Cultivation Starts From Simplifying The Exercises - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Anti-killing

After seven or eight days, Chen Fei's originally thin body slowly grew, and some muscles gradually appeared on his body, and he no longer looked so thin and deceptive.

While Chen Fei was expecting to break through to the skin-practicing realm, the medical center suddenly informed him that he would go to the mountains outside the city to collect herbs.

Early the next morning, a group of handymen from the medical center went out of the city with medicine baskets on their backs and arrived at Pingyin Mountain.

Recently, the outside of the city has not been very peaceful, but the medical center is short of herbs, and it is natural not to refuse to arrange a handyman to go out of the city. Everyone has a task indicator for collecting medicine, and after completing it, they can go down the mountain.

If you can't finish it, you have to go back after three days, but you can't escape a beating.

A group of people scattered into the huge Pingyin Mountain, and soon disappeared.

Chen Fei walked for a while, and saw a medicinal herb, and stepped forward to pick it happily. With the continuous improvement of his cultivation, Chen Fei has not only improved his physical strength recently, but also improved the acuity of his facial features a lot.

At this moment, although Chen Fei is gathering herbs, his ears and eyes pay attention to the surrounding environment from time to time, so as not to be aware of any danger coming.

Although there are no large wild animals in Pingyin Mountain, there are quite a few poisonous insects and snakes. Every time the medicine is collected, many handymen are injured or even die.

Having just picked half of the herbs, Chen Fei's expression suddenly changed, and he rushed forward.

The next moment, an arrow was inserted into Chen Fei's original position. At this moment, the arrow was still trembling slightly, with extremely heavy force. If Chen Fei hadn't avoided it just now, he might have been pierced into his internal organs by the arrow at this moment.

Chen Fei hid behind a big tree, holding a machete in his hand, his heart overflowing with anger, if he moved slower just now, he might be slaughtered now.

"The action is quite fast." A laugh sounded.

"This kid has studied in Jishan Boxing Gym for a while, so he's a little alert." Sha Daxin's voice sounded.

"There are two things, you go to the other side, he can't run today...not good, this kid wants to run, catch up!" Niu Kuo raised his eyebrows slightly, and was about to raise his bow and arrow, but found that Chen Fei was always in the middle of the big trees. Running, hard to lock.

Although Niu Kuo is a hunter and has certain archery skills, he is only at the level of ordinary people. Chen Fei is about to break through now, whether it is physical strength or acuity, he is much stronger than ordinary people.

So when he started to run at this moment, Niu Kuo had no choice but to do anything.

"Chen Fei, why are you as brave as a bitch, why are you running, come and beat me, come and kill me!" Sha Daxin shouted loudly.

Chen Fei didn't respond, and ran in big strides, but within a quarter of an hour, he shook off the two people behind. Chen Fei's expression was cold, it was impossible to let this matter go, but Niu Kuo had a bow and arrow, and with Chen Fei's current strength, he couldn't break through head-on unless his realm improved.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei looked at his panel.

Name: Chen Fei

Occupation: Warrior

Cultivation method: Jishanquan (unintroduced), Jishan breathing method (Dzogchen)

Realm: Warrior (99/100)

"Upgrade soon!"

Chen Fei looked slightly excited. He originally estimated that it would take ten days, but now it seems that it will be earlier. And just now, running and breathing violently, it seems that the speed of the realm improvement is a little faster.

Chen Fei thought that Niu Kuo's attire just now might be a hunter from Pingyin Mountain, and he might be able to find himself by relying on the trail. Chen Fei didn't stay where he was, and ran towards another direction.

Run for a while, rest for a while. After half an hour, Chen Fei stopped because he felt that his body was undergoing drastic changes.

The next moment, the sound of muscles and bones rang out from Chen Fei's body, Chen Fei raised his head involuntarily, a pain came from inside his body, and then a burst of itching went through the flesh.

Fortunately, this feeling only lasted for a moment, and then stopped. A sense of power surged in his body, and Chen Fei clenched his fists subconsciously.

Realm: Skin Training (1/1000)

The panel clearly shows Chen Fei's state at the moment. Chen Fei looks around, and some subtle sounds float into Chen Fei's ears, and Chen Fei can see farther away.

Chen Fei jumped a few times on the spot. I don't know if it's because of the panel, or the Dzogchen breathing method. As soon as he broke through, Chen Fei perfectly controlled his own power.

Strong body, turn, everything is satisfactory, facing the former self at this moment, one punch can knock him down. As for Niu Kuo's bow and arrow? It's just the strength and archery of ordinary people.

Hundreds of meters away.

"This kid is too good at running, we will catch him later, we must torture him first!" Sha Daxin gritted his teeth and said coldly.

"It's not easy to torture people. I'll cut his skin later and pour some honey into the wound to make sure he's comfortable." Niu Kuo laughed loudly.

"Uncle Niu is in trouble this time." Sha Daxin said courteously.

"After taking your money, I should do something."

Niu Kuo Hun didn't care, looked ahead, and said: "Although that kid can run, he must be worried at this moment. We will follow behind slowly, and the energy will kill him."

"I'm afraid he will run back to the hospital."

"I hope he will run down the mountain, but it will be easier to stop him." In Niu Kuo's eyes, killing a person is much easier than killing a beast.

"Uncle Niu is still amazing!" Sha Daxin said with a smile.

"Hahaha, if this happens again in the future, keep looking..."


Before Niu Kuo finished speaking, his face suddenly changed, and he rolled to the side, and a stone the size of a bowl flew over his head.

Niu Kuo got up, and just about to raise his bow and arrow, a figure appeared in front of him at some point, and kicked the bow and arrow in his hand away, Niu Kuo was overturned by a huge force, and fell backward involuntarily go.

"Chen Fei!"

Before Sha Daxin understood what happened, he saw Chen Fei appear, kicked Niu Kuo away, and subconsciously slashed at Chen Fei with the hatchet in his hand.


Chen Fei kicked Sha Daxin in the chest. With a muffled sound, Sha Daxin spurted blood from his mouth. He flew backwards several meters, hit a big tree, and slid on the ground.

"Young man, this is a misunderstanding!"

As the rabbit rose and fell, the form immediately reversed, and Niu Kuo yelled loudly. Chen Fei didn't say a word, and walked to Niu Kuo with strides, and swept the machete in his hand.

Seeing Chen Fei's determination, Niu Kuo's eyes flashed fiercely, a handful of lime appeared in his hand, and he moved towards Chen Fei, and a dagger appeared in the other hand, stabbing at Chen Fei.


A pair of hands flew into the air, and Niu Kuo looked at his arms blankly. The next moment, his neck hurt, the world turned upside down, and finally turned into darkness.

Chen Fei turned around blankly and walked towards Sha Daxin.

"Murder and death, Chen Fei, you will die!" Seemingly knowing that he would not survive, Sha Daxin yelled.

Chen Fei swung his knife and retracted it, while Sha Daxin fell softly aside.

(end of this chapter)