Cultivation Starts From Simplifying The Exercises - Chapter 715

Chapter 715

Chen Fei didn't speak, but glanced around, and at some point, a formation enveloped the entire area for several miles.

The rays of light flowed on the formation, and its power was extremely impressive. In the early stages of the general mountain and sea realm, it was almost impossible to break it with one move.

Chen Fei turned his head and glanced at Wu Zisheng, who was holding a formation board in his hand.

Seeing Chen Fei's gaze, Wu Zisheng's face showed a look of color, and the surrounding situation is shrinking rapidly with the passage of time.

This is not only to prevent Chen Fei from moving and escaping, but even the space for him to fight is constantly being compressed.

Within a radius of tens of miles, the vitality of heaven and earth swarmed in, and the power of the formation continued to increase.

The formation absorbs the vitality of the heavens and the earth and the veins of the earth to stand. As long as the limit of the formation eye is not exceeded, the power can be continuously improved.

The material of this array has already reached the Lingbao level. With Wu Zisheng's wealth, it is difficult for one person to buy it, and the three of them need to raise money together. However, the three of them are also sincerely satisfied with its power.

In the formation, the longer the time drags on, the greater their advantage.

Now with measurements of one, whether it is the initiative or the odds of winning, they are all on their side.

"As I said before, the four of us shared the Tianlinhua, but you, the young man, have to eat it all by yourself, doing that greedy trick." Miao Wanhua shook her head slightly, as if it was a pity.

Chen Fei moved his eyes from the array to the jade hairpin in Miao Wanhua's hand, and on the jade hairpin, Chen Fei felt a trace of his own soul imprint.

But Chen Fei hadn't had a frontal battle with a few people before. In this case, he would be captured with the brand of the soul, which Chen Fei didn't expect.

Even with the imprint of the soul, Chen Fei traveled hundreds of miles in the void, and Chen Fei crossed another three thousand miles. With such a long distance, he was able to catch up!

Chen Fei used to think that he had a clear enough understanding of chasing people in the mountains and seas, but now he discovered that the extraordinary skills and methods in the mountains and seas were always beyond Chen Fei's expectations.

This is one of the disadvantages of casual cultivators, many things need to be collected by themselves.

Other mountains and seas have practiced for hundreds of years, and the long years can give them enough experience.

However, Chen Fei's practice time is somewhat shorter. Now he has been fully engaged and calculated, and it has not exceeded 30 years. Compared with many mountains and seas, it is far behind.

"Greed always has to pay a price!" Ao Bozhong said coldly.

"Greedy, you really have to pay a price." Chen Fei looked at Ao Bozhong and nodded seriously.

Ao Bozhong narrowed his eyes slightly, obviously surrounded by the three of them, but the other party didn't feel nervous at all.

Ao Bozhong glanced at the surrounding formation and confirmed that it was still functioning normally. Under such circumstances, even if the opponent moved his talent to the peak, he would never be able to escape from here.

"Mystery, kill!" Ao Bozhong snorted coldly, his figure disappeared suddenly, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Chen Fei, sweeping out with the coiled dragon stick in his hand.

The Panlong Stick is a low-grade spirit treasure, but in terms of power, it is already very close to the level of a middle-grade spirit treasure.

After the stick was refined and formed, it incorporated the spirit of a fourth-order dragon beast.

Although the dragon beast is not a real beast, it does have a trace of the blood of the beast. Therefore, in terms of combat power, the dragon beast is like a leader among the demon kings of the same level.

With Ao Bozhong's strength, he couldn't kill a dragon beast alone, but that day, Ao Bozhong's luck was so high that he encountered a dragon beast that was injured and dying.

Ao Bozhong took the opportunity to behead him and made the current Panlong stick.

And everything that the dragon beast possessed helped Ao Bozhong to practice for hundreds of years, allowing Ao Bozhong to complete the practice of the second shrine.

Now that decades have passed, Ao Bozhong is only a hair away from condensing the third shrine. With the help of Tianlinhua, he can complete this step in a few months, completely standing at the peak of the early stage of the mountain and sea realm.

At this moment, Ao Bozhong swept out with a stick, and there seemed to be a terrifying roar of a dragon, and the majestic force descended in an instant, covering Chen Fei's body, and a mad resentment went straight to Chen Fei's soul, which was the dragon beast spirit.

Imprisoned for nearly two hundred years and unable to be released, the dragon beast spirit in the Panlong stick has long gone mad, and will step forward to bite and destroy any living beings it encounters.

Wu Zisheng and Miao Wanhua approached Chen Fei, closely watching Chen Fei's every move, and once Chen Fei moved, they immediately pounced on them, constantly reducing the range of Chen Fei's movement, until finally they had to fight them recklessly.

Chen Fei flipped his right hand, Qianyuan sword was in front of the Panlong stick, as for the resentment of dragons and beasts, guarded by Xuanyuan sword, his mind and spirit never even stirred up waves.


The Panlong stick hit the sword of Qianyuan sword firmly, Chen Fei didn't retreat a step, even his face didn't change, and Qianyuan sword didn't even shake at all.

Ao Bozhong raised his brows slightly, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. Although this stick was a test, but the opponent took it with such effortless strength, it was far beyond Ao Bozhong's guess.

The realm of the opponent is indeed just a shrine, and the talent is even more shifted. It shouldn't have such power.

"With this power, do you want to learn how others block roads and rob?"

After the Qianyuan Sword, Chen Fei looked up at Ao Bozhong and laughed softly.


