Crazy Leveling System - Chapter 1020

Chapter 1020

Chapter 1020

After they all knew who their opponent was, they immediately headed toward the Fighting Arena to start the 3



I got Earth Monarch Tian Qing one of the cultivators said as his legs trembled. He really didnt expect that he would be matched-up against Earth Monarch Tian Qing. Obviously he knew that he had no chance of winning.

Others just looked at the cultivator with sympathy. Almost all of them didnt want to encounter Earth Monarch Tian Qing themselves and most of them didnt want to encounter Earth Monarch Tianyun too. The cultivators knew that reaching and withstanding the final level of the Heavenly Tribulation stage earlier wasnt just a fluke. It was skills that they didnt have at the moment.

At the same time, the fighting arena began was divided into more than 70 small venues for the cultivators to fight on. As the fighting arena was already s.p.a.cious to begin with, this wasnt even a problem to do.

If you want to surrender, you just have to leave the arena! You also lose if your opponent somehow drives you out of the arena! Elder Gou Huang explained some rules. Now, in terms of the duel itself, there would be no restrictions! As long as you can win against your opponent, then nothing else matters. Elder Gou Huang said with a smile on his face.

This was what the cultivators wanted to hear about the most as they really wanted to go all out.

Now, the reward for this stage! If you can get to the top 10, you can join our Five Great G.o.d Domain! But we will pick you ourselves, you will not have the right to pick wheich G.o.d Doman you would join. As for the rank 11


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, if we consider you have potential, you will have the chance to get picked by us. Elder Gou Huang said solemnly.

Now, there would be other rewards that you will get later, but it all depends on your final performance! But for now, let the fighting compet.i.tion officially start! Elder Gou Huang announced. The fighting compet.i.tion officially began and each G.o.d Domain paid extra attention to their own cultivators. While some of the G.o.d Domain that had already lost all of their cultivators could only watch the event in silent.

I feel sorry for you, your Fire Jade G.o.d Domains representative is up against our cultivator! Its too bad that she would be eliminated in the first round. Heavenly Edict Territory Lord couldnt help but taunt Fire Jade Territory Lord a little. They had been ridiculed for so long and thus, it was refres.h.i.+ng to swap side like this.

The fighting compet.i.tion has just started and its not set in stone yet! You better not get ahead of yourself too soon, Heavenly Edict Territory Lord! Fire Jade Territory Lord said coldly. He obviously wouldnt just admit defeat

It isnt set in stone, yes! But your cultivator is already doomed! Heavenly Edict Territory Lord said as he laughed heartily.

In the Fighting Compet.i.tion, Yi Tianyun was facing Yu Qingling. A woman that earned Yi Tianyuns disgust with her charm technique earlier.

Charming Time and s.p.a.ce! Yu Qingling said as her eyes suddenly burst into a multi-colored light. She also burned her blood essence and used all blessing available to her. In addition to that, she also took out a few Medicinal Pills and stuff it into her mouth.

It wasnt a Violent Medicinal Pill, but Fascinating Divine Pills. It was a medicinal pill that enhanced her enchanting skills greatly. Obviously, she wanted to charm Yi Tianyun from the start of the fight.

In an instant, the s.p.a.ce around the fighting arena they were in was covered with colorful lights.

I am using everything to charm you to my will! Yu Qingling said as she screamed and created an illusion to enchant Yi Tianyun. Countless beautiful women appeared out of nowhere and started to embrace Yi Tianyun while on the side, a bunch of treasures piled up.

This was Yu Qinglings charm s.p.a.ce and she could create anything to charm her opponent to her will.

You will die inside your most wonderful dream! Yu Qingling said as she saw Yi Tianyun just stand on his spot without doing anything,which led her to believe that Yi Tianyun had fallen into her charm.

d.a.m.n, Yi Tianyuns cultivation is too fast! Will his foundation be stable enough to resist it? Nian Ciyu said worriedly. She was worried that Yi Tianyun would develop cultivation deviation and thus, it was easy to fall into other cultivators charm.

They could see that Yu Qingling was using all of her abilities to enchant Yi Tianyun and they knew that not even a Heaven Monarch Cultivator would be able to resist Yu Qinglings charm for long. Heavenly Edict Territory Lord was worried too as he didnt know how Yi Tianyun would be able to resist the Charm.

Elder Gou Huang had said that anyone who managed to defeat either Yi Tianyun or Earth Monarch Tian Qing would be eligible to join the Five Great G.o.d Domain without any condition. Now, Yu Qingling seemed to have a good opportunity to do exactly that.

That brat definitely used some trick to withstand the Heavenly Tribulation earlier! He wont be able to escape Yu Qinglings charm! That brat would die here! Fire Jade Territory Lord laughed as he thought that Yi Tianyun would lose here and they would reap the reward themselves.

Heavenly Edict Territory Lord just bit his lips worriedly as he couldnt do anything.

Let me see what your inner world looks like! Yu Qingling said as she walks towards Yi Tianyun casually. Her eyes still released a colorful lights as she worried that she wouldnt be able to control Yi Tianyun otherwise.

She still remained cautious as she didnt want to lose this match. She would kill Yi Tianyun after she satisfied some of her curiosity. But still, she thought that there was no way Yi Tianyun would be able to escape her clutches this time.