Cultivation Starts From Simplifying The Exercises - Chapter 669

Chapter 669

Chapter 669 Doomed to die

The dozens of people around were still a little confused. After all, they were still practicing on the mountain path last moment, but they were transferred to the martial arts arena inexplicably.

In the thousands of years of trials in Mengying Cave Mansion, there seems to be no such level.

But after seeing the Heart and Soul Stone, everyone immediately woke up a bit. Without him, this Heart and Soul Stone is indeed a very precious treasure.

These are also one of the few types of spiritual materials that can be used by martial artists in the Aperture Realm.

Other spiritual materials that can increase the power of the soul are either too powerful for untransformed souls in the Aperture Realm to bear, or they are too precious to be snatched by the Mountain and Sea Realm themselves, so they will not be used by warriors in the Aperture Realm.

A heart and soul stone, given to the peak of the Acupoint Realm, can directly increase the chance of breaking through the Mountain and Sea Realm by 10%.

Don't look at 10% as if it is very low. Many warriors with profound backgrounds fail to break through the mountains and seas. Sometimes they actually lack a little time, and the soul stone may increase this time.

Success and failure are often separated by such a thin line.

The eyes of dozens of people around Chen Fei have changed. There are eight people at the peak of the Aperture Realm, and the rest are at the middle stage of the Aperture Realm.

In such a limited area, dozens of Heqiao Realms besieged a person, no matter how they looked at it, they all won.

The only thing to consider now is how to grab the last hand and kill the person in front of him. After all, there is only one Heart and Soul Stone. According to Mengying Cave Mansion, only the person who kills can get the Heart and Soul Stone.

"What did you do to make Mengying Cave Mansion treat you like this." Chen Yandong looked at Chen Fei and asked curiously.

Others moved their minds and looked at Chen Fei. They were somewhat curious about this matter.

"Maybe, it's about to reach the summit, and the Mengying Cave is not willing."

Chen Fei laughed softly, turned his head, and collided with the eyes in the void.

A ripple appeared from mid-air, and the eyes contained power. At this moment, the two eyes collided, causing a change in the vitality of the world.

Everyone subconsciously looked at Lianyi's position, surprised in their hearts, and then looked at Chen Fei, their eyes suddenly became a little weird.

So the person in front of you was the one who broke through the level crazily near the peak just now?

Being targeted by Mengying Cave Mansion because she was too good?

Chen Fei's words brought a lot of information, and they couldn't tell the truth from the fake for a while.

But if the person in front of him is really the one who broke the barrier at the top of the peak just now, then it has indeed broken the record of the Mengying Cave Mansion for thousands of years.

Is it possible that the scene in front of you will be part of the inheritance?

Chen Fei felt the power of dreams spreading throughout the martial arts arena, and his gaze fluctuated slightly.

Dozens of people present have been infected by the power of the dream without knowing it. As time goes by, this infection will make the people around them enter a dream state. In severe cases, every word and action will be obeyed. Dream Shadow Cave Mansion.

At this moment, all comments that are not conducive to Mengying Cave will be gradually distorted by Mengying Cave.

In the depths of Mengying Cave, a figure is watching the martial arts arena.

Chen Fei's eyes suddenly looked at him, which made people a little startled. At this time, it realized that the experimenter had always been able to perceive its eyes.

During thousands of years, Mengying Cave Mansion has never met many people in this kind of auspicious state.

Even if some Tianjiao can feel being spied on, they can only sense it vaguely, and they can't judge the position at all.

It's no wonder that the speed of the other party's trial on the mountain path was normal at the beginning, but after that, it became faster and faster, probably because it sensed its gaze and simply stopped hiding.

Human Ying's gaze returned to calm. This human talent is indeed very suitable for the inheritance of Mengying Daoist. If Mengying Daoist is alive, he will probably receive this human as a closed disciple immediately after seeing this human being.

But unfortunately, Mengying has been dead for many years, and he can no longer see this gifted human being.

Although it, following Daoist Mengying's last wish, has such a Mengying Cave Mansion dedicated to inheriting exercises, it is impossible for this human being to pass the test.

Because once someone really passes the test, the tester can not only obtain the inheritance, but also completely obtain the ownership of this Dream Shadow Cave.

This is a little greeting gift from Mengying Daoist to the heirs!

But it, as the weapon spirit of Mengying Cave Mansion, how could it possibly recognize others as its master.

There was no choice before, it must rely on the power of human beings in order to survive better.

However, in order to make Mengying Cave Mansion pass down for a long time, Daoist Mengying hid the Mengying Stone in the Realm of Deception.

Because of the deceitful world, the weapon spirits of Mengying Cave Mansion are gradually freed from the shackles, and are no longer completely restricted by the rules set by Daoist Mengying back then.

Thousands of years, Mengying Cave Mansion still appears once in a while. It is no longer looking for some inheritors, but Mengying Cave Mansion itself is refining incense, refining beliefs, and preparing for its own detachment.

In this world, everything has a spirit. As long as the level of power is high enough, not only monsters and humans are the protagonists of this world, but also spirits.

Among the several great holy places in the Central Continent, there are such artifact spirits who have become enlightened, but those artifact spirits are still limited to several holy places after all.