Ao Bozhong's eyes widened. In his eyes, Chen Fei was a prey waiting to be slaughtered, not to mention a lamb, but being killed was almost inevitable.

Under such circumstances, do you still dare to be so arrogant, thinking that you are the arrogance of those holy places?

"It's you who is presumptuous!"

Chen Fei raised his head slightly, a colossal force rose from the Qianyuan sword, the dragon stick was knocked open instantly, and Ao Bozhong's empty door was exposed.

Ao Bozhong was startled, and wanted to hold the Panlong stick, but found that he couldn't hold it no matter what, as if the one wrestling with him was not a human being at all, but an ancient giant beast.

Ao Bozhong's feet were empty, and his body instinctively flew backwards.

Wu Zisheng and Miao Wanhua on the side saw the scene in front of them, and they were also shocked. They hit Chen Fei's body with crutches and long swords respectively, trying to make Chen Fei give up the attack and save himself.

Zang Yuanzhong flew out of Chen Fei's sleeve and hung above Chen Fei's head, but Chen Fei's movements did not change at all, and continued to cut towards Ao Bozhong.


The Tibetan Yuanzhong made a deafening sound, the outer shield was shattered, and the Tibetan Yuanzhong shrank and flew back into Chen Fei's sleeve.

Wu Zisheng and Miao Wanhua couldn't help but hesitate slightly, and huge force instantly poured into Chen Fei's body. In the shrine, the talent town suddenly lit up, and Chen Fei's terrifying aura instantly rose to the sky.

Wu Zisheng and Miao Wanhua's eyes widened slightly, looking at the scene in front of them incomprehensibly.

The protection of the bell-shaped Lingbao was shattered by them, they were shocked by the shock, and they were stagnant irresistibly. And Chen Fei was hit by the rest of his strength, so his body must stop for a while, or even get injured.

It is impossible to attack Xiang Ao Bozhong again, even Ao Bozhong can take this opportunity to attack Chen Fei directly.

This is siege, not only will you be unable to parry, but it will directly interrupt all your attack rhythms.

But what is going on now, Chen Fei is not only unscathed, but even his aura is endlessly improved, and the movements in his hands are not delayed at all, on the contrary, his strength has become more and more exaggerated.


Ao Bozhong also couldn't understand the scene in front of him, how he fell into this situation from the very beginning, obviously the three of them were besieged, but how he looked at it now, it seemed that Chen Fei besieged them all by himself.

Ao Bozhong didn't have time to think about it, sensing the terrifying power in Chen Fei's sword, Ao Bozhong directly and decisively burned his soul, his body was impossible, and he suddenly rolled back a hundred steps.

This distance is naturally within the attack range of the Mountain and Sea Realm, but compared with a face-to-face attack, there is undoubtedly much more time for people to react here.

Just before Ao Bozhong breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly found a black shadow appearing in front of him like a shadow, and raised his eyes again, who else could it be if it wasn't Chen Fei.

Ao Bozhong was terrified, and suddenly remembered that the person in front of him had the talent to teleport.

Teleportation is not only used to escape, but also allows warriors to maximize their mobility during battle.

Ao Bozhong needs to burn his soul, and he can take a hundred steps away in an instant, but for Neiyi, it is just a matter of thought.


Ao Bozhong roared furiously. At this moment, there was no way to retreat, and if he retreated again, the strength in his hand would only be lower. Taking advantage of the peak of the burning spirit, Ao Bozhong pulled back the Coiling Dragon Stick by force.

Not defending, Ao Bozhong directly swept towards Qianyuan Sword.

Ao Bozhong doesn't believe that no matter how strong the mountain and sea environment of a shrine is, how strong can it be! As long as he can stop the opponent for a moment, Wu Zisheng and Miao Wanhua will definitely seize the opportunity.

Moving also requires the cooperation of the soul, and once the soul is interrupted by an attack, it cannot be moved successfully! At that time, the other party will really take the attack of the three of them hard, and then we will see what he can do!


Where the sword and stick collided, an arc of lightning appeared. It was very small at first, but it spread in an instant, sweeping in all directions.

Ao Bozhong's stern face froze after the Panlong stick hit the Qianyuan sword, and the pupils in his eyes shrank violently because of fear.

The Panlong Cudgel rewinds back at a faster speed, and Ao Bozhong's wrists are directly twisted and smashed, trying to hold it in vain, but it has no effect at all.

Ao Bozhong watched his weapon sweeping towards him helplessly, trying to avoid it, but he couldn't move at all.


The resentful dragon chant sounded, and Ao Bozhong's chest was instantly shattered. Clothes, skin, flesh, bones, everything that stood in front of him was swept away by the dragon stick, and then swallowed by the dragon stick.

Ao Bozhong has enslaved Lingbao for nearly two hundred years. At this moment, he suddenly turned back on himself, and even part of his soul was pulled out to be eaten.


Ao Bozhong's body was like a shooting star, and it hit the formation below, causing the formation to tremble violently. Ao Bozhong spewed out another mouthful of blood mist, and his whole body was embedded in the formation, his face was as white as paper, and his breath seemed to be dying.

Wu Zisheng and Miao Wanhua were rushing towards Chen Fei. Seeing the scene in front of them, their bodies trembled involuntarily, and there was a trace of bewilderment in their eyes.

The mountains and seas of the two shrines were almost swept to death by a sword?

What they are facing is an early stage of the Mountain Sea Realm?