Cultivation Starts From Simplifying The Exercises - Chapter 453

Chapter 453

Chapter 453 Tianjiao

Seeing the elixir in the light group, Chen Fei did not step forward immediately, but stepped forward, picked up the refined iron longbow on the ground, continued to draw the bow and shoot arrows, and shot and killed the soldiers approaching one by one.

At this moment, although Chen Fei's cultivation is only at the dirty level, the arrows he shoots are far more powerful than ordinary dirty level attacks under the electromagnetic acceleration.

Although they haven't reached the level of Aperture Training Realm, it is a breeze to shoot and kill these soldiers who are only in the Bone Forging and Marrow Training Realm. Although there were quite a few remaining soldiers, within a short while, there was no one in front of Chen Fei.

This is the world of warriors, the strength is not the same, and the number sometimes loses its meaning.

Putting the longbow on his back, Chen Fei began to pick up the fallen scrolls and those light clusters. Of course, the most important thing was the elixir dropped by the general just now.

"Shi Ti Dan?"

Perceiving the information sent by the light group, Chen Fei's expression moved slightly. This is a elixir that can be taken away from Haiyue Cave Mansion, and its function is to strengthen the body.

The physique of a martial artist has always been tempered naturally by Yuanli. As the realm of martial arts improves, the physique will continue to strengthen.

Most of the exercises, the major is still Yuanli. Of course, there are also some sect's exercises that focus on cultivating the body, so that the body and the strength can grow together to obtain stronger combat power.

Such a release body pill is a rare treasure for those warriors who temper their bodies. But for Chen Fei, the effect was almost nothing.

Chen Fei's current physique is estimated to have reached the level of a strong person in the Aperture Realm, and it is no longer something that can be strengthened by such a pill.

Although Chen Fei didn't take it himself, he should be able to get a lot of primordial stones by selling them to shops after leaving Haiyue Cave.

Recently, Chen Fei plans to save part of the primordial stones to exchange for high-grade primordial stones, in order to get rid of the dragon elephant in his body.

Dragon and Elephant pointed out that since it is possible to forcibly increase physical strength through natural treasures, Chen Fei naturally cannot let go of such a characteristic.

Under the circumstances that there is no known thing that can be absorbed by Long Xiangjie, the top-grade Yuanshi with pure Yuan power is one of Chen Fei's directions.

However, the value of high-grade primordial stones is too high. With Chen Fei's current wealth and cultivation, it may take a lot of time to really accumulate a high-grade primordial stone.

Unless the way and means of obtaining primordial stones change after Chen Fei breaks through to the Aperture Realm, then the top-grade primordial stones will still be of high value, but they may not be impossible to obtain in a short time.

If it turns out afterwards that top-grade primordial stones are not good, then Chen Fei has no loss. After all, the value of primordial stone itself is there, and it is itself a kind of currency.

Chen Fei put Shi Ti Dan in his sleeve casually, and did not continue to look for other soldiers, but first simplified the new exercises that appeared in his mind one by one.

Not every soldier will drop things. The camp of dozens of people finally brought Chen Fei five scrolls and eight light groups of kung fu proficiency.

After absorbing these proficiency light clusters, they can bless the exercises they have learned according to their own wishes.

Chen Fei tried to bless the light group on Zhenlongxiang Zhenshen, but there was no response. Obviously, these light groups can only bless the exercises that have appeared in Haiyue Cave Mansion.

Although Haiyue Cave Mansion is a spiritual treasure, its power is indeed not so omnipotent. The exercises that have appeared in the cave mansion have obviously been analyzed by Haiyue Cave Mansion, so they can be directly improved in this way.

As for suppressing dragons and elephants and suppressing gods, they are not included in the data of Haiyue Cave Mansion at all, so naturally there is no way to bless them.

Chen Fei looked at more than a dozen exercises that flashed in his mind, and chose one of them, the Benlei Fist, and directly increased his proficiency.

The principle of this Benlei Fist is similar to Yuanchen Sword School's Da Jinglei Sword.

Although the specific cultivation methods are quite different, from a higher perspective, we can understand the similarities between the two in some aspects.

It was precisely because of learning this Ben Leiquan that Chen Fei began to use electromagnetic acceleration.

In this Haiyue Dongfu trial, because the power of the panel was not blocked, Chen Fei got a much higher starting point than others.

But at this moment, after all, the person is still in the spiritual treasure of Haiyue Cave Mansion, and Chen Fei dare not go too far in many things.

For example, many of the exercises that were performed at the beginning were not eye-catching because they were changes between ordinary moves. Under the established rules, the spirit treasure of Haiyue Cave Mansion will not stare at every tester indiscriminately.

But if Chen Fei exerts a power that is obviously beyond the standard, it will be somewhat dangerous.

Chen Fei didn't want to test the limit of Lingbao, it was unnecessary and very dangerous.

The move of the electromagnetic gun can almost be said to be his own creation. After learning the Ben Leiquan, he can flexibly use the power of thunder and lightning to change the move, which is completely reasonable.

So Chen Fei directly chose Ben Lei Fist at this moment, making his abnormality more reasonable.

Maybe Haiyue Cave Mansion, the spiritual treasure, doesn't care about Chen Fei's various actions at all, but Chen Fei still has to do some things that Chen Fei should do.

