Cry, Even Better If You Beg - Chapter 87

Chapter 87

The Rule Between Us

They both stood in front of the other, Leyla in shaking rage, while Matthias was calmly regarding her, before his posture relaxed. He put a hand in his pocket before brushing his hair up his forehead as he remembered the letter's contents.

Oh, you mean that. he finally said, breaking the silence between them. He let out a sigh, before giving Leyla an amused smirk, cupping her cheek with his free hand, and gripping it tight when she tried to brush him off once again. It wasn't even a threat. he lightly informed her.

Leyla's eyes widened in incredulity before she scoffed up at him.

If that wasn't a threat then how should I have taken it?!

Matthias shrugged at her.

Maybe advice? he calmly suggested, Or maybe a reminder? he hummed in thought. Leyla only laughed partially in hysterics and disbelief at his audacity.

She had been in a great mood these past few days, being away from him and his presence. Even the day had started out beautiful with their clear blue skies, with a warmer temperature in the middle of winter.

So she had gone on with her business, enjoying her time away from any problems, a time she hadn't had much these past weeks with her being at the beck and call of the Duke. She didn't even receive as much of a note when he left so abruptly after the Crown Prince's visit.

And all of a sudden, it didn't seem far-fetched for her to think that their time was coming to an end! Life was finally beginning to return to her usual peaceful days.

She went out to pick some excellent dried sagebrush, and had gone to bake herself some fresh bread. Right after baking and eating, she had decided to clean her stove, airing out the kitchen as the smell of bread wafted out and about the cabin's kitchen.

All in all, her day had been going great!

Up until the time the inconspicuous car rolled in front of her cabin, sending alarm bells ringing in her head when she recognized the Duke's chauffeur stepping out, and headed for her front door. What else could he be here for, away from the Duke, if it wasn't for her?

She tried blinking back his existence to her imagination, and might have pinched herself in the process. But he was real, and he was in front of her cabin. Hurriedly she answered the door, confirming the dreaded feeling in her gut what this all was for.

Good day, Miss Lewellin,the chauffeur had greeted her when she came to the door,I'd like to inform you that the Duke has requested your presence at the earliest time possible.


You can prepare yourself for a while, but I'm afraid we are in a bit of a hurry.the chauffeur told her kindly, but Leyla's heart was thundering in her chest.

Where did he want to see me?she quickly demanded, narrowing her eyes at the chauffeur, who blinked at her in shock.

I'm to take you to the city, that's where he'll be waiting for you. It's why he sent me here to get you.he supplied helpfully, which immediately got Leyla to shake her head.

No,she whispered, before finding her voice again,No! I refuse to go there!she exclaimed.I'm not going anywhere with you!

The chauffeur regarded her carefully, before he gently pulled out a sealed note from within his breast pocket, and gave it to her as an offering.

I've been given instructions to give this to you as well Miss Lewellin.he told her as she accepted the envelope. Leyla quickly unsealed the letter, glancing through the contents at incredible pace.

His message was clear to her. He was asking her, no, he wasdemandingher to remember why she's in this predicament in the first place.

Do it for Mr. Remmer.

An overwhelming sense of rage and humiliation came over her, neatly tucking the note back in the envelope before it crumpled in her shaking grip. He was treating her like nothing more than a toy, demanding her to do things according to his wishes, to go places he ordered her to go without further ado!

It was supposed to be a relationship between just the two of them, but it seemed like he had no qualms revealing it to others after all. She never expected him to disregard her feelings as if they did not even matter.

And it hurt her.

She didn't want to go. She wanted to defy him, and make him wait for nothing! Except

Do it for Mr. Remmer.

She was left with no choice but to do it. For her uncle's sake, she will have to come to him, no matter how humiliated she was feeling right now. And that's why she moved, with no further ado, she got in the car despite the chauffeur questioning her appearance.

