Cultivation Chat Group - Chapter 2721: The Grieving Tribulation Transcender Void

Chapter 2721: The Grieving Tribulation Transcender Void

Chapter 2721: The Grieving Tribulation Transcender Void


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As soon as Song Shuhang finished speaking, Young White had already swooshed past him, darting toward the void of the Tribulation Transcender.

Senior White had directly transformed himself into the disposable flying sword, the White Version, and used his primordial spirit to create a node in the void of the Tribulation Transcender.

Song Shuhang had originally thought that Senior White was going to use his elbow to drill through the void

Senior White, could you respond to me first? The 16th Song Shuhang, controlling his right elbow, stretched it toward Senior White and called out loudlv.

Buzz In the void, a handsome sword of elemental energy condensed beside Young Whites primordial spirit, enveloping it. They were also drilling a node in the void of the Tribulation Transcender, but Fairy Skylark and Senior Whites style was much more impressive than Song Shuhangs drill.

After a slight acceleration, Young Whites Essence Soul sword targeted a point. The swords body, like a shooting star from outer s.p.a.ce, suddenly stabbed!

A small node in the void of the Tribulation Transcender bloomed as if welcoming Young Whites arrival.

At the same time, Tyrannical Songs left elbow, held in Senior Whites hand, released the power of pseudo-immortality, expanding and consolidating this node of the Tribulation Transcender.

The entire process was smooth and comfortably fluid.

Seeing that Senior Whites primordial spirit was about to enter the node of the Tribulation Transcenders void, Song Shuhang hurriedly sent a voice transmission: Senior White, how can I glue back a split primordial spirit?

Bzzz m h.e.l.lo, this is Whites seclusion spot. There are still 6 days, 6 hours, and 6 minutes until the end of the seclusion. Please wait patiently! A customer service voice response came from Senior Whites side.

The 16th Song Shuhang was speechless.

He hadnt expected Senior Whites instant escape technique to appear at such a critical moment.

Apart from giving a 666 for Senior White and looking up at the sky, Song Shuhang had no other options.

Senior Whites concerns were correct. If he hadnt taught Song Shuhang how to control the disposable flying sword, the fifteen parts of Tyrannical Songs body left in the void of the Tribulation Transcender would have floated there forever.

As Young Whites voice came through the auto-response, his body, along with Song Shuhangs left elbow, was swept stylishly into the node of the Tribulation Transcender and disappeared.

In the end, we can only rely on ourselves, Song Shuhang said in a grave voice.

The virtuous lamia appeared just in time to recite the Poisonous Chicken Soup for the Soul to Song Shuhang: You can only rely on yourself, as everyone will have their day to leave you behind.

Recently, the virtuous lamias lines, all lofty and seemingly sensible, were mostly poisonous chicken soupthe kind that would poison you if you drank too much.

Perhaps because she hadnt been watching TV dramas with Lady Onion recently, her frequency of using TV drama lines had started to decrease. Fairy Virtue, you are mistaken. The saying goes, At home, rely on your parents; outside, rely on your friends. Though friends may occasionally leave you temporarily for various reasons, as long as you have enough true friends, there will always be one you can rely on, Song Shuhang argued.

Then he opened his cultivation chat friend list, found Little Spotty on the blacklist, and sent a message: Scabbers, my primordial spirit is split into sixteen pieces, and I cant glue them back together. Im online and its quite urgent.

Your primordial spirit was cut so finely, and youre still alive? Striped Dragon Two, the big shot, replied.

Absolutely, I can still hop around. But if we dont stick them back together, moving around will be a bit inconvenient, Song Shuhang spoke up.

About how to glue back your primordial spirit, you should ask another Cheng Goudan. Striped Dragon Two reminded. Cheng Lin was an expert in this area.

She had shattered completely back in the day. Her pieces, large and small, had scattered across myriad worlds and had still not been completely collected.

Thanks, Scabbers, Song Shuhang replied.

Then, he contacted Fairy Cheng Goudan and sent a message: Fairy Cheng Lin, Im here again!

Sc.u.mbag. Fairy Cheng Lin replied: l dont talk to sc.u.mbags who cut themselves into pieces.

Fairy Cheng Goudan was currently with Father Goudan, and through him, she already knew Song Shuhang had sliced himself into a dozen pieces.

Song Shuhang was confused.

Song Shuhang, the physics sc.u.mbag, in the s.p.a.ce of consciousness, the virtuous lamia lazily lay on a recliner and spoke in her original voice.

She enjoyed watching Song Shuhang chat with Cheng Goudan.

To merge your primordial spirits, just card them together, and over time, they will stick together on their own. Thats what I did, Fairy Cheng Lin said.

Ive already tried that, but they wont stick, Song Shuhang sighed internally.

Dont panic. Although I dont know how your primordial spirit split, as long as youre not dead, theres no problem. Now, you should hurry and entrust your primordial spirit to the Tribulation Transcender node. Dont waste the opportunity Sage White has drummed up for you. Once your Essence Soul is successfully entrusted If it doesnt stick back together, then in time, Ill find an opportunity to use my path of immortality to resurrect you. I guarantee your primordial spirit will recover completely, Fairy Cheng Lin replied: Then, you can call me Mother Cheng Lin.

Song Shuhang was speechless.

I treat you as a good friend, but you want to be my mother?

Song Shuhang ended the call with Fairy Cheng Lin. With a thought, the remaining fourteen parts of Tyrannical Songs body transformed into the pseudo-immortal smoke body.

However, even in the pseudo-immortal smoke state, his body couldnt completely merge at 140%.

Stop wasting time. There will be plenty of time for you to sleep in the tomb in the future, the virtuous lamia reminded.

l know that. Franklin said that, Song Shuhang replied.

The virtuous lamia was speechless.

Song Shuhang laughed and rolled up Young Whites arm, controlling the Immortal Smoke Body and stepping into the void of the Tribulation Transcender.

Since his primordial spirit could not merge, he could try out a bold idea from before!

In the void, Song Shuhang recalled the technique to control a disposable flying sword that Young White had taught him. As he thought about it, he couldnt help but hum.

As he hummed Young Whites Lecture Song, he controlled Young Whites arm to form a sword technique.

Buzz Song Shuhang, controlling the primordial spirit in the pseudo-immortal state, turned them into 15 drills that began to spin in the void of the Tribulation Transcender Realm, starting to drill at 15 different nodes.

Yes, not just one node, but fifteen in one go!

Since his body had already been divided into sixteen parts, why not scatter them among the sixteen nodes?

The void node of the Tribulation Transcender only stipulated that a

Tribulation Transcenders primordial spirit could only be stored in a Tribulation Transcenders void node, but there was no rule stating a

Tribulation Transcender could not occupy 16 nodes, right?

Others might have one suite per person, but l, Song, choose not to take the usual path. I will occupy fifteen floors all to myself!

Rumbling sounds continued to ring out.

Young Whites arm formed a sword seal, and he exerted all his strength to execute the sword control technique.

Half an hour later

Boom, boom, boom

The Tribulation Transcender let out 15 sorrowful cries in the void.. 15 nodes on its body had been violently opened!