Occasionally a man had ridden into the yard late at night for private talk with Stone, and Curly was morally certain that the man was the little cowpuncher Dutch of the Circle C.
Through it all Curly wore a manner of open confidence. The furtive whisperings did not appear to arouse his curiosity, nor did he intercept any of the knowing looks that sometimes were exchanged. But all the time his brain was busy with questions. What were they up to? What was it they had planned?
Stone and Blackwell rode away one morning. To Curly the word was given that they were going to Mesa. Four days later Soapy returned alone. Lute had found a job, he said.
"That a paper sticking out of your pocket?" Flandrau asked.
Soapy, still astride his horse, tossed the _Saguache Sentinel_ to him as he turned toward the stable.
"Lie number one nailed," Curly said to himself. "How came he with a Saguache paper if he's been to Mesa?"
Caught between the folds of the paper was a railroad time table. It was a schedule of the trains of the Texas, Arizona & Pacific for July. This was the twenty-ninth of June. Certainly Soapy had lost no time getting the new folder as soon as it was issued. Why? He might be going traveling. If so, what had that to do with the mystery agitating him and his friends?
Curly turned the pages idly till a penciled marking caught his eye. Under Number 4's time was scrawled, just below Saguache, the word Tin Cup, and opposite it the figures 10:19. The express was due to leave Saguache at 9:57 in the evening. From there it pushed up to the divide and slid down with air brakes set to Tin Cup three thousand feet lower. Soapy could not want to catch the train fifteen miles the other side of Saguache. But this note on the margin showed that he was interested in the time it reached the water tank. There must be a reason for it.
Stone came back hurriedly from the corral, to find Curly absorbed in the Sentinel.
"Seen anything of a railroad folder? I must a-dropped it."
"It was stuck in the paper. I notice there's liable to be trouble between Fendrick and the cattle interests over his sheep," the reader answered casually.
"Yep. Between Fendrick and Cullison, anyhow." Stone had reclaimed and pocketed his time table.
Incidentally Flandrau's doubt had been converted into a lively suspicion.
Presently he took a gun, and strolled off to shoot birds. What he really wanted was to be alone so that he could think the matter over. Coming home in the dusk, he saw Stone and young Cullison with their heads together down by the corral. Curious to see how long this earnest talk would last, Curly sat down on a rock, and watched them, himself un.o.bserved. They appeared to be rehearsing some kind of a scene, of which Soapy was stage director.
The man on the rock smiled grimly. "They're having a quarrel, looks like.... Now the kid's telling Soapy to go to Guinea, and Soapy's pawing around mad as a bull moose. It's all a play. They don't mean it. But why?
I reckon this dress rehearsal ain't for the calves in the corral."
Curly's mind was so full of guesses that his poker was not up to par that night. About daybreak he began to see his way into the maze. His first gleam of light was when a row started between Soapy and Cullison. Before anyone could say a word to stop them they were going through with that identical corral quarrel.
Flandrau knew now they had been preparing it for his benefit. Cranston chipped in against Sam, and to keep up appearances Curly backed the boy.
The quarrel grew furious. At last Sam drove his fist down on the table and said he was through with the outfit and was going back to Saguache.
"_Yo tambien_," agreed Curly. "Not that I've got anything against the horse ranch. That ain't it. But I'm sure pining for to bust the bank at Bronson's.
'Round and round the little ball goes, Where it will land n.o.body knows.'
I've got forty plunks burning my jeans. I've got to separate myself from it or make my roll a thousand."
The end of it was that both Sam and Curly went down to the corral and saddled their ponies. To the last the conspirators played up to their parts.
"d.a.m.ned good riddance," Stone called after them as they rode away.
"When I find out I'm doing business with four-flushers, I quit them cold,"
Sam called back angrily.
Curly was amused. He wanted to tell his friend that they had pulled off their little play very well. But he did not.
Still according to program, Sam sulked for the first few miles of their journey. But before they reached the Bar 99 he grew sunny again.
"I'm going to have a talk with Laura while I'm so near," he explained.
"Yes, that will be fine. From the way the old man talked when I was there, I expect he'll kill the fatted yearling for you."
"I don't figure on including the old man in my call. What's the use of having a friend along if you don't use him? You drift in ... just happen along, you know. I'll stay in the scrub pines up here. If the old man is absent scenery, you wave your bandanna real industrious. If he is at home, give Laura the tip and she'll know where to find me."
The owner of the ranch, as it happened, was cutting trail over by Agua Caliente.
"Do you want to see him very bad, Mr. Flandrau?" asked Miss Laura demurely.
"My friends call me Curly."
"I meant to say Curly."
"That's what I thought. No, I can't say I've lost Mr. London."
"You inquired for him."
"Hmp! That's different. When I used to come home from the swimming hole contrary to orders, I used to ask where Dad was, but I didn't want to see him."
"I see. Did you just come down from the horse ranch?"
"You've guessed it right."
"Then I'm sorry I can't ask you to 'light. Dad's orders."
"You've got lots of respect for his orders, haven't you?" he derided.
"Yes, I have." She could not quite make up her mind whether to laugh or become indignant.
"Then there's no use trying to tell you the news from the ranch."
A smile dimpled her cheeks and bubbled in her eyes. "If you should tell me, I suppose I couldn't help hearing."
"But I'm trying to figure out my duty. Maybe I oughtn't to tempt you."
"While you're making up your mind, I'll run back into the kitchen and look at the pies in the oven."
Curly swung from the saddle, and tossed the bridle rein to the ground. He followed her into the house. She was taking an apple pie from the oven, but took time to be saucy over her shoulder.
"I'm not allowed to invite you into the house, sir."
"Anything in the by-laws about me inviting myself in?"
"No, that wasn't mentioned."
"Anything in them about you meeting one of the lads from the horse ranch up on the hillside where it is neutral ground?"