She thought it was better for him to see him in such a measly manner. He'd bore of her quicker once he's reminded just how different and below she was of him. It's her last act of pride before she'd be fed to the lion for slaughter.

Though she couldn't help but think of him cackling in amusement at her pathetic state too, and that made beads of sweat roll down her back.

Shouldn't a noble man like you be knowledgeable of things such as honor, dignity and common decency?! she spewed at him, How callous can you be?! Using Uncle Bill like that against me!?

Still, Matthias seemed to be unbothered by her ire, and it stung her.

I know if I didn't remind you, you wouldn't have gotten in that car and come to me. Matthias explained coolly, still looking at her in that soft, unfamiliar gaze in his cerulean eyes. It wasn't meant to be a threat, Leyla. It never was.

Oh, forgive me for jumping to conclusions! How very gentlemanly of you to remind me! she replied sarcastically. Matthias only chuckled in amusement at her, and gave her a once over.

Well, you're looking quite the exceptional Lady right now, my mistress. he smirked at her, So it's only proper I become the perfect gentleman for you. he said in the low baritone, sending shivers up her spine at how husky he sounded.

'I should stomp on his foot to make a point!'Leyla thought belatedly to herself.

She held his wrists tightly with both hands, resolute in glaring at him straight in the eye, until a knock resounded in the room. Fear seized Leyla's heart as she immediately thought to hide from the incoming guest, yet Matthias had no such qualms.

Come in. He invited coolly, ignoring Leyla's look of panic, and casually sat back down on the sofa. Not a moment later, a maid swung the door open, pushing into the room a food-filled tray cart. Leyla immediately scooted towards the windows to retreat further into herself.

Her movement caught the maid's attention, who seemed to flush in embarrassment at her dirty state. Fortunately, she made no comment, and continued to set out their food in a timely and efficient manner.

When she was done, she excused herself right away, smiling gently as she bowed respectfully at them, leaving them alone once more. Leyla couldn't help but scoot closer to Matthias after the maid had gone away.

What's this for? she couldn't help but ask him.

On the table, there was food set. It had warm tea, along with an array of delicious food, that could be enough for two people to share. Matthias only gestured at the table.

What else do you think? he asked her in faint amusement, mixed with a little teasing. He caught sight of the single piece of cake he had ordered Mark to add. It had a pink cream filling, and elaborately designed with pink and white icings.

Mark Evers was getting more efficient in his job. He did well today.

Matthias went to grab the plate, and held it out for Leyla to take.

This one is for you. he told her plainly, making Leyla grab it dumbly, Make sure to eat it this time. he ordered her before he laid back down on the sofa.

What are you doing? Leyla wondered in confusion as she watched him throw an arm over his eyes as he settled on the sofa.

Wake me up in two hours. he ordered her, while Leyla could only continue to watch him.


When she received no reply, she put the cake down on the table and got around the sofa to hover over him.

What are you doing right now?! she hissed at him in confusion. Matthias only hummed in reply, content in letting her go unanswered, but she hovered persistently over him.

Well, seeing as you're my beautiful Lady right now, I should only treat you like one. He answered plainly, still keeping his eyes closed in an attempt to catch up on some much needed rest.

I don't even want to be your lady!

It's a nice thought though, wouldn't you agree?

You're not making any sense! Leyla complained, What are you talking about?!

Well, if you're so adamant on not being my Lady, then I shouldn't have to act like your gentleman either. he told her in a drowsy manner, Isn't that the unspoken rule between us? he finally opened up an eye to stare up at her.

Leyla felt her body freezing in response despite his vulnerable position. How could he have this much power over her?

You're staying rather suspiciously over there, Matthias commented lightly, Planning to kill me while I sleep? he inquired. Leyla only frowned down at him as she took a deep breath.

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks

I'm thinking about it. she glared at him haughtily.

Well, make sure you succeed then. He softly challenged, Because once you fail, it's my turn next. He gave her a miniscule grin, before shutting his eyes closed once more, finally falling into a world of sleep, with the warm afternoon glow basking them both in its fading light.

