Propagando-(n) Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a particular political cause. Propaganda.
Soros poured millions into the illusory mandate effort, mobilizing the institutions he had funded and recruiting other philanthropies, such as the Pew Charitable Trust, to get behind his crusade. He also contributed money to Senator John McCain, the politician leading the reform efforts-which paid off in 2002 with the passage of the McCain-Feingold Act.
The new campaign finance law banned "soft" money, stripping the two major political parties of their financial base. This funding vacuum provided Soros with the perfect opportunity to create a "Shadow Party," which would funnel massive amounts of capital into organizations that would assume the role that political parties traditionally played in electoral campaigns. These organizations (which are used by both parties) are called 527s and they would be tasked with conducting the political "air war" through media buys and the "ground war" through get-out-the-vote efforts.
An equally important impetus behind Soros's creation of the Shadow Party was the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks upon the United States. Soros did not see these attacks as indications that religiously motivated enemies had declared war on the West. Instead he complained about "American supremacy" and "growing inequality between rich and poor, both within countries and among countries." His solution was, naturally, to subordinate American sovereignty to the will of the rest of the world. He wrote that "[a] global open society requires affirmative action on a global scale."
Soros took advantage of that perceived opportunity in a big way. There was no official press release when the Shadow Party was born on July 17, 2003, at Soros's estate in Southampton, Long Island. But it was a momentous event, creating the largest and most powerful political juggernaut in American history. Among those present at its founding were former secretary of state Madeleine Albright, former White House chief of staff John Podesta, Carl Pope, executive director of the Sierra Club, and Andy Stern, former head of the SEIU public employees union, along with billionaires like Progressive Insurance mogul Peter B. Lewis.
September 11: An "Unusual Opportunity"
Like other progressives, Soros believed that you should never let a serious crisis go to waste. In his mind, 9/11 provided an opportunity to move his agenda forward much faster than might otherwise be possible. He wrote: September 11 has shocked the people of the United States into realizing that others may regard them very differently from the way they see themselves. They are more ready to reassess the world and the role that the United States plays in it more than in normal times. This provides an unusual opportunity to rethink and reshape the world more profoundly than would have been possible prior to September 11.
Soros regarded the "war on terror" that President Bush had declared as the heart of the problem and promised to devote every penny he had to defeat Bush in the 2004 elections. "America under Bush is a danger to the world," he declared in 2003. "And I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is." Based on the election results, I guess Soros bezonas pli monon. (In case you're still not fluent in Esperanto, that means: "needed more money.") *
The Shadow Party, which would spend hundreds of millions of unofficial dollars on the 2004 presidential campaign, consisted of a network of seven 527 organizations. The ground war was orchestrated by a variety of people and groups, including leaders of the left-wing government unions and the Center for American Progress, headed by Podesta. The air war was run by the Media Fund, headed by Clinton operative Harold Ickes, and, the Internet fund-raising and agitation group created by West Coast billionaire Wes Boyd.
Another component, "America Votes," referred to by one of its staffers as a "monster coalition," was designed to coordinate the efforts of all the left-wing groups working at the grassroots level to defeat Bush-from ACORN to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, from the Sierra Club to the American Federation of Teachers and the Service Employees International Union.
Lessons in Esperanto
Malnobla-(adj) Deserving contempt. Despicable.
True to his word, Soros contributed $23,700,000 of his personal funds to the campaign effort during the 2004 election cycle. The Campaign Finance Reform Act, which Soros had engineered, and which was marketed to the public as legislation that would take money out of the political system, had instead resulted in an avalanche of money coming into politics-and the lion's share of that money was directed by Soros himself.
When the ballots were counted in the 2004 elections, the Shadow Party came within a few thousand votes in Ohio of pulling off a victory. But, even in defeat, its alteration of the American political landscape was profound.
By pushing campaign finance reform, Soros had cut off the Democrats' soft money supply; by forming the Shadow Party, he had provided the Democrats with an alternative source of funding-one that he, and the institutions he created, controlled; and by controlling the money, George Soros was finally in a position to define the agenda of the party.
Lessons in Esperanto
Malprospero-(adj) Lack of success. Failure.
But most important of all, by controlling campaign resources, Soros was able to begin purging those campaigns of the small minority of moderates who remained. The polarization of the political parties, and of America as a whole, was about to be fully unleashed.
In April 2005, Soros called another summit of the wealthy and powerful to prepare for the next presidential campaign. Seventy well-heeled progressive activists met in Phoenix to form the Democracy Alliance.