Since Daoist Mengying is dead, the weapon spirit of Mengying Cave Mansion has every hope of being truly independent.

All attempts to prevent it from becoming independent have only one end, and that is beheading.

But now, the weapon spirit of Mengying Cave Mansion has no real detachment after all, it is still subject to some rules set by Daoist Mengying.

At most, the weapon spirits of Mengying Cave Mansion can make some slight changes on the basis of the rules, just like moving everyone to the martial arts arena and beheading that human being.

Also in the Martial arts arena, release the power of dreams, manipulate the thoughts of those in the Auspicious Realm, and use them for it.

The killing intent permeated the arena. At the beginning, these people were still thinking about how to get Chen Fei's head later, but as time went by, they subconsciously forgot about it.

Instead, they killed Chen Fei here and gradually occupied their minds.

They didn't realize that they were being affected, and thought it was just the temptation of the soul stone. After all, there is no auspicious state, so they can be indifferent to the soul stone.


In the martial arts arena, there was a wind for no reason, and it was this gust of wind that broke the calm.

At the peak of the Aperture Realm closest to Chen Fei, he stepped back with his right foot, and in an instant, he came in front of Chen Fei, and the blade in his hand had already been slashed down.

At the peak of the combined orifice state, the three flowers gather at the top, and every move and every move is full of majestic power. At this moment, when the deadly attack is made, it is even more lingering, as if it is about to split the world.

His name is Lin Hanyu, a casual cultivator. He passed by Qianyan City this time and learned the news of the existence of Mengying Cave Mansion, so he came here to explore.

Loose cultivators have some flaws in many exercises, and they cannot have a complete inheritance like the people in the sect.

But Lin Hanyu is an exception. He used to have a sect, but the sect was shattered by others, and he was forced to become a casual cultivator.

Lin Hanyu escaped by chance and went far away.

For so many years, from the early stage of the Heqiao Realm to the peak of the Heqiao Realm, he has cultivated the sect's martial arts to the peak, and achieved the state of three flowers gathering at the top.

And with Lin Hanyu's attack, other people rioted instantly.

There is no so-called fairness, and there is no so-called one-on-one, some just swarm up and beat Chen Fei to death here.

Chen Fei looked calm, the gentle energy in his body fluctuated suddenly, and then boiled instantly, a huge fluctuation rippled from Chen Fei's body.

Nine turns to heaven and earth!

The Nine Gates Forbidden Technique was operating in the body, Chen Fei's hair was curled backwards, and the golden flames burned all around, and the majestic aura instantly permeated the entire martial arts arena, covering everyone's hearts.

Compared to the battle against the Demon King in the Endless Sea, Chen Fei became more calm this time when performing the Nine Revolutions.

The realm is still at the peak of the Aperture Realm, but because of the practice of the Mountain and Sea Realm technique of Tianxuan Sword, Chen Fei's control of the Yuan Force has become more nuanced.

The Taixuan Tianjian in the Dzogchen Realm back then had already completely controlled the Yuanli, but the power of the Nine Doors Forbidden Law was too strong, so in the end Chen Fei could only use Suppressing Dragon and Elephant Suppressing Soul to forcibly suppress it.

But now, the Tianxuan Sword contains the way of the soul to control the Yuanli, which is a level of improvement. The Yuanli under the Nine Doors Forbidden Law seems to be less unruly and unruly, and the power under the Shensoul has become more powerful. There are traces to follow.

Lin Hanyu was the closest to Chen Fei, and he felt the power contained in Chen Fei's aura most clearly. A feeling of panic crawled into Lin Hanyu's heart involuntarily.

Having been a casual cultivator for more than two hundred years, whenever Lin Hanyu made a move, he always went all out and didn't give the enemy any chance.

The knife in his hand at the moment is like this. There are dozens of people besieging, and there is no need to retreat.

But it was also because he was going all out and leaving no way out, that at this moment, after Lin Hanyu sensed the aura exuded by Chen Fei, he wanted to retreat in his heart, but found that he was too late.

Chen Fei turned his head to look at Lin Hanyu. Lin Hanyu's movements, in Chen Fei's eyes, had become very slow at this moment.

This not only has the power of the sky eye, but also because of the Nine Revolutions, Chen Fei's mental power has been skyrocketing, and his perception of the surroundings has become extremely keen.

The broken ruler appeared in Chen Fei's hand, and Chen Fei swept Lin Hanyu's blade with one foot.

There was no way to retreat, Lin Hanyu's fierceness was also completely aroused, the blade in his hand burst out with dazzling light, and he slashed at Chen Fei more thoroughly than before.

There are so many people, as long as you hold on for a while, others will have already arrived.

No matter how powerful you are, in the face of dozens of sieges, you will still die in the end!


A huge air wave swept out, and the dozens of people who were rushing were slightly blocked by this air wave, and the center of the air wave, the ground of the Martial Arts Field, had already turned into a deep pit.

Lin Hanyu stared at Chen Fei with wide eyes, full of fear and struggle.

The next moment, Lin Hanyu's arm holding the knife began to shatter inch by inch, and the violent force extended all the way, shoulders, torso, and limbs. In the blink of an eye, Lin Hanyu turned into a mass of fleshy paste.

(end of this chapter)