Leyla could only stand there in hopelessness as she watched him drift into sleep. She could never understand him, not his words, nor the actions he'd done. He was beyond her comprehension. He was the one who invited her over, evenremindedher why she had to come.

And now he sets out a table filled with her favorite food, and falls asleep.

She half expected this to be just another ploy to get her to lower her defenses, but it seemed like he really was asleep by the way his breathing slowed down to a rhythmic sound.

He really was an unbelievable person.

Claudine had spent the time alone with her maid embroidering. Something about the measured movements gave her a sense of calm despite how stormy her thoughts had become lately. Her movements then stilled, as a new thought came to mind.

I've decided I want to go see Leyla after all, Mary. she calmly told her aide, whose eyes widened in surprise at her mistress' words. Claudine had then set aside her embroidery as she demurely laid her hands over her lap, to listen to Mary's thoughts on her decision.

But what for, my Lady? Mary inquired worriedly, Has she done something again? Claudine just smiled at her and shook her head.

No, she hadn't done anything, she patted her aide's hand to calm her down, I just want to invite her over to apologize. she said in a warm voice, but her eyes held an icy look.

The thought just wouldn't let her be.

The Duke had outwardly embarrassed her, just because she had Leyla be temporarily employed as her aide. The others might not have seen it that way, but Claudine could tell he wanted to humiliate her. And now, despite the outward pleasantries they showcased around other people, he was mostly indifferent to her.

If Matthias would really bore of her soon, he wouldn't have gone to such lengths. Which made her believe he did in fact, figured out his growing attachment to the girl.

Do invite her over for some tea with me here. She smiled at Mary. I would like to properly apologize for that last incident.

But my Lady, I've already apologized! You don't have to lower yourself for her- Claudine held a hand up to silence her aide.

Do understand me, she held her aide's hands in hers, Do this for me, please? she stared at Mary imploringly.

Mary searched her mistress' eyes for an unspoken meaning, before she finally understood her mistress' wishes. Mary shut her protests down firmly and bowed respectfully at her Lady.

If you wish it so, my Lady. she solemnly promised, before dismissing herself to quickly do her task. Claudine smiled to herself at seeing her servant's retreating back, before resuming in her stitching.

Matthias might be difficult to read, but Leyla was the easiest. She wore her expressions as plain as day, which is why so many are so entranced with her. She was absolutely transparent. She was looking forward to seeing her again.

Upon her servant's arrival, Claudine paused, and set her stitching aside once more, looking for Leyla. Mary looked at her apologetically.

I'm sorry to have failed in bringing her, my Lady, Mary began as she bowed to her, But it seems Miss Lewellin is away. Claudine looked rather shocked by that piece of information.


I've stood outside her cabin and knocked multiple times when I couldn't get an answer. Mary nodded immediately, I even went around the back, thinking I could see her outside, but it seemed like the cabin was empty.

Mary looked up nervously towards her mistress, whose face turned dark momentarily before she gave Mary an understanding smile.

Well, it seems like she really is away for the moment. Claudine sighed, and leaned back on her chair, tapping her fingers on the arm rest. Perhaps you can try some time later, see if she's back by then and invite her over.

My Lady, must you really see her today?

Yes. The reply came colder than expected, before Claudine smiled at her stiffly, Yes. I will see her tonight if I have to. she replied calmer this time.

Unbidden thoughts came to mind at the implications of Leyla being away. But if she wasn't to return even if the night fell upon them, then she didn't know what else to think.

'Matthias couldn't be so brazen. He wouldn't!'Claudine hissed to herself as her grip on the armrest tightened.

Sometime in the middle of her thinking, Leyla had fallen right asleep after the Duke had. When her eyes snapped open, the room had gone completely dark. She was certain it had been way past the two hour mark the Duke told her to wake him in.

