Chapter 71Shut up (2)
"I think that you still need a thorough check-up!" Wu Daozi did care aboutWanDong now.You could see his deep concern from his dignifiedlook at this time !
Wan Dong smiled and was about to reaffirm that he was totally okay now, but Wu Daozi did not give him a chance to speak and rushed to him andtookhis pulse.
Wu Daozi's genuine QI went back and forth for three round in the body of WanDongfor making sure thatWanDong was really okay.After that, heturned to Wu Qiujunand said, "Fortunately, Xu Yaoting has no big harm, otherwise I won't allow youtoleave herealive today!"
Wu Daozi's temper was originally violent, and Wan Dong was a perfect disciple thathe had found hardly for a long time.But he was almost killed by them in front of his eyes.Thus , at this time Wu Daizi could not be more angry, and hisstrong imposingwas all released.
What Wu Daozihad saidmade Wu Qiujunfelt embarrassed and regret. Today, he was willing todraw Wu Daizito his side, yet they hadoffended him deeply. In the future,It wasafraid that they would haveendless troublesbecause of today's event.
"Wu Daozi..." Seeing that Wu Daozi was so care aboutWan Dong, Tang Xinyi was kind of confusedand finally couldn't help but stepped forwardto ask.
However, before Tang Xinyi could finished her words. Wu Daozi's face changed immediately.All thekindness and careto Wan Dong disappearedand replaced by the coldness that made Tang Xinyifeel a little bit nerves.
Tang Xinyicould help but wondered with depression. Since When even Xu Yaotingwhowas only a useless playboy was more likeable thanher. What happened to this world? Tang Xinyi really wanted to ask, but in the face of Wu Daozi, she really dared not.
"Why are you here?" Wu Daozi asked coldly.
"Wu Daozi,sheis the bodyguard that I arrangedfor Xu Yaoting, and she alsolive in the Palaceon weekdays." In a good mood,Xu Wenchuan said with a smile.
"Oh, I see, so the reason why you arranged her into the school as a teacherwasalso to protect Xu Yaoting?" Wu Daozi asked,.
Xu Wenchuan nodded. "Yep!Xu Yaoting has a poor power,soI am afraid that he will have an accident without someone in school."
"Oh, of should be like this!" Wu Daozi nodded, and his eyeslooked at Tang Xinyialsochanged,nocoldnessand disgusted.
"Why don't youtell me early that youare the bodyguard Xu Yaoting? I should apologize for my bad attitude toyou before."
The big change came so suddenly that Tang Xinyi almost dropped herjaw. For a time, her heart was filled with sorrow and joy, but had nocalmanymore.
"Joy"was Wu Daozi's change of attitude towards her. Let her continue to lobby Wu Daozi's idea of supporting the princess and hope. The sad thing is that Wu Daozi's transformation is based on Wan Dong.
This makes Tang Xinyi both shocked and bitter. If Wan Dong really has such influence on Wu Daozi, does that mean that as long as Wan Dong says a word, Wu Daozi will not become a supporter of the princess, but will become a princess. enemy?
For Wu Daozi, Tang Xinyi still has some understanding. Wu Daozi has no interest in the power struggle. Whether it is Baidie's inheritance of the unification or the replacement of Qiu Wanli, it does not mean anything to him. In other words, Wan Dong's proposition is likely to become his Wu Daozi's proposition!
Tang Xinyi involuntarily turned his head and looked at Wan Dong. For the first time in his life, Wan Dong was so important to her!