Well then
After sending off Ryoko, Jolanda, and Ulrich to punish whoever had done such a terrible thing to Saori-chan, I left The Bedroom and returned to my room.
I spread out my notebooks and reference books on the desk and let my thoughts wander.
I may have exaggerated a little
To put it bluntly, it is too much force to deal with five delinquent college students. Ulrich alone would have been enough to make up the difference.
But still theres nothing better than being careful
There is also the example of the handsome uncle.
Nowadays, we never know where the demon nobles who oppose Lili will get involved.
The fact that I let Ryoko go with them is a kind of protection, so to speak.
Ulrich has a tendency to go too far, and if I let her go alone, she might kill everyone.
That said, if I sent Jolanda with her, Ulrich would not listen to her.
So, as a lookout, I set Ryoko, who is one of the sensible people in my harem (though lately, even she is a bit questionable), as the team leader.
Aside from Ulrich, who is a devil, Jolanda and Ryoko usually have normal jobs and live their lives, so their faces must not be seen by any chance.
So, I ordered them to disguise themselves, and they came dressed in tight-fitting rubber suits, like American comic book heroines.
And well put on masks before we go in, so that they wont recognize our faces or voices!
No, thats not what I meant by disguise
I thought about it, but since they were so eager, I didnt bother to give them any comments.
In the end, I opened the door and sent the three of them off to the vicinity of the site.
Well, with those three, I dont think theres anything to worry about
While I was thinking about this, my phone suddenly vibrated on my desk.
I picked it up and looked at the screen, and saw a message from Shima-san on the SNS.
Tomorrow, Im looking forward to it
I couldnt help but smile and relax my mouth.
Tomorrow, Im going to spend the whole day with Shima-san in the library to study for the exam because
Oh no Im in trouble. Help me, I really dont understand
She cried that to me. So, Im going to teach her how to study, and now Im preparing for it.
At any rate, Shima-san has to pass the entrance exam to the same university as us.
Because the thought of living together with Tashiro-san without Shima-san is so awful that I cant help chuckling.
Besides, the reason why we study in the library is because when we are alone together in a secluded place, we soon lose interest in studying.
Although Shima-san is an easy-going person, she sometimes has a very innocent attitude, which stimulates my desire with a rather high probability.
And so, after I replied, Im looking forward to it too, a message from Shima-san appeared on my timeline.
Oh right, theres a message from Shiratori. Today, she told to take care of her sister, and shell drop her on Monday
No, I thought I said no to that clearly
While Im raising my eyebrows, the following message appears.
And she says shell pay for the three apple pies that Takasago ate
Its true that I bought Kei-chan an apple pie because she wanted one, but I was supposed to pay for the extra one after I left.
Oh no before I knew it, Kei-chan has become my dependent
I was so shocked that my phone was shaking in my hand again.
I dont mean to sound old-fashioned, but borrowing from Shiratori is worse than a bad loan. I recommend you to pay back as soon as possible. If you leave it alone, shell sell your organs
Ive never seen selling any organs for the price of a fast food meal, even in a financial manga.
*Groan* *Groann* Ah, its annoying
I took off my ball gag and threw it on the floor.
Until now, I was happy to have the ball gag in my mouth at Jolandas suggestion, but to my great regret, I could not communicate with the other person, which was an unexpected mistake.
I have to ask this Nishida why he did the act, but if I cant communicate with him, its literally impossible to talk to him.
I mean why did you wear it?
I cant help but be amazed at the man who mutters with a blank look on his face.
After all, if its a rubber suit and a rubber mask, it has to be a ball gag! That is what I mean when I talk about missing the finishing touches, you idiot!
I shouted at him, and Jolanda nodded and shouted next to me, *Groan* (Thats right!) *Groan* (Thats right!).
However, the Mohawk shouts, Thats enough! and attacked Jolanda, swinging his iron pipe.
The pipe swung down with a whooshing sound.
But Jolanda dodges it with a slight tilt of her head, and slams a sharp hook into the Mohawks head.
And just as the Mohawk staggered in pain, Jolanda slammed her heel into the back of his head in a swift movement.
The other mens eyes widened at the instantaneous loss of their comrade.
But then Ulrich suddenly got down on all fours and jumped at the man at the far end, who was holding a bottle of liquor, and clawed at his chest with a roar.
With a scream, five red streaks are roughly etched into his chest plate, and the man with the liquor bottle collapses onto the sofa, writhing and moaning in pain.
I-It hurts A-Ambulance!
Shut up!
Ulrich silences the crying man with a troublesome headbutt, then turns her head to face the cowering man wearing a baseball cap while digging her nails into his neck.
Ryoko, can I eat this?
Just one bite
No means no. Or Ill tell Master
Ulrich puffed out her cheeks and struck the man under the nose, right in the midsection, the vital point of the human body, with all her might, and knocking him unconscious.
Finally, there is only one man left.
I turn my attention to the man with the metal bat in his hand whose face is contorted.
His hair is different, but his face is the same as the one in Claudias file.
This is the fool, Nishida, who got his hands on Masters things.
Tell me the truth, and Ill spare your life. Why did you target Hanabusa-san?
For a moment, Nishidas gaze swam as if he didnt understand, and then his voice trembled.
W-What? I also wondered why targeting a female student like her and I wonder she had a bad backer I-I mean it was an order from Kito-san, the leader of the circle, and I was just doing as I was told. .
Whats the purpose of this Kitou guy? Where is he now?
I dont know! I havent been told anything! Kito-san is the president of an entertainment company, and hes usually in Tokyo
I said, and Nishida let out a sigh of relief. But, of course, I dont intend to end it there.
I walked up to Nishida, pulled out my gun, and held it to his nose.
I have no more use for you
A pistol!? Youre kidding, right?
At that moment, I kicked Nishidas crotch as hard as I could.
The metal bat hits the floor with a loud crunch, and Nishida collapses, moaning, clutching his crotch.
Jolanda, on the other hand, kicks the temple of the lolicon whos sprawled out on the floor with her toe, and thats it.
It took less than a minute to silence everyone.
Hmph its no big deal
Bohea (Well then) Fubobo (Lets), Fubobe-fubo (get ready for punishment)
Oh! I guess well just have to undress them
The three of us split up, strip them naked, and tie them up behind their backs.
Then, we forcibly pulled the foreskin of their pricks back on, and glued the skin and glans together.
But there is one of them, the lolicon, did not have his skin peeled off, but I pulled it off and poured the glue into it.
This is an execution method designed by Kyoko.
Although she is my sister, she has a very bad temperament.
And its simple.
Of course, this is not the end.
We split up and carried the limp, unconscious men out of the warehouse.
The title means that the foreskin has returned to the boy.