"Gone. It left with the other Gnomonn when we banished them."
"Why not tell about Syther and Malvenue?"
Vince guffawed. "I already said I did. Just because you don't know about it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Despite who you are, you don't have Ascian clearance."
"You're separating his crimes? Isn't that racist?"
"Obviously, there are some things I can't tell you. But I will say that they knew about Syther and let it go at the time. Ascians have special attributes, I'm sure you've read the basic stuff. We don't have shadows, but can utilize the Gnomonn to our advantage. That alone should have been the clue to Adjutors that Syther is one of us. Whether the information will come out in trial is strictly up to the Council of Brehons."
"Other attributes?"
"Invisibility, shape-shifting, most of the usual stuff."
"Wait a minute. Syther can shape shift? d.a.m.n we better report this."
"Gail already knows. Don't forget, she's married to him."
"If you two don't come out of that magic bubble, I'm going to put you back in the wall!"
"Won't do you any good," Meekal said in humor. "I can get out now."
Vince stopped Meekal's movement toward Gail's angry presence. Low-voiced, he said, "She doesn't know about me yet. Let me be the one to tell her, okay?"
He clapped Vince on the back. "Sure thing, o-prince-of-the-rare-wizards. Friends?" he asked, holding out a hand with peaceful intentions.
Vince clasped it and pulled him into a one armed hug. "So what's with the hair?"
[24] Circle's Threshold: Stygian.
"For the charge of murder in the first degree, how do you find?"
"So say you one, so say you all?"
Nine specially chosen jurors faced the Council of Brehons and responded in turn, "Aye."
Shayla shifted in her seat and straightened to sit higher, aiming her gaze at Syther's face, set as though in stone. He didn't flinch, blink or even seem to breathe.
The last "Aye" hung in the air, and then silence.
Bang! The gavel of justice hit, resonating with authoritative finality.
A symbolic sword was drawn, making the sound of steel against scabbard.
"Upon a verdict of Guilty, this Council of Brehons sentences you, Sable Malcolm c.u.myn Graham-"
"Then you fail!" Syther roared, shaking a fist at the Honorable Mathilda Eudemon, Chief Justice. "Sable Malcolm c.u.myn Graham no longer exists. I am Sir Syther, the Quitch!"
"Life imprisonment within the Stygian, with no possibility of parole."
Wild whispers pa.s.sed through the crowd as if on an ocean's wave. Many people rose to exit the multi-decked chamber.
"You failed!" Syther's shout bounced off the tiered decks accompanied by his maniacal cackling. He struggled against the guard's grip upon his bindings. "I will return! You'll see!"
A door shut, cutting off Syther's voice from her life. Shayla remained seated.
"Ready to go?" Meekal asked, pa.s.sing a hand over her arm down to her hand. He entwined their fingers and gave a gentle squeeze.
"Shouldn't I feel a sense of closure?"
"Aye. It's over."
She sighed. "So this man who murdered a wonderful person and tried to kill us just goes off to some unseen place to be held captive for the rest of his life? Seems anticlimactic to me."
"Shay, Stygian is a prison within a magical realm where there is no escape." He shuddered visibly. "I went there once-duty to a client which was job related. It's dark and filled with potent powers that confine each individual inmate within a chamber composed of their crimes and own hatred toward humanity."
Shayla stood and draped her handbag over her shoulder. "How can Syther's crime confine him? He killed Amethyst, his own mother."
"Like a hologram, his life will play before his eyes-never pausing. It's actually the absolute retribution because Amethyst was a loving mother. He will see that in black and white comparison to his evil deed."
"Like a h.e.l.lish existence?"
"Aye. Trust me; you don't want to see what he will. It will not be a peaceful life. He won't even think in terms of escape, because there is none."
She began the trek down the steps to the lower level. Gail's face, ashen white, tilted toward her, nodding in greeting.
"Are you all right?" she asked, patting Gail on the back with a quick hug.
"Yes. From this point forward, I can go on."
"What will you do?" Shayla pulled a tissue from her purse and pressed it into Gail's hand.
Gail gave a feeble smile. "Now that Shadow Run is opened from its umbra of seclusion, I want to move back there." She dabbed her eye. "Maybe start a garden, invite some friends to stay. Well, you know. Put some light back into its beauty."
"Umm, I was wondering," Shayla said hesitating, unsure of her next request.
"Wondering about what?" Gail asked.
"Well, Sheitan. She needs a good home. Right now I just don't see how I can keep her." Shayla released a stressed breath. The closure of one circle meant the opening of another. She still harbored uncertainty about future prospects. "Perhaps you'd like her?"
"Shayla, it's all right. I would love to take her."
"You're sure? I mean, I know it might be hard, seeing as where she came from."
"I'll do it. Amethyst and I worried about her when Syther took her from the wild as a mere kitten. I guess it's lucky he loved her. Bit odd, but true."
"Perhaps," Meekal said with a thoughtful nod. "But I think it had more to do with possessiveness than love."
"No," Gail said, sadness edging her voice. "I know what it looks like, but I also know him. He loved her." She blinked back a tear. "He isn't insane, just a lost soul due to an overwhelming greed for power. He wanted more power but never understood its true source."
Meekal gave a halfhearted shrug. "We can bring Sheitan by on Sunday. Will you be at home or Shadow Run?"
"By Sunday, Shadow Run will be my home. Appropriate, don't you think? The forecast is sunny and warm. Can I expect you at four? We'll do tea."
"Sure thing," Shayla answered.
"Four o'clock it is then." Meekal tugged Shayla's hand. They stepped through the stone portal into a bright spring day. "Wind-ride or drive?" he asked, blowing into her ear with a teasing promise.
"Such temptations you offer," she murmured, nipping him just over the rapid pulse of his throat. She stretched her arms upward, encircling him in an embrace and twisted on her heel.
Meekal's breathy voice t.i.tillated her. "Ride the wind."
Magic Never Ends.
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Thank you. ~ Aithne.
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