnt fit the Final Tribulation t.i.tle, Celestial Thearch!s voice returned.

Song Shuhang felt unease creep in.

Thats right. Your daring thought, Song Senior, is correct. It was all my doing! My claim of non-interference was a despicable lie! the Celestial Thearch admitted.

She had said her piece, leaving Song Shuhang speechless.

Calling her despicable? Shameless?

She admitted it herself; what else was there to say!

Wondering how I did it? Despite the audience, 1 secretly interfered with your tribulation and siphoned some of its power, delaying it until now, Celestial Thearch explained.

Song Shuhang touched his face. He wasnt wearing a mask, so Celestial Thearch was definitely reading his expression.

Being robbed of lines was one thing, but now, even facing the big boss, he didnt need to speak. The boss could read his face and continue the conversation.

l delayed it using my new path to immortality, the Great Dao of Time. With it, I can influence tribulations slightly. We just needed to affect one point to stagger the tribulation and postpone it. And to affect your tribulation across worlds, I had a medium, Celestial Thearch revealed.

The Great Dao of Time allowed her to manipulate as she pleased.

Regarding the medium, Song Shuhang froze.

Thats right, its the Steel Incarnation, Celestial Emperor Fairy said, summoning a small sun where the steel clone trembled, attracting the tribulations aura.

With the steel embodiment linked to Song Shuhang, it was easy for Celestial Emperor Fairy to affect his tribulation.

Im glad you didnt return the Steel Incarnation a few days ago, Celestial Emperor Fairy grinned.

If Song Shuhang hadnt sent her a voice message about the worlds change, she wouldve returned the steel incarnation.

Song Shuhang wished he could turn back time and stop his past self from using voice chat.

Why voice chat? Didnt they know it caused misunderstandings due to accents?

Under the tribulations influence, Song Shuhang was trapped.

He tried to open the Inner World, but it cowered.

Speak, Celestial Fairy. Whats your plan? Song Shuhang asked.

l told you before, I want you to help me kill someone, The Celestial Thearch said seriously.

Kill who? Dont tell me Im supposed to kill myself? Song Shuhang said warily.

Half and half. Kill me, or you, Song Senior! Celestial Thearch stepped closer.

Song Shuhang was speechless.

So you dont want to live anymore?

Fine, but dont drag me into it!

Stay away!