I spend the rest of the afternoon in the infirmary.
It wasnt that I was feeling sick or anything.
I just went there to get a bandage and skipped the class.
The school nurse, Kitora-sensei, was an old woman in her thirties with a bad temper, but she was a reasonable person, and when I told her I wasnt feeling well, she simply said, Oh, go to sleep, go to sleep and lent me a bed.
Although, yesterday, I didnt sleep at all and I wasnt tired, but when I lay down and closed my eyes, I fell asleep easily.
And with the sound of the brass band practicing from upstairs after school, I woke up, but the sun was just starting to set and Kitora-sensei was nowhere to be found.
However, in her place, there was a single scribble on the desk that written, Lock the door.
At least, wake me up.......
My retort slipped away in vain as it hit the white wall of the infirmary.
And when I looked at the clock, it was a little after four oclock.
So, I took the key to the nurses office and went back to the classroom to get my stuff.
Sure enough, no one is paying attention to me......
And of course, the door was locked.
Just in time, lets try the
I put the door on top of the classroom door and made it appear.
As I entered, I found myself in the usual dark room.
I turned on the light on my phone, and another door appeared at the back of the room.
If I go out the other side of the door, I will find myself in a classroom.
Just like the name says, I could pass through the wall by entering and exiting through the room.
This is amazing..... I can break in anywhere I want!
No matter how tightly the door is locked, it is completely useless.
In a way, its a very evil feature.
If I wanted to abuse it, I could do so as much as I wanted.
After thinking so, I picked up my bag, kicked Kasuya-kuns desk lightly, and walked through the room again toward the library.
Today was my duty as a member of the library committee at the counter.
Although, Im late, but I have to be there until five oclock.
To be honest, I didnt feel like it. I even thought about skipping it.
And, I want to go home early and have sex with Kurosawa-san.
But Lili told me that I should act as normal as possible.
If I acted differently than usual, people might suspect me.
Because, as I remember, Ive never skipped my duty as a member of the library committee.
The reason is because its the only time I can talk to Masaki-chan.
But now that things have turned out that way, and its no longer worth it.
Despite my reluctance, I stepped into the library and saw a girl at the counter.
Masaki Haneda.
She is the...... girl I like, or used to like.
When I look at her again, I realize that Masaki-chan is still cute.
She has shoulder-length chestnut hair and a round, calm face. Her forehead is a little wider, and when she smiles, it gives off a soft, puffy atmosphere.
She told me that she is often mistaken for an elementary school student because of her short stature and baby face, but I dare say that is lie.
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I believe thats a lie.
Because there is no such thing as an elementary school girl with big breast.
And until now, Masaki-chan was an angel to me.
Thats why Ive always told myself that I shouldnt look at her that way.
But now I can say it.
Those breasts are erotic. Too erotic.
The balance of her small physique and her breasts is not right, no matter how I look at it.
Big breast? No, its rather huge breast and its like shes got one pair of breasts that are too big for her.
As she saw my figure, she let out a Ah..... and turned her head away.
Well, thats awkward, isnt it?
I feel awkward too. Or rather, Im the one whos awkward.
Because Im the one who sent her the love letter, so, naturally it was awkward, but now everyone has reading it, and I was being exposed like that.
However, there was no way I could turn back now.
So, I walked into the counter and sat down next to her without saying a word, and she opened her mouth with a frightened look (as usual).
Um...... Ki-Kijima-kun, are your...... head okay?
Y-you got hurt...... didnt you?
For a moment, I thought she was being disrespectful, but then I thought of the injury on my forehead.
Oh...... this, Im fine
That was the end of the conversation.
There are no visitors in the library, just the two of us here.
Masaki-chan looks down at the book in her hand, and I do nothing but let my eyes wander in the air.
The time just passes in silence.
Its awkward......
As soon as I started to think about shoving her into the room...... she suddenly stood up.
Oh, umm
W-what is it?
She looked at me with a thoughtful face, and then bowed her head vigorously.
Im sorry! I didnt expect it to turn out like that.....
Welcome home, Devi
When I got home and went into my room, I found Lili floating in the midair, reading a manga.
Oh, so youre continuing the Devi?
Of course, Im going to continue, this is normal, Devi
Youre lying
Lili tilted her head curiously as I put my bag on the side of the desk.
Are? Fumi Fumi, are you in a good mood, Devi? Did something good happen to you, Devi?
Not really..... Its nothing
Thats a lie. Im so happy.
Because after that, I talked with Masaki-chan for quite a long time.
There was something in that conversation that was enough to make me feel upset.
But I kept my composure and changed the subject.
So, how is Kurosawa-san? Is she okay?
No problem, Devi. At the moment, shes enjoying the carrot side of the stick, Devi. Lilis servant is taking care of her, so dont worry, Devi
Yes, excellent, but pervert, Devi
Thats the worst kind!
Oh, dont worry, dont worry, Freesia is not interested in women, Devi
Oh, its a woman. You scared me......
I patted my chest, relieved.
I was relieved, though the pervert thing still bothered me.
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By the way...... I want to have sex with Kurosawa-san again
When I told her that, Lili wrinkled her brow and gave me a stern look.
You beast.......
No, its not like that. It just...... felt so good
Dont say just, you disgusting, Devi
Oh, youre terrible
But, its not good! Kurosawa-chan is getting her reward now, Devi. If you want to fuck her so badly, just go get your next target, Devi. Have you decided on your next target yet, Devi?
Ah...... Yes. Im thinking of going with Fujiwara-san, but theres something thats been bothering me
I explained to Lili about Fujiwara-sans attitude towards Kasuya-kun that I had seen today.
