It's all started when I, who really fancy those items that came out of manga and anime decided to craft my own fantasy-esque weapons and post The how to images and the final product into a personal blog.
Unexpectedly, my blog got a lot of views and comments thanks to that.
As an only child of a single parent family and person with lack of friends, getting praised like that was something that rarely happens to me.
That was what made me getting more invested into crafting.
One day, for some reason I really wanted to eat an omelet rice after watching a certain television program. Anyway, the result was better than I imagine so I take a picture of it and upload it into my blog.
The feeling of satisfaction after receiving a good comment was the reason for me, who always bought stuff from the nearest supermarket and eat what happened to be there, to start searching for recipes on the internet and cook my own food.
Blogging becoming so fun, it's felt like there were people who were happy to hear your story.So, I starting to post not only my cooking, but also my impression of a manga or anime.
I also write about a story that I never told to anyone around me due to how embarra.s.sing it was for me to get hooked into watching an anime that was based on a shoujo manga and ended up buying and reading the whole volume.
There was also another story about me, becoming a fanboy(No h.o.m.o though) of a certain oldman character from a certain anime about alchemist. (TL: I guess it's Wrath from fullmetal alchemist for those who didn't get the references. )
Probably because of those things and the fact that I only write "A highschool student who love manga and anime" in my profile description, people who read my blog started to write me off as a female home oriented otaku.
After all of this, I feared that these people, whom I never actually meet in real life, would suddenly act like they've known me if I told them the truth, si I decided to just continued to pretend to act like a girl. It's not like I will actually meet them in real life after all.
Also, people would love that more.
So, I created a persona for myself to act accordingly, replying comments based on that persona, and of course, doing it carefully so people wouldn't realize my true ident.i.ty.
Fall arrives, it was the second year of my highschool when I decided to finally introducing myself as +Pleiades+, the admin of the blog "Cosmo☆Craft". A slender, fair skinned girl with long hair. Love otaku stuff but no one in my surroundings have the same hobbies as mine, so I never really had a chance to talk about my hobby to my surroundings. Though I couldn't really say that my appearance is beautiful, but I am confident enough that I had an experience of being confessed by several people in my life. An Introvert home oriented girl. Not really good with sport and have a slight complex due to the high stature compared to another girl of my age.
I also wrote that I prefer older man, who is taciturn but actually kind and reliable.
Now that I read it again, the heck with this light novel heroine-ish profile.
By the way, it was the truth that I had a slight complex about my height, however the thing that bothered me was how my height is shorter than the people around me.
Furthermore, since I rarely go out, my body was surprisingly skinny.
Finally, after my blog became quite popular, several people asking me whether I am interested in doing cosplay, since I already had the ability to create those fantasy-estique weapons by myself.
To be honest, I am interested.
However, since +Pleiades+ already established an image of a proper lady at that time, I couldn't just do stuff half heartedly and upload pictures that wasn't worth their time.
But, I felt like I could do something about that with an image processing software and the way I took the picture if it's just a photo.
And so, I started to search on the internet.
The items made for cosplaying gotten really amazing these days.
Not to mention wigs and contact lenses, some type of cosmetic like tape that could emphasis the contour of your face or cream that have the natural whiteness of the skin was invented, and so I ordered those items by mail.
I could also look up for makeup techniques that was invented by our predecessors.
I also able to find a lot of free image processor software and how to use them.
Time pa.s.sed and I ended up thinking, Eh, this seems plausible, isn't it?
And so, I become fired up and determined to create an amazing photo that would make people who saw it amazed.
From there I act fast.
First, I have to choose a heroine from famous work that appearance are easy for me to mimic, it have to be a character that looks natural even if I were the one who did it and most important of all, it has to be a character that wouldn't damage +Pleiades+ image.
Also, since I want to use the weapon that I created, so I tried to choose a battle heroine.
In the end, the first character that came into my mind was the personification of supply s.h.i.+p of a certain game. (TL: Kancolle)
Putting the amount of work I have to do and my preferences into the design, I decided to cosplaying as the remodeled version of the said character, with school cap, black gakuran and miniskirt as the base of the costume.
By the way, I took and modified the cap which I create in middle school when I thought that Gakuran + overcoat and a school cap was awesome. As for the uniform, I create one from scratch with my middle school gakuran as references.
Of course, I didn't forget to make the waist part to look smaller and stuff a lot of things into the chest area.
Thus, I reduce my eating and sleeping time after I came back from school, and spending most of the day inside my house for the sake of working on the costume.
I also train my make up skills and doing some research about it, and of course, I didn't forget on my skin care as well.
A month pa.s.sed, I quickly wear the costume as soon as I finished it, and took a lot of pictures in high spirits.
I got too excited that I ended up standing in front of the mirror for quite some time, while making a lot of expressions and being satisfied with myself.
The next day, I who retained my sanity back started to work on the picture and tried a lot of things to make it better, however after a lot of attempts, tweaking no more than the light and hue was the best course of action I could take to make it natural. In the end, I didn't do much about the picture.
The lack of my editing skill was also one of the reasons.
The picture that I uploaded that day, got way more response than what I had expected. It made me feel that my hard work is being paid off with these feeling of achievement and satisfaction.
Another time pa.s.sed, it was around the winter of the second year of high school when I reached the point where I was referred as something like a net idol. Everything's thanks to me putting up together the cosplay photos that I upload into my blog, and post it as a high quality image pack in a cosplayer site, that also made my view count rose through the roof.
Another two years had pa.s.sed, I able to safely enter a college and started to live alone. On top of being able to enter a college, I finally would be able to enter a cosplay event.
Of course, under the +Pleiades+ name.
Oh, by the way, it seems that I have a new mother and a pair of high schooler little brother and sister.
It's because my father's second marriage.
It wasn't that bad actually.
It's around the time when I focused on the college entrance exam when they started to live together with us, so I only had the chance to live under one roof with them for one year before I leave and live by myself. Anyway, my new mother doesn't seem to be a bad person, and while my new siblings seems to be in their rebellious phase, it doesn't seem like they have a bad impression toward myself and my father.
To be honest, they were both good child.
As for why I could say that with confidence, actually, they're still keeping contact with me, and sometimes even going as far as to meet with me from time to time even when I already entered college.
However, it's me under the name of +Pleiades+.
Thought it was weird for me to say this, but I completely looked like different person with make up. So, for now, it seems that both of them still haven't realized that +Pleiades+ and me was the same person.
If they ever realized that, I'm sure that they wouldn't be able to have a conversation with a smile on their face while knowing that it was their big brother with his particular hobby in front of them.
Probably, to them +Pleiades+ was a big sister like existence who they could adorn.
Even when I came back home at the end of the year, I am convinced that +Pleiades+ was something akin to an Idol for them, seeing that there's my poster pasted on my brother's room wall, and my picture( as +Pleiades+) together with my sister being used as her smartphone wallpaper.
Everything was good, until both of them asked me(Male ver) for love advice.
About what should they do so they could date +Pleiades.