Chapter 42
Chapter 42TheWeapon of The Country
"Xu Yaoting, is there a total of eight routes inthe battle formation?" After a long while, Wu Daozi raised his head and asked Wan Dong.
The reason why it is said that there is no head, because Wu Daozi asked the question,Leng Yuecuicompletely did not understand.
As everyoneknows,usually aarmy wouldbe divided into threeroutes, Navy,Armyand Air force. The corresponding methodwas also composed of three military forces at the same time. theywere intertwined and interspersed to form a superior strengthagainstthe enemyso that they couldexert the power of the battle.But if abattleformationwas composed of8 routesarmy, what kind of scene itwould be? How to cover? How to cooperate? Just thoughtabout it,Leng Yuecui would feel a headache.
Just when theLeng Yuecuiwas confused, Wan Dong nodded seriously. He said, "Right!in this battle formation,i had set up the four armies inall directions, and between the fourarmies, therewerefourheavy cavalries,which formed the 8 routes!"
"Awesome! !"WhileWan Dongwasexplaining,Wu Daozi nodded and the praise on his face became more and more intense.
"Master, what is thearmy,and heavy cavalries... What are you talking about?"Leng Yuecuiwas completely confusedandasked sillyly.
Wu Daozi was very excited at this time. All his thoughts werefocusedon Wan Dong.So hehadn'theardthe questions she asked.
"XuYaoting,it should still have changes in this battle formation for thecombination." Wu Daoziwasreally very happy, unconsciously, evenhe called the name of Xu Yaoting moreaffectionately,
Wan Dongnodded, andhe could notreally admirehim anymore. Wu Daoziscultivationhadreached an unfathomable level. Justby a glance,he couldfind that there stillhad morechangesin thisbattle formation. .
WanDongsaid"You are right! Fourarmies and four heavy cavalriesconstitute eightroutes, eightroutes are scattered into eightsingle army.Thus,left ,right ,front and back, they coulddivide and change,whichformedsixty-fourroutesthat havesixty-four changes!"
"Wow!Great! It'samazing!" As soon as he stopped,Wu Daozi screamedloudlywith excitement,which gave Leng Yuecui a scare.
"XuYaoting, is thisbattle formationreallycreated by yourself?" Wu Daozi couldn't wait to look at Wan Dongand asked.
Wan Dong smiled and said, "Yes,it is my idea. Pleasecorrect it."
"Good! I didn't expect that among my disciples, thereis such a talented person!Such amysterious and fascinatingbattle formation, if not with theamazingimaginationand the supper talent,no one willcreate it!"
"talented?" Wu Daozi's wordsshock Leng Yuecui greatlyagain,could Xu Yaotingdeserve that?
As he got atreasure,Wu looked at themapin his handagain and again,then hefinally said, "XuYaoting,i can give
give you advice afterI carefully ponderedit. But I promise you thatafter correction, it will become apowerfulweapon of the country!"
"The weapon of the country?!" Such a high evaluation, didnot say thatLeng Yuecui, even WanDongwas stunned, thiswassimply the highest evaluation of Wu Daozi gave himaboutthisbattle formation!
On the side,WuYangwas also tooexcitedto speak,hisfists couldnot be tightanymore.
"XuYaoting, you have to listen to me. After you go back, you will immediately destroy the map you have drawn before, and you must not show it!" Wu Daozi looked very seriously and said toWan Dong.
"Master, why ?"Leng Yuecuiasked with a puzzled face.
Wu Daozi glanced at her and said, "You don't know, now the Iron War Dynastywasjust about tofightto dominate the world. If this falls into their hands,itwill bea big trouble forthe soldiers of the Qingyun Empire.
"Master,really?thisbattle formationmade byXu Yaotingis really so powerful?"Leng Yuecuiwasstillnotconvinced.
Wu Daoziigoredherand turned toWan Dong, "This map will be destroyedwhenI bring it backafter i have remembered. You can rest assured."
Wan Dong smiled and said, "i trust you,Master!"
Wu Daozi nodded and looked at Wan Dongs eyes. He was more cordialwith him.XuYaoting, there isstillsomething I
isstillsomething I want to discuss with you...
Wu Daozi actually used the word discuss. If it was not heard byher ouw ears, Leng Yuecui could not believe it.
Wan Dongwas even morescared. He said, "You dont need to say that. Whateveryouask,i will try my best to do!"
"Ha ha ha... So, no matter what Iask foryou,you willsay yes?" Wu Daozi was overjoyed and asked.
"Sure!" Not to mention that Wan Dong respected Wu Daozi,alsoWu Daozi wasan upright man. What he asked for would never be a bad thing.
"Okay!Then in this case,youhave nothing withthat thing, I will personally go to yourfamily and tell your grandfather!" Wu Daozi said with a bigsmile.
Wan Dong was confused, and hehad no idea about whatWu Daoziwantedto discuss with Xu Wenchuan.
"Master, about punishment..."
Wu Daozi had already forgotten this thing for a long time. At this time, he immediately waved his hand and said loudly: "Nopunishment,instead,I want to reward you!As yourSelf-cultivationof military science, its okay for you tonotcometothecollage.Whats more,If you want,you cango directly to my place of residence and discusswith me!"
After listening to Wu Daozi's words, Wan Dong was naturally Dong was naturally surprised. "So,it seems that i willdisturb the Masteroften, and please do notmind."
"Ha ha ha ...i wont, I amexpecting for you come!" Wu Daozifelt more andmore happyso thathe couldnotstopped smiling.
Leng Yuecui really feltkind of jealous, she hasdneverbetreatlike that. Moreover, Leng Yuecui also knewwhatWu Daoziwasgoing todiscuss withXu Wenchuan,it wasabouthe want to acceptWanDong as ainnerdisciple. Because Wu Daozi once said to herthat hewant to find ainnerdiscipleto inherit all his cultivation,so that hewouldnot bring it into the coffin in the future.
And this was alsoLeng Yuecuisdream, but Wu Daozi insisted that women should still serve both the husband and the child.About the battle,thatwas what men should do,so healways disagreed to accepted her as the inner disciple. Whatshedidnt expect was thatit was the most annoying Xu Yaoting who got the opportunityinthe end.Was this a joke that God hadmade with her?
"Wu seniors!"Acrispvoice suddenlysounded.
Followed the voicde,Wan Dong saw Tang Xinyiwas coming.
Tang Xinyiwas coming with smile, andshelooked very respectful. Naturally,she came here forWu Daozi.
Its just the face of Wu Daozi,wasnot brightened by Tang Xinyis respectful attitude,instead hiswhite browwere frowned and showeda impatient expression.....