But for some reason, she looked rather bored.
Maybe she doesnt have a thing for Kasuya, Devi
Is that so?
Yes yes, she just wants a new umbrella because Kurosawa-chan is gone, Devi. Probably shes bullied in real life, Devi
Eh, that Fujiwara-san? Shes a bad-looking black gal, you know
Its like a threat color in animals, Devi. It may be unconscious, but shes just protecting herself by dressing flashy, Devi. To be honest, that type is boring...... Its too easy, Devi
Too easy?
Yes, Devi. Well, its a good thing to observe a little more, Devi. Maybe this Fujiwara is really need dependent, Devi
Dependent, huh......
Well, there was one more thing that Fumi Fumi had to think about, Devi
What is it?
How to approach Kurosawa-chan next, Devi
The cognitive impairment has been cured, right? But cant we do what we did yesterday? Weve scared her enough. If we scare her, shell go back to.......
Its no good, Devi. If you dominate Kurosawa-chan with fear, you cant make her more than [Submissive], Devi. This is where the real brainwashing comes in, Devi
If threats dont work, then why dont we just be nice to her, or talk to her......?
Lili then snickered as if she were making fun of me.
Are you going to ask like, Can I kiss you? to her, Devi? No, no, no, thats not good, Devi. Thats why Fumi Fumi is not taken seriously by girls, Devi
Leave that alone!
Right, Devi? Most unattractive men think that being nice is enough, Devi. They say they didnt do anything that their crush doesnt want to do, but then they ask, Can I do that? Can I do this? That is what will they do, Devi. To put it bluntly, theyre nothing but an idiot, Devi
You can say whatever you want!
Well, listen, Devi. Asking for someones consent is the same as putting the responsibility on them, Devi. How can they love someone who puts the blame on them, Devi?
Ugh...... when you put it that way, you might be right
So, what Fumi Fumi is aiming for is exactly that, Devi! A beast and a gentleman, Devi!
Beast and gentleman?
For example, you can say, Be quiet and let me hold you, so Ill be nice to you, Devi
Is that too difficult!?
For me, whos just graduated from virginity, thats too much to ask.
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Dont worry, Devi. The suggestion is already in effect, Devi. Kurosawa-chan can get out of here if she falls in love with Fumi Fumi, Devi. Thats what Ive imprinted on her mind, Devi
O-okay...... thats right
So, when someone will fall in love with you, Devi?
Thats when I want them to like me......?
Correct, Devi. And humans are really strange creatures, when the situation is like that, their brains try to correct the gap between the situation and their feelings, Devi
So youre saying that Kurosawa-san will fall in love with me?
Yes, Devi. In addition, Lilis servant is now carefully applying the suggestion that If you dont think you like him, he wont like you, Devi
That means......
The next time Fumi Fumi meets Kurosawa-chan, that girl will be thinking that she should like Fumi Fumi, even if its only pretend, Devi. If Fumi Fumi were to behave like a beast and a gentleman at such a time......
And then......?
Shes all yours, Devi!
Wow...... its indeed the devil
In front of my stunned eyes, Lili proudly puffed out her small breasts and said with great enthusiasm.
Hmmph! If you understand what Im talking about, Im going to teach you how to act, Devi. Its time to special training, Devi!
Ugh, Im so full....... I cant eat anything else
On the bed, I lay down with my arms outstretched.
If my mom were here, she would have told me that I was wrong to lie down right after eating.
After all, I had eaten two 300-gram steaks in the morning, and a mountain of fried chicken and potatoes for lunch.
After that, I had ice cream and chocolate cake for dessert.
And now, for dinner, I had a huge bowl of sushi.
Normally, I would never be able to eat such a huge amount.
I ate, slept, and ate all day long.
My eating habits are not befitting a model.
If I keep this up, Im going to go down the fat road.
Im glad to hear that you were satisfied with your meal. For dessert, Ive prepared well-chilled yogurt, milk, soy milk, carmine, aubergine, dried bean curd, apricot bean curd, coconut milk, and vanilla shake
......That white lineup is giving me a bad feeling
Its just your imagination
I was taken aback by Freesia-sans cool-headedness, but decided to try to persuade her again.
Listen, Freesia-san, this is kidnapping. Its not too late to get me out of here. Dont worry. Ill only report that creepy guy to the police, and youll testify that you saved me
The police?
Thats right, Ill never forgive that creep! Theres no way hell get away with this for free!
I hope so
Why are you looking at me like Im some kind of a joke?
No, I just think youre cute
Haa~...... sounds like youre making fun of me
I dont mean to, but its wonderful that you can be so bossy as soon as your stomach is full
Youre making fun of me, isnt it?
I was pissed off, but Freesia-san just smiled quietly.
Geez...... thats enough. I want a cup of tea. No milk, please. I want it fresh
Very well, Misuzu-ojousama
Hey, can you stop saying Ojou-sama? Its making me uncomfortable
Even if you say so, Misuzu-ojousama is an important person to Fumi Fumi-sama
Are you still saying that? He can have any woman he wants, you know
Is that so? It seems to me that Misuzu-ojousama is the object of Fumi Fumi-samas love
W-wait, stop! Stop it, its disgusting. Love? Youve got to be kidding! I was just forcibly raped! I have a boyfriend named Jun-kun! Im not kidding!
Then please at least pretend to love Fumi Fumi-sama. If you dont want to be dominated forever, he will get tired of you
Thats fine. Its okay! If he gets bored, I can go home
No, no one returns a toy to the store when they are tired of it. They are just disposed of