It had been another tiring week at work for Hayley, she had been working her a.s.s off because of the recent product launch. She hadn't meet or seen Aaron for a week and she would be lying to herself if she says that she didn't miss him but she knows he can't be with her because of his personal commitments. On the other hand Aaron was trying to finish his work for this week and next as soon as possible so he could take two days off to be with Hayley. He knew it was time for them to talk and spend some time together.
It was start of weekend and Hayley was looking forward to lazing around in her bed and not coming out of it for two days unless or until it was absolute necessary. But when she reached her apartment and unlocked it she saw lights of the apartment were on and there was someone inside and there was some noise coming from kitchen when she went towards kitchen the view meet her eyes shocked her. She saw Aaron cooking , Aaron cooking when this thought crossed Hayley her eyes went big. Aaron sensed someone presence in the house and turned to Hayley standing at the door of kitchen. "you are back" called out Aaron and this took out Hayley from her revive. That smile on Aaron's face made Hayley heart skip a beat. How good it will be to come home to this cooking and smiling Aaron this thought crossed Hayley's mind. "dinner is almost ready, go freshen up and then we have dinner" said Aaron and motioned Hayley to go into her room and freshen up. When Hayley came out from her bedroom after changing into her Pj's she saw Aaron had already set up the dinner table. She took her seat and then they both started to eat in silence.
After having dinner and knowing that it was next day Hayley was in no hurry to go to bed but she didn't know if Aaron wanted to stay or leave or did he have some work. Aaron could see confusion on her face "I have weekend off and I want to stay here for the night if you don't mind" he said.
Staying in one place at night what did that mean, Hayley thought. Hayley was not an orthodox but she was not ready for something's. Aaron could sense reluctance in Hayley's eye but he thought he had to be shameless and took seat beside her on the sofa and turned on television and started switching channels.