I was reminded that Misuzu-chans life was completely over, and I repressed my rising dislike as I took my seat at the round table again.
...Its terrible
Yeah, I agree
Kyoko-san nodded at me.
But if you dont want to be like that, youll have to behave well
So, the mission is... well... its kind of... naughty?
Masakey-chan nodded her head, and Kyoko-san nodded her head.
As long as theres a man around. That was how it was last time, too, and the women who didnt like it dropped the men first, and as a result, there were no men left at the beginning
Hmm...I see. I guess thats whats going to happen this time, too. Is this one the same as the last one, except for the participants?
No, we didnt have this luxury of one room per person, and there were fewer of us. It was more like a horrible stone basement... and by the way, it wasnt Aramaki-san, it was Seki-san
Seki-san the Mackerel
Oh...I guess its all about seafood there
Masakey-chan chuckled, and her breasts, which didnt fit her figure, swayed in the air.
Shes the type of model that we cant use in our fashion magazines, but if she did a swimsuit gravure for a young mans magazine, I think shed get a big hit.
Thinking about this in a corner of my mind, I opened my mouth.
...I dont think its a good idea to keep Fumijima-san like this
If Fumijima-san is still alive when Im voted in, theres a chance Ill be assigned the same mission as Misuzu-chan. Honestly, I dont want to do that... I need him to leave as soon as possible.
But Masakey-chan shakes her head.
But... Fumijima-san is still someone we can talk to. The worst offenders are the First Beauty. Theyre going to have four solid votes there. And the fewer people we have, the harder it will be to cut them off
Then Kaneko-san let out a self-mocking sigh.
Thats true. If that happens, youll be preyed upon by Hikami and the president before youre even voted in. Just like me...
Prey... what do you mean?
Theyll threaten you with death if you dont vote according to them. Because, even with death on the line, theres nothing to do here until nine oclock at night. So, theyll play with you just to keep you occupied, and then theyll just throw you away
No way...
Aside from the president, Hikami-kun is a very likable model. I was irritated when he said earlier that holding Misuzu-chan was a reward for him, but he doesn't appear to be a malicious person.
However, Kaneko-san...
I know the true nature of those two people very well
Then she began to tell me the story of how the model Kaneko-san disappeared. Many of the things she said matched the stories I had heard from others.
Thats why I went to the reception room of First Beauty in order to save Misuzu-chan.
However, I hadnt thought until just now that Hikami-kun was playing a part in it.
A heavy silence fell as Kaneko-san stopped talking.
After a while, Masakey-chan opened her mouth with a look of displeasure on her face.
Masakey, too. I dont think I can forgive President-san and Hikami-san. Thats why I think the four of us here, plus Natsumi, should work together to collect votes for either the president-san or Hikami-san
Kaneko-san nodded and Kyoko-san smiled with a twisted corner of her mouth.
Continue to Read
I have no objection either. I dont blame you if we have to destroy each other later, but its not good for me to let those bastards do whatever they want
Well, then, lets just fight together for the next round, okay?
Masakey-chan looks around at the others, and they all nod. Of course, so did I. At any rate, since we wont be able to vote in the next round, theres no reason not to join in.
The opponent has four votes, and we have five. Misuzu-chan will not be able to vote next time, and Fumijima-san is the only one left. -tinytranslation.xyz
And depending on who Fumijima-san votes for, it could be a five-to-five draw.
Who are the presidents going to vote for?
They must have thought the same thing I did. Masakey-chan tilted her head, and Kyoko-san spat something.
That ugly guy, I guess
Yeah. Akira Mizuki was watching the video of Fumijima-san and Misuzu-san with a very unhappy look on her face. If the president imagined that his lover might be raped by Fumijima-san in the future, it would be normal for him to want to destroy him
If the presidents are going to vote for Fumijima-san, then weve won.
We have five votes, the presidents have four.
The remaining vote was Fumijima-san himself. And theres no way hes voting for himself.
The question is, who will it be, the president or Hikami?
When Kyoko-san murmurs, and I look back at Kaneko-san. She has the right to make that decision, I thought.
...In your opinion, which one is more unforgivable?
Kaneko-san looked at me with a serious face.
Both... but the best is...
Time flies.
Good evening! Aramaki-san announces that its nine oclock in the evening, Jake! Gather around the round table, Jake!
As usual, Aramaki-sans voice rang out loudly, and I jumped up on my bed again.
This is too bad for my heart every time
Then I walk out of the room and go to the round table. This time, Im the second one after Kyoko-san.
While I was watching the others coming out of the room, Akira-chan came out from the presidents room with him.
It seems that the rumor that she was his lover was true. To be honest, I cant believe that he can make out with his lover in such a place where death is a near possibility.
As everyone except Misuzu-chan and Fumijima-san took their seats, Aramaki-san jumped up and down on the screen.
Wait a little longer, Jake... Ugly man and Misuzu are in the middle of their last shot, Jake
What do you mean, the last shot... are they still doing it?
Akira-chans face pales quickly.
That ugly guy. Aramaki-san was surprised to see him, Jake. Misuzu survived for the time being, Jake, and the babys impregnation was confirmed, Jake
Hey, hey... theyve been at it all night, seriously? This isnt hardcore play!
When Kyoko-san said that with a disgusted look on her face, Aramaki-san, for some reason, competed with her and spoke.
Aramaki-sans no stranger to hardcore play, Jake! After all, I have been playing with tentacles for 365 days, Jake!
Then, in a close-up, she said.
Anisakis, though!
And then she starts giggling to herself again.
...I swear, these fishes...
What the hell is wrong with this atmosphere?