Cultivation Starts From Simplifying The Exercises - Chapter 778

Chapter 778

Chapter 778 The Milky Way Falls Nine Heavens

With one arrow, a person in the early stage of the mountain and sea realm died directly.

Even though Gu Yande was fully armed and raised his defense to the extreme in the shortest possible time after discovering something was wrong, it was still useless.

In the face of absolute power, many things are like paper.

As Chen Fei predicted before, even the monsters at the beginning of the fourth level were hit to the brink of death by an arrow, and the warriors who were obviously weaker in self-healing and defense could not even hold an arrow.

Rabbits rise and falcons fall, everything happens in the blink of an eye. At this moment, Xiao Qiping and the others are still more than a mile away from Chen Fei.

This distance is nothing, it can be crossed in a few steps, but for archers, this distance can still continue to attack.

Thinking of this, Liao Zhongqing and Huo Yuyin in the early stage of the Mountain Sea Realm could not help but tremble. Their strength is comparable to that of Gu Yande.

Even if they really fight against each other, Gu Yande's methods will be more abundant, and there is a high possibility that they will lose.

Now, Gu Yande can't even block an arrow attack, so what should they use to block it?

Suddenly, a sense of dead stillness appeared in Liao Zhongqing's mind, as if someone held a sword and pointed at his eyeballs at this moment.

The next moment, the sword was about to pierce directly into his head.

Since breaking through to the Mountain Sea Realm, Liao Zhongqing has not felt this coldness for many years.

"help me!"

Liao Zhongqing thought of Gu Yande's end just now, and screamed in shock, and then the blade in his hand shone with dazzling brilliance, completely covering up his figure.


The bowstring vibrated the air and made a dull sound, but before the sound came, an arrow had already arrived in front of Liao Zhongqing.

Xiao Qiping left an afterimage on the spot, and his real body stood in front of Liao Zhongqing. The Yasha knife in his palm turned into an abyss, swallowing the arrow.

Jing Chaodong's figure flashed, and he rushed towards Chen Fei at the fastest speed.

Such a powerful bow and arrow can only be close at this moment, otherwise if the opponent releases the arrow, with the strength shown by the arrow just now, even Jing Chaodong can't bear it.


Explosion sounded from behind, and Xiao Qiping's muffled hum sounded at the same time.

Jing Chaodong glanced back subconsciously, and found that after Xiao Qiping took an arrow, his whole body involuntarily took several steps backwards.

Every step on the ground made a dull sound, forming a deep pit.

The huge cracks on the edge of the deep pit extend in all directions.

Xiao Qiping's right arm trembled slightly, and he looked at Chen Fei in the distance with a hint of shock.

With such a powerful attack, it is no wonder that Gu Yande was blown away by an arrow. If Xiao Qiping hadn't responded with all his strength, he would have been injured by the arrow just now.

Even though he was not injured at this moment, Xiao Qiping's body was still a little stiff.

Such a terrifying bow and arrow technique has too much advantage in this Black God Barrier.

Xiao Qiping felt a little regretful in his heart, but it is useless to regret now, since he is already hostile, he can only kill the opponent here completely, so as to eliminate future troubles forever!

Chen Fei was not surprised to see Xiao Qiping blocking the arrow with a single knife.

The Suoying bow method is just an ordinary inheritance, but Chen Fei is now in the middle stage of the Mountain Sea Realm, and his power is extremely powerful, which has increased the power of the arrows by a lot.

The Shadow Locking Bow is now a middle-grade spirit treasure. If it is raised to the level of a top-grade spirit treasure, it may be able to perfectly display the power of Chen Fei.

At that time, the power of that arrow will reach an extremely terrifying level.

However, with Chen Fei's current wealth, Chen Fei couldn't afford to upgrade Lingbao to the top grade.

It is a better choice to have that primordial stone, which is used to buy medicinal herbs or spiritual materials for cultivation.

Chen Fei turned the Shadow Locking Bow and pointed it at Jing Chaodong who was rushing over.

Being locked by Chen Fei, a chill involuntarily rose in Jing Chaodong's heart.

The closer the distance, the stronger the power of the arrow, and with such a short distance, there is almost no possibility of dodging.


Still before the sound came, the arrow was already ahead, Jing Chaodong shouted violently, and the water source knife in his hand instantly slashed out.

Like a torrent of rivers appearing around Jing Chaodong, everything that comes to Jing Chaodong suddenly becomes slow, this is the power of water.

The arrow came within five steps of Jing Chaodong, and the speed couldn't help but slow down.

But immediately, the explosive power contained in the arrow pierced through the water source in front of Jing Chaodong, and the speed of the arrow recovered instantly, and it came to Jing Chaodong in an instant.


Jing Chaodong's forward figure suddenly froze, and then, just like Xiao Qiping before, he involuntarily stepped back a few steps before pouring out the strength on the arrow.

Jing Chaodong narrowed his eyes and looked at Chen Fei. Only after he actually took the move did he understand how terrifying an arrow of this strength is.

But just like Xiao Qiping, Jing Chaodong's desire to kill Chen Fei will only become stronger at this moment, because such a person is too terrifying to become an enemy, and he must be killed to be at ease.

Chen Fei attacked Jing Chaodong, and Xiao Qiping and the others took the opportunity to rush forward.

Chen Fei remained motionless, Locking Shadow Bow locked onto Jing Chaodong, and continued to shoot an arrow.