As various perceptions of Ben Leiquan appeared in his mind, Chen Fei's palms began to flash with a flash of lightning.

After a while, the lightning in Chen Fei's palms gradually disappeared, and Chen Fei opened his eyes, thoughtful. This complete Benlei Fist should be an extremely advanced Aperture Realm skill, much more subtle than the Dajinglei Sword.

However, Chen Fei's real cultivation has already reached the peak of the Acupoints Realm, no matter how advanced this Benlei Fist is, it will be of extremely limited help to Chen Fei.

Unless this Benlei Fist will involve the practice after the Heqiao state, then to Chen Fei, it will be of greater significance.

Putting aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, Chen Fei began to simplify the five scrolls he just obtained. Compared with the light group, this scroll is what Chen Fei really needs.

Others need to consider the proficiency of skills, after all, the impact of skills on combat power is too important.

But as long as Chen Fei raises his cultivation level, relying on the electromagnetic cannon, he will be able to fight his way out. A new move, eating all over the world, not to mention the extremely fast attack method of the electromagnetic gun.

At this moment, in other places in Haiyue Cave Mansion, a group of people immediately adapted after the initial passivity.

Many trialists joined together directly. After all, there were too many soldiers, and this time was very different from the trial on the first floor.

It is no longer a question of whether the number of scrolls is enough, but that there are so many scrolls, do you have the ability to kill soldiers and get these falling scrolls.

Those who can come to Haiyue Cave Mansion for trial can be said to be the arrogance among their peers. Whether it is aptitude, understanding, or on-the-spot reaction, they are the best choices.

So soon, the soldiers were killed one by one, and with the death of the soldiers, the dropped scrolls and light clusters, after being obtained by the trialee, their strength increased. In turn, continue to kill these soldiers.

Just like a virtuous circle, the strength of the testers began to expand at an extremely fast speed. Facing the soldiers of the bone-forging level, they no longer fear their hands and feet. Time to grow up faster.

In a lake, Zhuo Tianying's figure suddenly shot out, piercing through a soldier on the shore with his sword. Draw the sword and sweep across, a sword light flashed on the blade, lifting the heads of the four surrounding soldiers one by one.

It wasn't over yet, Zhuo Tianying swayed, flashed two arrows, one person and one sword rushed directly to the camp.

A moment later, Zhuo Tianying held his sword and pointed obliquely at the ground. The camp where there were more than 20 people just now was empty. Zhuo Tianying looked at the **** of light and scrolls floating on the ground around him, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Unknowingly, Zhuo Tianying's cultivation has reached the Marrow Training Realm, and after absorbing the surrounding scrolls again, Zhuo Tianying can break through to the Dirt Training Realm.

Zhuo Tianying still doesn't know who was the first to break through to the Dirty Training Realm, which led to the change of the rules. Zhuo Tianying didn't know what method that person used to improve his cultivation so quickly.

But no matter what, Zhuo Tianying did not give up, he continued to catch up in his own way.

In terms of talent, Zhuo Tianying has never been convinced by anyone. On the Qianlongchufeng list, he can get the first place. Then in Haiyue Cave Mansion today, Zhuo Tianying's goal is still only the first place.

Zhuo Tianying stepped forward, picked up the scrolls and light **** one by one, and comprehended the exercises on the spot. A quarter of an hour later, the scroll above Zhuo Tianying's head shattered, the brilliance fell, and Zhuo Tianying's aura grew a bit.

It was probably stimulated by the results of the first trial just now, Zhuo Tianying became completely serious at this moment, and the speed of comprehending the exercises has actually increased a lot faster.

Known as a rare genius in the Thousand Feathers League for hundreds of years, Zhuo Tianying's understanding is absolutely impeccable. In the past in Fengwu Pavilion, Zhuo Tianying didn't feel any pressure.

All the exercises are in front of him, and there are no secrets at all. No matter how obscure and difficult to understand, Zhuo Tian should study carefully for a few days, and he will always find the way to get started, and finally practice it.

Zhuo Tianying is cultivating seriously, in order to catch up with that unknown first-level trial leader, and so are the others.

Teng Daoxuan no longer kills other testers, all his attention at the moment is focused on **** soldiers and comprehend scrolls.

Before coming to Haiyue Cave Mansion, Teng Daoxuan only regarded Zhuo Tian as his opponent.

Teng Daoxuan didn't know if it was Zhuo Tianying who was the top name on the first floor. But regardless of whether it was Zhuo Tianying or not, the number one on the first floor was much higher than him.

Senseless killings will waste time, Teng Daoxuan wants to recover all the wasted time just now.

While others were trying to catch up, Chen Fei was standing on a hillside, looking into the distance. There, a huge barracks was stationed there.

In Chen Fei's eyes, a huge banner was floating above this barracks, which was not seen in other places. Obviously, the strongest in the barracks is inside.

The best treasure is naturally inside!


Suddenly, the entire Haiyue Cave Mansion trembled slightly, and countless brilliance poured into the barracks ahead from other places, and the aura of the soldiers in the barracks became stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There was a ray of light, which came not far from Chen Fei.

(end of this chapter)