Chapter 39
Chapter 39 The Anger of Wu Daozi(1)
"Whyare you still hesitating, I'mhelpingyou!" SeeingthatWan Dong frowned without any word, Leng Yuecuiwassome impatience.
WanDong was about torefuse herand suddenlythere was a voice with anger sounded. Xu Yaoting! Where have you been these days?
Wan Dong was shocked and looked up. He saw a manwithwhitehair, but he was tall and sturdyand full of spirits. He walked toward himwith anappearancethat madepeople feel that hewaslikely to eat WanDong.
Leng Yuecuiimmediately quieted downas soon as shemet the old man . Shelooked atWanDong withgloatand whispered, "Xu Yaoting, youhave a big trouble!God bless you." Thenshe retreated to
the sideandwaitedfor a good show.
WuYangwasalsoanervouslookfull of fear.He said toWan Dong: "Bro, old scholars hatethe student whohas absentedhis class, he will notlet you gothis time.You can say more soft words, although it is impossible to get away with it. At leastit canreducesome anger of him!"
Wu YangwasworriedwhileWan Dongwasexcited at this time. The famous Wu Daoziwasin front of himselfnow. Thiswassomething he did not dare to dream before.
Wu Daoziwasabsolutelythe idol of Wan Dong. Many of the military science he hadcreated by himself hadbeen thoroughly studied by Wan Dong. The more in-depth, the more Wan Dongwas impressedbyWu Daozi's wisdomas well as
as the essence of the method.
Did not mentionedWan Dong. Even Wan Haoxiongand Shangguan Feiyunalsopraisedhighly on him. Shangguan Feiyunalwayssaid that Wu Daoziwas equal to100,000soldiers!
Master!BeforeWu Daozigot close to him, Wan Dongboweddeeply and saluted fromthebottomof his heart, .
When Leng Yuecui saw it,there was a sneer showedimmediately, andshe thought thatwhatWan Donghad done was uselessat this time. Wu Daozi's temperament,everyone knew it clearly in the school,He would not buy it surely!
Butit wasstrange, Wu Daozisangeractually had disappeared a lot byWan Dongs salute,andmostlywasreplaced by the surprise.
After sawsuch a strange thing, Leng Yuecui immediatelyrounded hereyes. What's going on here?It wasnot the first timethat Xu Yaoting
Xu Yaoting hadsurprised hertoday.
Wu Daoziwasextremely smart and his life experiencewas alsounprecedentedly rich.With a pair of eagle-like sharp eyes,no matter thetrueor false, no one could cheat him.
The respect shown by Wan Dongwasabsolutely true and therewasno conceit.Being truly respected by one person, whoever hadgreat angermust be eliminateda lotfirst,even Wu Daozi.Only WanDongs behaviorin front of himwas totally different with theimpression of Xu Yaoting. Even if Wu Daozi's eyeswere sharpas knife,he couldneverfind that there was another person inXu Yaotingsbody at this time.So for him,one person suddenlyhadsuch a big change,it was nature to confused.
"You ..." Looking at WanDong, Wu Daozi'sangrywas unable torevealed.Andhe did unable torevealed.Andhe did not know what to sayas well.
"Master,idid not ask you for leave this time. Even if I have millions of reasons, it is also a bigmistake.I amwilling to be punished!"
Without waiting for Wu Daozi tomentionit, Wan Dong first took the initiative to demand apunishment, which greatly exceededWu Daozisexpectations. He got angryandwas ready to punish Wan Dong,but now he had to praise Wan Dong: You...yourattitudeis good. As for punishment...
Facing adisciple with such a good attitude,no matterwho washismaster,wouldreally reluctant to punish. In the interlocution, Wu Daozi was already considering whether or not heshould letWan Donggo.