Amidst the muffled sound, after forcing Jing Chaodong back for a certain distance, he pointed the Locking Bow at Xiao Qiping and the others.

Liao Zhongqing and Huo Yuyin lost their souls, and quickly hid behind Xiao Qiping. Such arrows are outrageous. They really hurt you when you touch them, and you die when you hit them. It doesn't make sense at all.

Liao Zhongqing and Huo Yuyin did not dare to show their faces in front of Chen Fei's bow and arrow, so they had to ask Xiao Qiping to help them resist.

Xiao Qiping's expression was solemn, his eyes became pitch black, and his soul immediately began to burn.

In an instant, Xiao Qiping's perception increased by several chips, and his combat power began to soar.

Xiao Qiping raised his head and watched Chen Feila set his bow, and then an arrow flew towards him.

The arrow smashed through the black mist, as if it wanted to tear apart the space it passed along the way, and countless ripples rippled in front of the arrow.

Under the subtleties, Xiao Qiping was more able to discover the horror of Chen Fei's bow and arrow, but also under the subtleties, Xiao Qiping saw the weakness of the arrow.

It is not considered a flaw, but every move has its strength and weakness. The more brilliant the skill, the less the weakness.

Xiao Qiping drew out his saber, and chopped the arrow in front of him with one stroke.

Yasha Knife was shaken by a huge force and lifted into the air, but Xiao Qiping didn't retreat this time.

If it was a one-on-one, Xiao Qiping would have considered running away, because he had already burned his soul, but he was still beaten and stopped, unable to get close at all, so he could only become a target in the end.

But now there is still Jing Chaodong, they have two mid-stage mountains and seas, Chen Fei cares about one and loses the other, the advantage is on their side!

Sure enough, when Chen Fei attacked Xiao Qiping, Jing Chaodong took advantage of the situation to burn his soul, and then took a few steps, less than a mile away from Chen Fei.

Holding the Yasha knife, Xiao Qiping shouted angrily, his body turned into a black line, and rushed towards Chen Fei frantically.

No matter which one of them Chen Fei and others will attack, the other one can continue to move forward.

Chen Fei stood on the col, looking at the four of Xiao Qiping, the arrows in his hands were still flying out one by one, and the sound of explosions was endless.


Liao Zhongqing suddenly let out a painful roar, and his entire right arm burst into blood mist instantly, and even his right shoulder disappeared, and the weapon in his hand fell directly to the ground.

Bows and arrows don't just go straight, after a long time, Xiao Qiping sometimes fails to intercept in time, and in Xiao Qiping's heart, the more important thing at this moment is to rush in front of Chen Fei.

At this moment, Xiao Qiping is in the state of burning his soul. Every time the time passes, his soul will be consumed by one point. If the time is too long, the mountain and sea realm will be abolished.

Huo Yuyin's heart trembled, and he wanted to leave Liao Zhongqing alone, but in such a battle, every bit of strength was precious.

At this moment, Liao Zhongqing is not completely out of fighting power. Later, as long as Xiao Qiping can get close, he and Liao Zhongqing can help.

Thinking of this, Huo Yuyin grabbed Liao Zhongqing, pulled him in front of him, and followed Xiao Qiping closely.

The sound of arrows colliding with weapons continued continuously. Jing Chaodong was no more than a few dozen steps away from Chen Fei. When he arrived here, he had completely entered the optimal distance for Jing Chaodong's attack.


Jing Chaodong's eyes glowed coldly, and he pinched the Yin Jue with his left hand in his sleeve, and he suddenly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already beside Chen Fei.

Shui Yuan Tian Jie, a skill that Jing Chaodong majored in, it is rumored that this skill was created ten thousand years ago, and it is the top inheritance of a certain sect that has disappeared.

When this inheritance is cultivated to the top, wherever there is water, it can directly boost the power of the practitioner's exercises.

There is no water here, but the air contains moisture.

Jing Chaodong moved dozens of steps in an instant, and directly condensed a water source body beside Chen Fei, swapping the real body with the water source body.

That is, within the Black God Barrier, the suppression of combat power is too serious. If it is outside, Jing Chaodong can directly move more than 30 miles with this method.

Although it cannot be used continuously, it is enough to play an unexpected role in battle.


Seeing Jing Chaodong finally approaching, Xiao Qiping's eyes lit up, and the expressions on the faces of Liao Zhongqing and Huo Yuyin couldn't help but relax slightly.

Practitioners who use bows and arrows as weapons generally have good melee combat capabilities.

But this melee, more often than not, is just in case.

Not weak, but normally much weaker than bowing.

After all, a person's energy is limited, even in the mountains and seas.

If you have talent, you can cultivate a lineage to the top, then you must focus on in-depth research, because this is the best way for yourself, and it is also the easiest way to improve your realm and combat power.

Learn a little from this, learn a little from that, ordinary warriors can't go too far, and the same is true in the mountains and seas.

"Die to me!"

Jing Chaodong was holding the Water Source Knife, and a vision of the Milky Way falling into the nine heavens appeared behind him. The next moment, the blade had already slashed towards Chen Fei's neck.

Chen Fei raised his eyelids slightly, and the Shadow Locking Bow dropped from his hand, and flew towards Chen Fei's back automatically.


Amidst the thunder, the Qianyuan sword was unsheathed, and Chen Fei slashed at Jing Chaodong.

(end of this chapter)