Cultivation Starts From Simplifying The Exercises - Chapter 424

Chapter 424

Chapter 424 The Peak of Aperture Realm

"Master, thank you." Mi Cheng turned to look at Chen Fei, and bowed very seriously to thank you.

Mi Amaranth has been a guide many times, among them there are good people, and there are also people with extremely bad tempers. Some people even take pleasure in teasing or even insulting Mi Cheng.

These rice amaranths can be tolerated, but some people will just find an excuse and not give any money to the rice amaranth.

Obviously it was a good deal at the beginning, and Mi Cheng was also responsible for leading the way, but in the end, he didn't get a penny. If Mi Cheng dared to say a few more words, he would be insulted at least, and punched and kicked at worst.

No one will give Mi Ao a head start. The drainage gang that collects the money is only responsible for taking a commission from these guides. As for the rest, they don't care.

Because of this, Mi Cheng was so happy when he met Chen Fei today.

Chen Fei looked at Mi Cheng bowing, with a smile on his face, working hard to live, believing that hard work will pay off, and persistence will pay off.

Of course the real world is not that simple, but it cannot be said that such an idea is wrong. Because that's the only thing they can do.

As for the others, they are completely out of their control.

"Want to practice martial arts?" Chen Fei said softly.

Mi Cheng's body froze, and she raised her head to look at Chen Fei in disbelief, her body began to tremble slightly, as if there was an excellent opportunity in front of her.

If you miss this time, maybe there will never be a second chance like this in the future.

"Master, I want to practice martial arts!" Mi Cheng nodded vigorously, afraid that if she was too slow, this opportunity would disappear in front of her.

"This is a breathing method. If you learn something, we will have a chance to meet again."

Chen Fei smiled slightly, pointed forward a little, and a practice method of breathing method appeared in Mi Cheng's mind.

It is not the Jishan breathing method that Chen Fei learned at the beginning. The Jishan breathing method is actually very common, and its efficiency in tempering the body is very low.

Even if ordinary people comprehend it to the peak, the effect obtained is extremely limited.

So Chen Fei directly created a breathing method and put it into Mi Cheng's mind. With Chen Fei's current cultivation and attainments, this breathing method can be created almost in a blink of an eye.

The so-called high-rise building is exactly that.

Mi Cheng closed her eyes and tried her best to absorb the information coming from her mind. When Mi Cheng completely absorbed the content of the breathing method and opened her eyes again, Chen Fei had already disappeared.

Mi Cheng bowed deeply again to the position where Chen Fei was standing just now, and when he straightened up, his eyes were already red, and tears fell from his eye sockets.

This is excitement, but also joy. At this moment, Mi Ao seems to feel that her destiny may change differently.

Mi Cheng clenched her fists tightly, then turned and ran towards her house. Not only the food in the lotus leaf bag, but also other things, she wants to tell her parents.

Mi Cheng wants to let her family members feel the joy in her heart.

In the secret room, Chen Fei sat cross-legged, surrounded by strong vitality.

For such a secret room, one low-grade primordial stone a day, I have to say, the price is quite expensive. But just like what Chen Fei saw before, here, there will be no problem with safety.

And the vitality of the world in the secret room is indeed a bit stronger than that of the outside world, which still has a certain promotion effect on cultivation.

The cultivation method of Yuanchen Sword Body flashed in his mind, and the Yuanli in Chen Fei's body began to tremble slightly, moving along a specific route, and Chen Fei's eyes closed slowly.

The eighty-eight acupoints on the Yuanchen sword body are opened, and Chen Fei has successfully opened up eighty-six of them, and only two of them are smelted into the Yuanchen sword manual to achieve a complete exercise.

Thus, when he started practicing, Chen Fei didn't encounter any barriers, and the Yuanli flowed through the acupuncture points very smoothly.

And I don't know if it's because of the Yuanchen sword body, which was deduced bit by bit by Chen Fei. Chen Fei is very clear about the operation and checkpoints in it, so the cultivation is extremely smooth.

It seems that Chen Fei has already comprehended the Yuanchen Sword Body to the level of Dzogchen.

Chen Fei's flesh began to tremble slightly due to the operation of the exercises, and a sharp breath appeared around Chen Fei's body.

This kind of sharpness is similar to the Killing Blade Sword, but the details are completely different. Yuan Chen's sword body is like a container, trying to contain all the power in Chen Fei's body.

According to the general outline of the Yuanchen Sword Code, the Yuanchen Sword Body is indeed the most basic part of the entire exercise, it is the cornerstone and the container.

Chen Fei smelted the six inheritances before, but actually used the Chongyuan Sword and the Shuiyao Sword as the basis of the exercises, allowing the six exercises to be organically combined.

There is nothing wrong with this combination method, but it seems a bit moderate, because the Chongyuan Sword and Shuiyao Sword need to balance the conflicts between the various exercises and run them in.

One result of this is that Chen Fei actually needs to spend a certain amount of energy to make certain trade-offs between the balance of various exercises.

At this moment, with the cultivation of Yuan Chen's sword body, the other six martial arts in Chen Fei's body seemed to have found a real support.

The balance problem that used to require Chen Fei to spend energy, seems to have automatically found a solution at this moment, and it is the optimal solution.

Everything is so natural and natural.

One day, two days or three days, the aura in Chen Fei's body continued to rise, taking advantage of the trend, another one of Chen Fei's acupoints was opened, reaching the position of one hundred and seven.