The Alliance would become the most exclusive of all the Shadow Party institutions. Members were obligated to pay an initial $25,000 fee, plus $30,000 in yearly dues, and were also required to donate at least $200,000 annually to groups endorsed by the Alliance. This was a gathering of the top 1 percent of the top 1 percent. Donors were to "pour" these requisite donations into four different categories: leadership, civic engagement, ideas, and media.
Over the next three years, the Democracy Alliance established subchapters in all fifty states. Just two months after the Democratic Party won control of both houses of Congress in the 2006 midterm elections, Soros and then-SEIU president Andrew Stern created a PAC called "Working for Us," whose goal was to eliminate Democratic Party moderates and to "collaborate with those who worked so hard to elect a progressive Congress, including state and local activists, the netroots and progressive organizations."
A year after its formation, the Democracy Alliance launched a 527 initiative called the "Secretary of State Project." The idea was to win secretary of state elections in crucial "swing" states where the margin of victory in the 2004 election cycle had been 120,000 votes or less. At this point you might be thinking that Soros and the Alliance had gone senile. Who targets secretary of state elections? But there was a method to their madness: The secretary of state is the chief election officer of each state. They are responsible for certifying candidates and election results. Are you starting to see why Soros was interested?
Alliance or Empire?
Working for Us published the names of what it called the "Top Offenders" among congressional Democrats who failed to support such leftist priorities as "living wage" legislation-a socialist program to raise the minimum wage to potentially unlimited levels-the proliferation of government labor unions, and a single-payer government-owned health-care system.
One of the project's first successes came in Minnesota where Mark Ritchie, an activist supported by ACORN, was elected secretary of state with the Alliance's help. Two years later, when Norm Coleman, the incumbent Republican senator, finished 725 votes ahead of Democratic challenger Al Franken, the thin margin of victory triggered an automatic recount. With Ritchie presiding, and ignoring what John Fund from the Wall Street Journal described as a series of "appalling irregularities" (in one case, at least 393 convicted felons voted illegally in two particular Minnesota counties), Coleman's lead gradually dwindled. "Almost every time new ballots materialized or tallies were updated or corrected, Franken benefited," wrote Matthew Vadum. When the recount was over, Franken had eked out a 312-vote lead and was officially declared the victor.
Lessons in Esperanto
Stelo-(adj) The action or crime of stealing. Theft.
The Democracy Alliance had bought itself a United States senator.
Later that week, Soros announced that he would support Obama for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination. The Obama campaign was soon staffed, funded, and promoted by personnel from the forces Soros had welded into the Shadow Party juggernaut: the left-leaning public employees unions, the progressive billionaires, and the ACORN radicals from Project Vote.
When Obama was elected, members of the Soros coalition immediately began showing up in high-level jobs in the new administration: Van Jones, who headed the Soros-funded Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, spent six months as the new president's "green jobs czar" before revelations about his background forced him to resign and take up a position at the Soros-funded Center for American Progress.
Carol Browner was named by Obama as his "environment czar." Browner was a board member of the Alliance for Climate Protection, the Center for American Progress, and the League of Conservation Voters, all funded by Soros.
David Axelrod, Obama's campaign manager, and recipient of over $200,000 from the Shadow Party's Media Fund, was appointed as the president's political adviser. He was later named the media and communications director of Obama's 2012 reelection campaign.
Anna Burger, vice chair of the Soros Democracy Alliance, and top SEIU executive, was appointed to the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board.
Kevin Jennings, founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, a Boston-area organization that Soros helped fund, was named "safe school czar."
Andy Stern, who headed the SEIU, the second-largest labor organization in America, and a key figure in the Shadow Party through America Votes, was among the most frequent visitors to the White House in Obama's first term.
Almost everywhere you looked in the new administration you would find members of the Soros inner circle, beneficiaries of the Soros "charities," and operatives from the Shadow Party. And, not coincidentally, as soon as the Obama administration took over, the White House began to roll out policies that had George Soros's fingerprints all over them.
Just a few days after the election, Soros said: I think we need a large stimulus package which will provide funds for state and local government to maintain their budgets because they are not allowed by the Constitution to run a deficit. For such a program to be successful, the federal government would need to provide hundreds of billions of dollars.
Shortly thereafter, in one of the first acts of his presidency, Obama announced, and the Democratic Congress passed, a monumental 1,071-page, $787 billion economic stimulus bill.
