Chapter 68Wu Daozi Got Angry (2)
The sound caused by the collision between Wan Dong and Wu Qiujun's palmswas not as loud as that betweenXu Wenchuan and Wu Qiujun, but it even more affected the nerves of everyone.
WanDong couldn't support it for almost a second. Hehad already flown out like a broken kitewithhismouth spurted out blood.Such a tragic sceneimmediately caused a surge of great fury of Xu Wenchuan and Wu Daozi.
"Wu Qiujun, you are looking for death!" Xu Wenchuan screamed andreleasedall the cultivation.Hispalms moved quicklyandchanged intothousands of virtual palms in the airtoward the WuQiujun.
Wu Qiujun had expected Xu Wenchuan wouldhave such a reactionso thathe had already prepared for it. Almost at the same time, he also mobilized his genuine QI. Having fight with Xu Wenchuanfor several times, Wu Qiujun hadestablished a very strong confidenceandno longer put Xu Wenchuan in his eyes,thinking of thatXu Wenchuan's offensive wouldbe easily resolved by him as before.
What Wu Qiujun could not think of was that Wu Daozi actually movedwhile Xu Wenchuan shot. And whats more, hisshot was more fiercethan Xu Wenchuan's which seemed like that he couldnot wait for killing him at once.
Wu Qiujun absolutely did not want to be enemies with Wu Daozi. At this time, hewas shocked after he saw Wu Daozi's movement and asked "WuDaozi, what are you doing?"
"You bastard!How dareyou to hurtmy disciple!"
Although Wu Daozi's cultivation was not as good as Xu Wenchuan, there was not much difference. At this time, he hadreleasedall his power so that his imposing was even strongerthan Xu Wenchuan.
The two powerful man of 8thLayer genuine QI joined forces.Even if Wu Qiujun had just broken through the realmof the 9thLayer, heimmediately felt a lot of increasing pressure, makinghim feel a little suffocating.
It was never occuredWu Qiujun thatinjuringXu Yaoting not only angered Xu Wenchuan, but also Wu Daozi. At this time, there was quite a helplessness and even annoyance of'hoist with hisown petard'in his mind.
"Master!" Duan Lengyan was kind of anxious after seeing Wu Qiujun was suppressed by Xu Wenchuan and Wu Daoziinto a difficultsituation.
She wanted to rush up forhelp.But She was slammed back by Wu Daozi's palm when he was just halfway up.
Obviously, Wu Daozi was also absolutely mad at her.This palm at least also condensed his strength of more than 70%which was not the attack that Duan Lengyan could bear!Shewas forced towalk back more than ten stepsand thenstand up with a deep horror.
"WuDaozi, Duan Lengyanwas only a younger generation.Do you needto attack her so heavily?"Wu Qiujun was worried aboutDuan Lengyan who wasalmostkilled by Wu Daozi.
"Humph! Your discipleis a younger generation, so I shouldbe mercifulto her. What about Yaoting? What did you do tohim?" Wu Daozi was really irritated.Withoutwaiting for Wu Qiujun to finish his words , he shouted with huge anger.