On the seventh floor of the Yuanchen Sword Code, Chen Fei had already cultivated to Dzogchen before, and the difference was the Yuanchen Sword Body. But now that Yuan Chen's sword body is being cultivated, there is no hindrance, and the acupoints are broken in response to the sufficient supply of elixir.

The majestic power was constantly washing away in Chen Fei's body, and the complete and comfortable artistic conception of Yuan Chen's sword body became more and more obvious.

Yuanchen Sword Body is a body training method. It stands to reason that when Chen Fei practices Yuanchen Sword Body, his physical strength should increase.

But the actual situation is that the Yuanchen sword body makes Chen Fei's body more rounded, but the strength of his body does not see the slightest increase.

Zhenlongxiang has raised Chen Fei's physique to a high level. Although Yuanchen's sword body is extraordinary, it is still much worse than Zhenlongxiang.

However, although the physical strength has not improved, the Yuanchen Sword Body has given Chen Fei a lot of characteristics of a sword cultivator in his physique. Fierce, sharp, and extremely fast, the power of Jian Yuan naturally increases.

Day four, day five, day six, with sufficient resources, let Chen Fei take medicine like jelly beans.

I have to say that it is indeed a very happy thing to be able to take pills at will to promote the growth of cultivation. If it weren't for these sufficient pills, Chen Fei wanted to open up an acupoint, how could it be as simple as it is now.

With the arrival of the sixth day, the last acupoint trembled violently at this moment.

Compared to any other acupoints in the past, this last acupoint is particularly tough. Even if Chen Fei keeps surrounding Yuanli and mind, it seems difficult to open it.

Even with a little force, the last acupoint felt like it was about to be squeezed and broken.

Tough and fragile at the same time, two extremely contradictory feelings are displayed at the same time.

Chen Fei didn't feel anxious at all, and kept washing the acupoints with his energy and mind, squeezing the acupoints bit by bit, without causing any damage to the acupoints.

The degree of sophistication is at its peak. And under Chen Fei's long-awaited consummation of mind and spirit, he showed it with ease.

With the completion of the technique and the completeness of the mind, the opening of this last acupoint may be a difficulty for others, but for Chen Fei, it is just a matter of course.

Mostly, it just takes a little more time, and Chen Fei can afford this time.

On the evening of the seventh day, a fine gap finally appeared in the acupoint that had been in a state of contradiction, and Chen Fei's energy and mind rushed into the acupoint in an instant.

The one hundred and eighth acupoint is finally opened.

Chen Fei's whole body's energy was pulled, and suddenly boiled up, and the 108 acupoints in his body felt a linkage. This feeling is very familiar to Chen Fei, it happened when there were thirty-six and seventy-two.

Now there are 108 acupuncture points, this feeling reappears.

Chen Fei only needs to connect the one hundred and eight acupuncture points together completely, then Chen Fei will truly achieve the pinnacle of the Acupoints Training Realm.

This will be the most powerful state under the Heqiao state, and it is also a preliminary preparation for breaking through the Heqiao state.

Only by letting the acupoints get used to the connected state, will it be possible to integrate all the acupoints into one, and achieve the mystery of the final combination.

There was no pause, no rest, Chen Fei's eyes opened and his hands formed seals.


The one hundred and eight acupuncture points recorded in the Yuanchen Sword Code surged in the body, and all the acupuncture points trembled slightly.

In the late stage of Aperture Realm, the seventy-two acupoints have already been connected together, what needs to be done now is to incorporate the remaining thirty-six acupoints into the whole.

A strand of Yuanli circulated in the seventy-two acupoints, and then burst out with strong force, rushing towards the seventy-third acupoint. The momentum was like a broken bamboo, and the Yuanli in the seventy-third one rushed towards the seventy-fourth one with almost no pause.

One is connected to another, and in the blink of an eye, ninety acupoints are connected with each other. At this position, the connection speed of the acupoints will generally slow down. This time is the time to test one's foundation.

What is Chen Fei's background? Or should I ask, what kind of heritage does the one hundred and eight acupuncture points cultivated in the Yuanchen Sword Code have?

There are a total of seven skills inherited, and the difficulty of practicing the Yuanchen Sword Code is far more difficult than other skills of the same level. And this kind of difficulty, after you have really completed the cultivation, the reward will officially start!

Ninety-one, ninety-two, ninety-three!

Others may have obstacles, but with Chen Fei, in front of Yuanchen Sword Code, such obstacles are impossible and impossible to happen.

Especially, Chen Fei's mental and spiritual powers have already been perfected, and it is inevitable to achieve the pinnacle of the orifices practice.


The connection of the 108 acupoints' energy was completed in an instant, and a brand new whole appeared in Chen Fei's body.

Peak of practice, success!

Chen Fei realized the changes in his body for a moment, and just about to finish his work, the dragon town that had been calm all of a sudden trembled.

Suppressing Dragon Elephant, Suppressing Body and Suppressing God, both operate at the same time, the blood in Chen Fei's body boils at once, as if stimulated by the perfect acupoints, the proficiency of Suppressing Dragon Elephant and Suppressing God has increased rapidly.

It was not far from the Consummation Realm, but at this moment it was a sudden rush.


Like a tremor in the soul, in the body, and as if in nothingness, a hidden acupoint slowly appeared in Chen Fei's body.

(end of this chapter)