Energy is another area where Soros has taken a key interest. Obama's tax-based policy proposal to reduce Americans' consumption of fossil fuels through "cap-and-trade" was a strategy that, after being proposed and perfected by the nonprofits that Soros funded, was incorporated into the Shadow Party campaigns. Under cap-and-trade regulations, companies are subject to taxes or fees if they use more "dirty" energy than the government wants them to. Some economists have predicted that such legislation, if enacted, would impose colossal costs on businesses-costs that would be passed on to consumers, who would pay anywhere from several hundred to several thousand more dollars each year in energy costs. But to Soros, the taxpayers' money would be well spent. "[D]ealing with global warming will require a lot of investment," he said, emphasizing that it "could be the motor of the world economy in the years to come," while admitting that it "will be painful."
When Soros was asked in 2008 whether he was proposing energy policies that would "create a whole new paradigm for the economic model of the country, of the world," he replied simply, "Yes."
During his 2008 presidential campaign, Obama had a comparable moment of candor: "[U]nder my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket," he conceded. "Because I'm capping greenhouse gases, coal power plants, you know, natural gas, you name it, whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, they would have to retrofit their operations."
Lessons in Esperanto
Kiel i tiu Guy ganjo post diranta i tiu?-(question) How did this guy win after saying this?
The cap-and-trade policies being pushed by Obama and Soros were also a favorite of Obama's "regulatory czar," Cass Sunstein, a leftist law professor and longtime proponent of "distributive justice." Under Sunstein's idea of justice, which sounds eerily similar to Soros's post-9/11 "affirmative action on a global scale" comment, America would transfer much of its own wealth to poorer nations as compensation for the alleged harm that U.S. environmental transgressions have caused. In language echoing Soros's own pronouncements, Sunstein wrote: It is even possible that desirable redistribution is more likely to occur through climate change policy than otherwise, or to be accomplished more effectively through climate policy than through direct foreign aid.
Translation: climate change regulation might be the best way to accomplish the redistribution of wealth that we want anyway. It might even be better than just handing the money to foreign countries for nothing. Yet conservatives are crazy for being skeptical of the left's intentions with environmental policy.
The biggest Obama agenda item of all-Obamacare-was also a Soros crusade.
Soros had devised his own ideas for reform, many of which found their way into Hillarycare through what he called "the Project on Death." The Project's boilerplate mission was compassionate-to embed hospices and "palliative" care in U.S. health policy-but its practical objective was to ration care. Those who are very sick and won't see much improvement in their condition are, after all, very expensive to take care of. Some might even call them a burden on the system.
Following the defeat of Hillarycare and the failure of the Project on Death to gain traction, Soros created a new coalition, a vast network of organizations to promote socialized medicine. The new umbrella group was called "Health Care for America Now" (HCAN) and it became the primary lobby for the plan that would seek to lock up a sixth of the American economy into a government-controlled operation.
HCAN's strategy, to impose a system of government health insurance that would eventually culminate in a single-payer plan, became the strategy of the Obama White House. The path to this goal would be paved by a public option-a government insurance agency to compete with existing insurers.
An agency like this would have a couple of nice things going for it: It wouldn't have to turn a profit; and it could do whatever it liked to its private competitors. Increase its competitors' taxes? Sure, why not. Add thousands of pages of new regulations to make it almost impossible for them to operate? Naturally! The truth-which HCAN and the others understood very well from the start-is that a "public option" would inevitably force private insurers out of the industry and leave the government as the only alternative.
This strategy was outlined by Professor Jacob Hacker, speaking at the Soros-funded Tides Foundation: "Someone once said to me this is a Trojan Horse for single-payer, and I said, well it's not a Trojan Horse, right? It's just right there. I'm telling you."
Hacker lauded the HCAN approach: "One of the virtues of it, though, is that you can at least make the claim that there is a competitive system between the public and private sectors." He added that while it would lead to a single-payer government health-care system eventually, it wouldn't "frighten people into thinking they are going to lose their private insurance."
If Obamacare was the crown jewel of the president's domestic agenda, his unprecedented hard line toward Israel and appeasement of Palestinian radicals was a signature statement of his foreign policy. It was also, not coincidentally, another initiative in which Soros played a heavy hand.
Soros's antipathy for Israel had now seemingly developed into a full-blown hostility. Just as he perceived American policies to have provoked the anti-American attacks by Islamic jihadists on 9/11, so too did he regard the Jews and the state of Israel as the primary cause of anti-Semitism. He has referred to Israel's conflict with the Palestinians as a case of the "victims turning persecutors," even though the source of the conflict is the sixty-year Arab war of aggression to erase the Jewish state. While Hamas, the terrorist party in control of Gaza, calls for the extermination of the Jews, Soros argues that the key to a Mideast peace is "bringing Hamas into the peace process."
Lessons in Esperanto