Paris, lat. 8209, paper, 15th century. 131 sheets, 30 lines to the page.
Florence, Laur. 73, 20. 15th century. 84 sheets, 26 lines to the page.
Florence, Laur. Strozz. 67, 15th century. 50 sheets, 23 lines to the page. t.i.tle, Apicius.
Florence, Riccardia.n.u.s, 141 (L III 29), paper, 179 sheets, irregular number of lines, pp. 123-179, Apicius. 15th century.
IX, 1462
Florence, Riccardia.n.u.s, 662 (M I 26), finished April 4th, 1462, paper, 79 sheets, 26 lines to the page. Pp. 41-79 Apicius, written by Pascutius Sabinus, Bologna, 1462.
X, 1490
Oxford, Bodl. Canon, lat. 168 4to min. 78 pp. dated May 28th, 1490.
(_In fine_) scriptum per me Petrum Antonium Salandum Reginensem die xxviii Maii MCCCCLx.x.xX.
Oxford, Bodl. Add. B 110, 15th century, Italian, cf. H. Schenkl, Bibl.
Britann. I. p. 79 n. 384 and F. Madan, A Summary Catalogue of Western Mss. in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, 1905, p. 660. Vollmer says that this Ms. belonged to a son of Humelbergius, as proven by P. Lehmann.
Cesena, bibl. municip., 14th century.
A ma.n.u.script in the library of the Sforza brothers at Pesaro which burned in 1514, known only from the catalogue. Cf. A. Vernarecci, La Libreria di Gio. Sforza in Archivio storico per le Marche e l'Umbria, III, 1886, 518, 790.
A ma.n.u.script used by Bonifaz Amerbach and Joh. Sichardus. Cf. P.
Lehman, Joh. Sichardus, Quellen und Untersuchungen, IV, 1, p. 204.
The two ma.n.u.scripts mentioned by Alba.n.u.s Torinus, in his edition of Apicius, Basel, 1541. In 1529 Torinus found an Apicius "codex" on the island of Megalona (Maguellone) which he used for his edition of Apicius. It is almost certain that this was not a very ancient ma.n.u.script. The way Torinus speaks of it and of the (first) Venetian printed edition in his _epistola dedicatoria_ leaves even doubt as to whether his authority was handwritten or printed. A first edition, printed ca. 1483, may have well been a dilapidated copy such as Torinus describes in 1529. Torinus admits taking some liberties with the text and failed to understand some phrases of it. Despite this fact, his text, from a culinary point of view seems to be more authentic than the Humelbergius and Lister versions.
The other codex according to Torinus, was found in Transsylvania by Io. Honterus of Coronea. This codex may have served as authority for the first edition printed ca. 1483 by Bernardinus, of Venice. No other mention is made of this codex anywhere, which according to Torinus, was sent to Venice from Transsylvania. The text of the Editio Princeps, by the way, is thoroughly unreliable.
Ms. Rome, Vatican Library, lat. 6803, 15th Century.
Munich, lat. 756. Ex bibl. Petri Victorii 49. 15th century. This codex is particularly valuable and important for the identification of the Apicius text. Cf. Vollmer, Studien, pp. 10 _seq._
NO. YEAR OF PUBLICATION PLACE OF PUBLICATION LANGUAGE 1 ca. A.D. 1483(?) Venice, Italy Latin 2 A.D. 1490(?) Milan, Italy (doubtful) Latin 3 A.D. 1498 Milan, Italy Latin 4 A.D. 1503 Venice, Italy Latin 5 A.D. 1541 Basel, Switzerland Latin 6 A.D. 1541 Lyons, France Latin 7 A.D. 1542 Zurich, Switzerland Latin 8 A.D. 1705 London, England Latin 9 A.D. 1709 Amsterdam, Holland Latin 10 A.D. 1787 Marktbreit, Germany Latin 11 A.D. 1791 Lubeck, Germany Latin 12 A.D. 1800 Ansbach, Germany Latin 13 A.D. 1852 Venice, Italy Italian 14 A.D. 1867 Heidelberg, Germany Latin 15 A.D. 1874 Heidelberg, Germany Latin 16 A.D. 1909 Leipzig, Germany German 17 A.D. 1911 Leipzig, Germany German 18 A.D. 1922 Leipzig, Germany Latin 19 A.D. 1933 Paris, France French 20 A.D. 1936 Chicago, U. S. A. English
NO. YEAR OF PUBLICATION PLACE OF PUBLICATION LANGUAGE 21 A.D. 1531* Frankfurt, Germany Latin 22 A.D. 1534* Frankfurt, Germany Latin 23 A.D. 1535* Antwerp, Belgium Latin 24 A.D. 1831 Heidelberg, Germany German 25 A.D. 1868 London, England English 26 A.D. 1912 Naples, Italy Italian 27 A.D. 1920 Munich, Germany German 28 A.D. 1921 Rome, Italy Latin-Italian 29 A.D. 1927 Leipzig, Germany German
* Excerpts and adaptations have little relation to Apicius.
Total of Printed Editions, in Latin 15 Total of Printed Editions, in Italian 1 Total of Printed Editions, in German 2 Total of Printed Editions, in French 1 Total of Printed Editions, in English 1 Total of Commentaries in all Languages 9
Editions and Commentaries published in America 1 Editions and Commentaries published in Belgium 1 Editions and Commentaries published in England 2 Editions and Commentaries published in France 2 Editions and Commentaries published in Germany 13 Editions and Commentaries published in Holland 1 Editions and Commentaries published in Italy 7 Editions and Commentaries published in Switzerland 2
Alba.n.u.s Torinus, 1541, describes Mss. XV and XVI.
A. Vernarecci describes Mss. XIII.
P. Lehmann describes Mss. XI and XIV.
F. Vollmer describes Mss. I-XVIII.
Dr. Margaret B. Wilson describes Ms. I.