That day when she found out about the exchange murder.
Shiratori-senpai whispered to me in the most gentle voice Ive ever heard.
What... what does that mean?
Well, theres only one person who can protect Kizuna from the police, and Im going to tell you how to get into his good graces
At first, I didnt understand what she was saying.
I thought I was going to be turned in to the police, so I just looked up at senpai in fear.
Fumio Kijima, thats the guy that Kizunas idiot brother fought with and ended up getting beaten to a pulp without even being able to grab his tail. Even the police cant touch that guy
You... you want me to betray my onii-chan?
No, no, no. Im doing this for your idiot brother, too
I have no idea what she was talking about.
But, when I was confused, Shiratori-senpai told me in a tone of voice like a child telling a story.
Im not going to tell you who Kijima is... Just that youre dealing with the wrong person. I realized it in the middle and kept a good distance so as not to antagonize him, but the two Detective JKs overstepped their bounds and fell prey to Fumio Kijima
I-Is that so?
Yes. It looks like Kizunas idiot brother is still planning to antagonize him, but theres no way he can win. If things go on like this, hes going to be killed and become dog food, but as long as Kizuna can win over "Fumio Kijima", you might be able to at least beg for your idiot brother life
I wonder what kind of monster Fumio Kijima is, that the detective JK fell prey to him and made Shiratori-senpai say this much.
And... Fumio Kijima is kind to women who fall in love with him. So if you take advantage of him, he can protect you from the police. He might even let your idiot brother off the hook. But, hell screw you real bad. Hes a sex fiend, after all
Huh!? W-Wouldnt it be better to get caught by the police?
Wait, just hear me out, there is one way to make Fumio Kijima do everything in his power to protect you, and wont even touch you. I know one girl who is in that position. You just have to follow her example
Theres someone like that?
Yes, a junior in the track & field club. Her name is Saori Moribe. Shes in Kijimas little sisters position, but Kijima seems to be overly strict about it and doesnt want to touch her once shes in his little sisters position. And he tries to protect her with all his might
Whats that?
Kizuna, if its okay with you, Ill help you with Kijima. I will introduce you as my sister
All I could think was that she was crazy.
Thats ridiculous...
But then, Shiratori-senpai came face to face with me, right under my puzzled nose.
Kizuna... even if I dont do anything about it, the police are already grabbing your tail. Youre already screwed. So, Im trying to give you a way out of this. What choice do you have?
Im really screwed... really screwed.
I dont know whats going to happen to my brother, but at least if the police catch me, Im done. Its over.
You can use Fumio Kijima to your advantage. Once youre in his little sisters position, youll be safe from the police investigation, and hell do his best to protect you from other crises
I-Isnt... that like a parasite?
Haha, thats a good way to put it. So, why not? You will become his parasitic little sister
Yes, Im going to be a parasite sister!
While repeating this in my head, I rub my cheek against Fumio Kijimas arm.
Ehehe! Kizuna-tan love Nii Nii so much , love love
But there was someone who grabbed my hand and tried to pull it away. It's Busako.
Ta, Tachioka-san, get off from him! W-What do you think youre doing! Kijima-san is Saoris onii-san!
Hey, get your hands off me!
I swear in my stomach, "Youre an outsider and you shouldnt interfere". Then, looking up, I complained to Fumio Kijima.
Youve heard from Shiratori-senpai, havent you? Nii Nii!
Oh... the girl from the talk? W-Well, I thought I turned her down, but...
I pretend to be heartbroken and poke a finger in my own eye. It hurts like hell. But I put up with it, put pressure on my eyes, and squeeze out tears with all my might.
Dont worry, Ive already given myself extra drops just in case something like this happens. If I dont cry now, everything will be over.
When I shed tears, Kijima started to get flustered.
No, no, um... d-dont cry
Its not just Kijima. Moribe-san is also flustered, as if she doesnt know what to do.
Okay, one more push!
But Busako raised her voice.
You cant lie and cry! Onii-san! Saori is the only little sister you have!
Dont interrupt me, you outsider! What the hell are you doing?
Anyway, Busako is too much of a hindrance.
Maybe I should start over.... Ill consult Shiratori-senpai.
However, its not fun to just retreat. I need to leave some kind of mark.
Then, Nii nii! See you later
Eh... ah...
I decided to give Kijima a kiss on the cheek, and ran off as fast as I could.
As I ran, I turned around to see Kijima in a daze with his hand on his cheek and Moribe-san looking like she was about to cry. Behind them, Busako is raising her hands in the air and screaming.
As usual, Shiratori-san is still active in the dark www.There's a new project in the works. It's kind of Boku no Hero, but with an adult twist. The table of contents can be found in here.