She carefully got up from the seat across the Duke, and tiptoed towards the lamp. She hesitated for a moment, before turning the lamp on, wincing when light flooded into her eyes.

She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the brightness before her eyes fell on the Duke, still sound asleep, even as the light blanketed him in its soft glow. He was still in the same position he'd been when she last saw him.

She couldn't help but wonder if she should wake him up now?

She quickly glanced at the wall clock in the room, before quietly returning to the seat she had slept in. Waiting around for him to wake up made her restless. But she also didn't want to disturb the tranquility she felt around this quiet time she gained.

Quietly, she removed the apron around her waist, folding it neatly on an empty surface, before looking around. She rubbed her arms as she hugged herself, feeling the biting cold seeping into her frame.

Her eyes were drawn back to the food-filled table, the tea having gone cold so long ago.

She refused to eat it in a foolish act of defiance, now all the food prepared had gone cold. Her eyes then glanced at the single piece of cake he specifically set out for her, making her heart skip a beat as she stared at it.

Suddenly, her stomach rumbled, making her remember that breakfast was the last thing she ate before being whisked away to the central city. She could just as well go out and eat something to warm her up, but she had left without much thought but to come here so she had no money.

She was also unfamiliar with the area, so that idea was terrible from the start.

But she also didn't want to stay waiting for him to wake up.

She thought about why he specifically asked her to wake him up in two hours. What was he planning to do in two hours? Suddenly, she found herself in a predicament, but decided not to pay much attention to it.

Why should she care what he was planning about? He wouldn't even bother thinking about her own plans, and just kept making her life miserable! If she worried about him too, she'd just drive herself insane.

Her stomach grumbled again, finally making her give in to eating the cake. It would be a good compromise, now that she thought about it. It might have been from the Duke, but eating it would keep her mind off him.

However, keeping an eye on him as she ate also seemed a little counter productive. She licked the cream off her lips, as well as the fork, before setting the half-eaten cake back on the table, when the Duke finally tossed in his sleep, making her freeze.

She waited in bated breaths, before sighing softly in relief when his eyes resolutely remained closed. She dropped her hands unthinkingly, before she hit the fork by the edge of the table, making it fall on the floor with a soft thud.

She cursed herself softly for her carelessness before kneeling down in front of the Duke to pick up the fallen utensil without a second thought. Belatedly, she thought about how pitiful she looked right now and glanced back at the Duke's sleeping face in panic!

As if sensing her presence, Matthias' eyes suddenly fluttered open making Leyla freeze just when she was about to grab the fork.

Matthias woke up a little unfocused. He could see Leyla right in front of him, but with the lamp behind her, he could faintly see her in the dark. Why was it so dark? He belatedly discovered night had fallen between them.

His eyes narrowed at wondering why he wasn't woken up earlier.

His immediate response was to grab onto Leyla's wrist, who immediately squealed in fright as she struggled to stand up, grabbing onto the fork as she tried to get away from him! The fork glinted harshly in Matthias' eyes, before falling back on the floor once more.

Matthias refused to get up though, opting instead to hold Leyla down as he regarded her critically. Leyla felt flushed with his eyes upon her, feeling as though she was a child whose parents caught her hand in the cookie jar.

She began to avoid his gaze.

There was that amused glint in his eyes once more as he stared at her. Her flush deepened in embarrassment. All she does is bring him more amusement!

She struggled to rip her hand off his grasp, but Matthias gave her a strong tug, making her stumble on top of him, her body sprawling over his prone form. He wasted no time in wrapping his arms around her, sighing contentedly in her ear.

She squirmed on top of him, her body writhing on him in a futile attempt to get away, but he held onto her tighter. He twisted them around, before Leyla found herself on her back against the sofa, trapped beneath Matthias' broad body.

She looked up, ready to give him more pieces of her mind, when she fell speechless with his intense look on her. She struggled to avert her eyes, but it proved to be difficult, when she just kept getting hypnotized in the blue pools of his gaze.