Cultivation Chat Group - Chapter 2729: Preparing a Luxurious Ride for Boss Song

Chapter 2729: Preparing a Luxurious Ride for Boss Song

Chapter 2729: Preparing a Luxurious Ride for Boss Song

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ever since his new role as Tyrannical Songs pendant, Scarlet Heaven Sword had unwittingly grasped a lot of information and gossip.

It knew that Soft Feather sometimes switched to Elegant Mode, which could alter her Timeline.

With this in mind, Scarlet Heaven Sword closely observed every action of Soft Feather to see if her movements had become more graceful.

After watching her for a while, it thought, Hmm, seems like she has grown taller? Is Soft Feather still in her growth spurt? If she keeps growing at this rate, it wont be long before shes as tall as Shuhang, right? Interesting. When that happens, Soft Feather, in her high heels, will tower over Shuhang, turning Senior Song into a little brother.

No, no, what am I focusing on? What I should be paying attention to is whether Soft Feathers movements have changed Upon closer inspection, its impossible to tell!

Soft Feather, being the young miss of Spirit b.u.t.terfly Island, was trained in the ethereal and light movement techniques characteristic of the island, full of celestial energy. How could one glean much from just watching her walk?

Senior Scarlet Heaven Sword, what are you looking at? Soft Feather, sensing that the Heart Demon Scarlet Heaven Sword was locking onto her, giggled.

Well, I was thinking that, with your super long legs, Soft Feather, it would be a real shame if you didnt pedal a man-powered tricycle, Scarlet Heaven Sword replied earnestly.

Lady Onion was speechless.

Senior Turtle was speechless.

Eh? Pedaling a tricycle? Ive never done that before, Soft Feathers eyes sparkled as she said, Then, Senior Scarlet Heaven Sword, lets find a man-powered tricycle and ride it back to see Senior Song. Hmm, best if its one with a cargo compartment, so we can take Senior Song for a spin. Scarlet Heaven Sword was speechless.

Yes, this was definitely the usual Soft Feather. Only the typical Soft Feather would have such a thought process, unconventional in her approach to picking people up.

Moreover Soft Feather pedaling a cargo tricycle, with Tyrannical Song sitting in the cargo hold, hugging his knees and looking utterly dejected. The image was, surprisingly, quite striking.

As a standard heart demon, particularly one far more potent than Soft Feathers inner demon, Senior Scarlet Heaven Sword decided to lend Soft Feather a hand.

Thus, it turned its sword hilt around and addressed Lady Onion, Lady Onion, would you mind going online later and ordering a tricycle? Song Shuhang is now the big boss of the Inner World Group. Its time he owned a luxury car thats uniquely his!

Doesnt Shuhang have a garage full of cars? Lady Onion asked, puzzled.

Thats Senior Whites car, not Senior Songs, Soft Feather reminded her.

That makes sense. In that case, once we can connect to the real world, Ill go online and order a luxurious man-powered tricycle for Shuhang, Lady Onion nodded.

Seeing how cooperative Lady Onion was, Scarlet Heaven Sword smiled slightly. Later, Ill teach you a unique technique called Heavenly Blade Slaughtering True Dragons to boost your combat prowess.

Is it more powerful than Boss Songs Heaven Burning Flaming Saber Technique? Lady Onion asked.

Its a saber technique thats no weaker than the Heaven Burning Flaming Saber Technique. Moreover, the Heaven Burning Flaming Saber Technique isnt suitable for you to learn. Of course, if youd like to turn into a roasted green onion sprout, I could consider teaching you the Heaven Burning Flaming Saber Technique, Scarlet Heaven Sword offered generously.

No need, no need. That Heavenly Blade Slaughtering True Dragons sounds just fine, and the name itself is pretty dominating, Lady Onion eagerly pointed out.

Senior Turtle lay on his skateboard, gliding smoothlyit was time for this little demon onion to take flight, and he couldnt let her unbeatable talent go to waste.

Ill teach you later, Scarlet Heaven Sword turned his focus back to Soft Feather and said, Soft Feather, can you describe what youre looking for to us? Even if youre not sure what it is, you must have some sort of telepathic inkling, right?

Hmm, let me think about it, Soft Feather paused, her finger gently touching between her eyebrows.

Senior Turtle stopped his skateboard, and the Heart Demon Scarlet Heaven Sword quieted down.

Soft Feathers condition is connected to many existences. Changes in the Timelines Soft Feather, Heavenly Emperor Soft Feather in the ghost spirit aspect, and Black Skin Soft Feather in Song Shuhangs

shadow can all influence Soft Feathers main body. If what Soft Feather is looking to find isnt influenced by the Soft Feather in the Timeline Could it be due to Heavenly Emperor Soft Feather? Scarlet Heaven Sword speculated in his heart.

Heat, a hot place The sun? An illusory sun? Or something similar? Soft Feather mused, pinching her glabella.

An illusory sun? Was it the one that Boss Song, Senior White, and Fairy Skylark obliterated together? Lady Onion inquired.

The Dream Realm ent.i.ty had made a remarkable appearance, suppressing the entire Dream Realm and repeatedly annihilating the original Dream Realms rule a.s.sembly, appearing officially as an illusory sun.

Not only was this big shot powerful and ruthless, but he also didnt waste time talking with enemiesif he could fight, he wouldnt chat.

Yet, such a formidable figure had encountered Senior White, Song Shuhang, and Fairy Skylarkthe top three cheaters of the Nine Provinces Number One Groupand met his end in the Dream Realm.

Maybe, but maybe not. Anyway, lets look in a hot place and see if we can find something like the sun, Soft Feather suggested.

The rules of the Dream Realm differed from those of other worlds in the main universe.

Here, there were no complete galaxies; even something as common as the sun appeared only as needed.

Then lets temporarily set our target on the sun, Scarlet Heaven Sword proposed.

Theres a heart demon over there! Senior Turtle exclaimed.

Where? Watch me! With a whoosh, Scarlet Heaven Sword unsheathed itself from Soft Feathers waist and slashed toward the location of the heart demon.

There, a banana-tree-shaped heart demon lay in a comatose stateSong Shuhang, Senior White, and Fairy Skylark had shaken the entire Dream Realm in their confrontation with the illusory sun. Later, when Senior White forcefully guided everyones primordial spirits into the Tribulation Transcender Void through the World Tree, he knocked out all these heart demons.

Now, the Dream Realm was littered with unconscious heart demons that had yet to awaken.

As Soft Feather and the others traveled through the Dream Realm, they had encountered many unconscious heart demons. Senior Scarlet Heaven Sword had efficiently cut them down, sealed them, and collected them.

Theres still a demon over there, theres also one over there, and theres another in the nine oclock direction Eh, there are quite a few heart demons in this area, Senior Turtle noted.

Perhaps this area is somewhat special? Scarlet Heaven Sword suggested, its blade light flickering as it continued to move skillfully among the unconscious heart demons, adeptly harvesting them.

Could this be the place Soft Feather is looking for? Senior Turtle pondered.

Lady Onion: But theres no sun here.

Fool, the sun sets and rises, Senior Turtle said affectionately..