Conqueror Of All - 99 Angels

99 Angels

"Seems like you are enjoying yourself a little bit too much..." Izan's voice was deep and there was a tinge of anger in it. Because what Im was doing was not befitting of a Ruler! Anger welled up inside of Izan as he slowly lowered his body and rushed forward with an explosive speed.

The ground beneath Izan cracked open and small craters were made on the areas his feet touched the ground.

"COME!" Im yelled in anger as he also rushed towards Izan, this clone of his was much stronger than the first one that met with Izan. Im was holding a long sword in his hand and he was stabbing towards Izan, wanting to pierce his head.

But Izan wasn't someone that could easily be defeated, he flickered his hand and his scythe appeared. Izan started spinning it around in a fast speed before using the scythe's movements to block Im's incoming sword.


A cracking sound appeared as the clash between their weapons, the air seemed to break open and crack because of the force. Im was surprised by Izan's strength, but he reacted quickly by using his left hand to punch towards Izan's face.

Izan grinned as he glared at Im, Im's movements might be fast for most people, but he could see them clearly and easily. Izan tilted his body forward, using his left leg to break Im's balance. Izan kicked Im's anckle, which made a snapping sound.

And the only thing Im could see was his vision turn upwards before he saw an incoming scythe aiming for his head. Im felt anger welling up inside of himself. Two times has Izan killed his clones, the only thing Im wanted to do now was to rip Izan into pieces!

As the scythe vanished, Im's body went limp and became a corpse without a head. Izan sighed as he slowly turned around, he felt anger. It might be because of a selfish reason, but Izan was selfish and he wanted the best for himself.

"You might think that there can't be two lions on top of a mountain... But, in my opinion, you are merely a rabbit trying to act dominant..." Izan muttered in a low tone. Im might be strong, but his personality was his weak-point, and Izan knew that no matter what, Im would never be able to succeed his dream of conquering this planet. Besides, this planet was already his, and Izan would clear the trash out.

As Izan was thinking deeply of this, he didn't see that s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+ was running towards him, she jumped into his embrace with tears running down her cheeks.

Izan cleared away any thoughts before he hugged her softly, he glanced around and saw Neptune, the three princes and Shyarly that was staring at him with a weird expression.

"There is still much left to do. s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+, stay here with your family while I finish this." Izan whispered it in s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+'s ear, she could only nod with a blush on her face.

s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+ slowly left Izan's embrace reluctantly, but she would listen to everything that Izan would say.

Izan glanced at his wives before sighing. "We need to act fast, but there is one more place I need to visit before he knock on 'G.o.ds' door. Jiutian, you will be coming with me. Whereas I want you Defying to take care of the rest while going towards 'his' location, we will meet up there together."

Robin and Hanc.o.c.k was about to say something, but both of them felt a hand on their shoulder. They turned around and saw Nojiko shaking her head at them. "Let us follow Izan's plan."

Robin lowered her head slightly before sighing, and Hanc.o.c.k couldn't help but to tremble. "I believe in Husband, if he wants us to do something, I will do it without hesitation."

And as Hanc.o.c.k said this, she looked up towards Izan, but only to find that he has already left with Jiutian.

Perona walked towards Defying with a carefree smile. "Little Sis Def, let's go towards the place Dear wanted us to go."

What Perona recived back was a glare from Defying, but Defying didn't say anything. She glanced around without any expression, her face scared most of the Fishmen that arrived, yet she didn't care. "We are leaving." And as she said this, they all vanished.

The only one remaining was s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+ that was going to stay with her family until Izan would return after killing Im.

And as Izan vanished, he appeared somewhere with slightly less air. He could guess that they were really high up in the sky as he didn't even feel the same when he was on Skypiea.

But Izan's thoughts were stopped at the sight in front of him. On one side, Izan could see five clones of Im, and they were around the same strength as the one in Fishman Island. And on the other side, Izan could see both females and males with huge wings behind their backs. Some of their wings were white, some were black and there were even some that was red.

There were around a hundred of the winged people, and they were fighting in groups of 20 against each clone.

But they all stopped fighting and gazed at Izan the moment he appeared, that was because when Izan appeared, he also released his aura that pressured everyone. But, the ones that had a horrible expression were the clones of Im.

"YOU b.a.s.t.a.r.d! I WILL KILL YOU!" All five clones of Im rushed towards Izan with a hateful expression.

"Jiutian, deal with them. They are useless for me..." Izan didn't bother even gazing at the clones, as they wouldn't even make himself stronger. The only one that could do so was the original.

And as ordered, Jiutian narrowed her eyes at the clones and flickered her wrist which made the clones vanish into nothingness. "Yes, My Emperor..." Jiutian muttered in a very low tone that even Izan couldn't hear. She longed for and wished for that Izan would return to his Majestic personality, and she could see hints of him appearing from time to time.