Chapter 52Ye Mei Sister (2)
"Well! With you as her big brother, I can really rest myheart."Leng Yuecuifinally relaxed, giggling and saying.
Ye Mei turned and walked to Tang Xinyi,she said"This sister, thank you for your helping."
Ye Mei was really a lovable girl who was polite and tender with a heart of gold. If it wasnot because of this, Tang Xinyi wouldnot try so hard to save herregardless her own safetyjust by a chance acquaintance.
"Don't say that, actually, I... I didn't help youso much." Tang Xinyi was a little embarrassed. If it wasn't for WanDong this time, she couldn't stoppedXiu Wei by her own power, let alone savedYe Mei.
"Not all.If it weren't for you, Ye Meimight not be able to hold on untilwe arrived" It was Wan Dong who was talking.
Before,Wan Dong had no interest inTang Xinyi, and he even had some disgustto her.But today, Tang Xinyi couldtake the great risk ofsavingYe Mei,which had shownthat Tang Xinyi hada heart with a sense of justice. So that Wan Dong's viewof Tang Xinyi had alsochanged dramatically.
"Exactly,Xu brother isright. I should keep yourkindness in the heartforever." Ye Mei said ina serious face.
WhileTang Xinyi was embarrassed, Wan Dong said, "No matter what, you had helpedmy sisterso thatI owe you a favor! If you have any difficulties in the future,you can come to me for asking the help!"
After heard that, she gave a scorn and snorted. "Please, I know clearly that how much power you have.Even if I wereincompetent, I will not askfor your help."
Wan Dong smiled and said, "Miss Tang, Don't be too confidence!In the whole life, Who knows what's gonna happen?And who can guarantee thathe would never ask for help to others?"
With a snort,Tang Xinyi said, "Even if I have toask peoplefor help one day.It will not be you!You can totally rest assured!" After that, Tang Xinyi was triedof talking toWan Dong, so sheturned backand held YeMei's hand, softly said, "Ye Mei, although wehave never met before, but I feel that we are fated to meet togethersince i had seen you. If you want,you canjust callme as a sister!"
"I want, of course I want!" After Tang Xinyivoice just dead away, and Ye Mei shouted cheerfully, "I am really blessed today. It's so great to have both my brother and my sister!"
The innocence and joy of Ye Mei's face made Wan Dong in a good mood.He smiled and nodded.
But Tang Xinyifrowned, and said seriously"Sister, please don't put him withme together, I can't afford to lose the face!"
"Tang Xinyi, what do you mean ?In your eyes, Am ireally so bad?" Wan Dong was really kind of angryand asked with anger.
Because Tang Xinyi helped Ye Mei, Wan Dong's impression of her was greatly changed.Hewas sincere to improve theirrelationship. What he did not expect was that his kindnessin exchange forTang Xinyi's disdainandirony, which really pissed Wan Dong off!