"Scat cat," she said, swatting him away.
Harry laughed at them. "Let's not forget the hippogriff feathers."
The page of the book made a crinkling noise under her fingers. She grumbled under her breath, "What's next?" and returned to reading the book.
"He's just kidding, Shay," Meekal said, still laughing.
Shayla flapped her hand at them without looking up. She fidgeted with the corner of the page some more as she skimmed the list. The next two ingredients didn't improve her confidence.
Black phoenix feather White rose petals How are we going to get white rose petals in November? She grunted thinking that Chaeli probably had supplies stored away somewhere.
"Shayla, we'll get it," Gail said, taking the seat next to her. "They've done this before."
"I know." Shayla flattened her hand on the page and gave a small smile. "Doesn't change the fact that it's new to me. What a list. Most of it seems impossible, but in the face of everything else."
"Leith and James are Elementals." Gail tapped the book. "Their a.s.sistance is invaluable. As to Joseph, well, not only is he genetically the protector of the Well, he's also very learned. He has exceptional power."
Shayla sighed and changed the direction of the conversation. "Are you all right? It scared me when you were crying and fainted."
"I'm fine," Gail said, tilting her head to the side. She gripped her mug with both hands and tapped her index finger against the ceramic. "Syther was angry he couldn't make me upset, so he cast Agowilt on me."
"What does that spell do?"
"Agowilt causes unreasonable fear and sickness. That's what Syther does when he can't control someone by simply being vicious. I didn't faint even though the spell weakened me. He cast Soporis Profundus, which is a deep sleep spell. Probably didn't want to deal with me during the attack."
Emotions threatened to overcome her again. Shayla chewed her lip, a habit since childhood when stressed. Tears welled, blurring her vision. "Why did he kill Mrs. Graham? I know you said she was his mum and that she disapproved."
"Amethyst Graham was a valiant woman who stood firmly on her principles." Gail's hand went to hers and squeezed. "She was determined that her son would get nowhere near the Well. She'll be remembered for her act of courage and saving my life."
Shayla pulled her hand away, shaking her head. Pressing her palms to her wet eyes, she whispered, "I just don't understand. I get mad at my mom. I'd never kill her."
"That's because you have a good heart. Malvenue corrupted Syther through promises of power and grandeur. He twisted a great many of our youth before finally being sealed in the bezoar stone."
The moisture of mourning on her face was more than an annoyance. She wiped tears away, nodding. "Where are we going to get black phoenix feathers, white rose petals and a dragon's eyelash?"
"Phoenix feathers and white roses are easy." Gail smiled, pointing to the list on the page. "Leith happens to be acquainted with a phoenix. Mr. Lunn grows roses all year round in his green houses. Chaeli has an agreement with him that when she needs fresh petals, he'll furnish them. I believe it has something to do with keeping a couple of mischievous marauders at bay."
"As to the dragon's eyelash," Gail said, lifting her shoulder with nonchalance. "It's actually a code or puzzle."
"A code or puzzle." Shayla let out an upward breath dislodging her bangs from hanging in her eyes.
"Yes." Gail said, showing beautiful white teeth. "Someone Meekal knows just happens to go by the name Drake."
"Drake?" Realization dawned. "Equals a dragon. Those guys. Ooh. Dragon's eye-lash, my a.r.s.e," she said, making Gail laugh.
"What's so funny?"
Shayla turned to the door with an accusatory glare. "Dragon's eyelash?" She threw a pen at Meekal and Harry. It stopped mid-air, in suspended animation.
"Mornin', love." Meekal grinned wickedly, approached the table and leaned over to give her a quick kiss.
She growled at him.
Harry snickered, fanning himself. "There's nothing like wrestling a dragon first thing in the morning."
"Yeah, rough job." She didn't suppress a snort at his outrageousness.
He winked at her.
[10] "Where the Light is Brightest,.
the Shadows are Darkest"
The eastern horizon glowed brightly with shades of gold and pink against a backdrop of ever lightening blue. Shayla sighed. It was like a beacon of hope after the night's horrendous events. Five Thyrza captured, one Adjutor injured and sent to St. Brigit's Hospital and three deaths; Mrs. Amethyst Graham, Zubird and the man killed by Sheitan.
Despite the newness of the experiences over the last few days, Shayla felt growing determination. She had discovered a new purpose. True, it would be difficult telling her family and friends, but she would cross that bridge when she got to it.
"Gather around, everyone," Joseph said, and cleared his throat.
Awareness of the others finally caught Shayla's attention. Dressed simply in long white robes, they had the look of morning spirits walking the earth plane. She ran her hand down the front of hers. The fabric was smooth textured even as its woven pattern showed Pictish glyphs. The sleeves fell in a wide bell, trimmed with braiding of connected spirals. She fidgeted with the trim, moving her index finger around from the center to the outer edge of one spiral before moving on to its adjoining spiral. She thought of the connectivity of the circle of life.
"Shayla." Meekal's voice cut through her random thoughts.
She gave him a rea.s.suring smile. Entwining her fingers with his, she walked with the others to the Chalice Well Lionhead Fountain. They would do the ritual from there instead of the Vesica Piscis Pool this morning. They a.s.sembled in a circle amidst silence.
Joseph stood before the temporary stone table placed next to the fountain. He sent his gaze around from one face to another, stopping on Shayla. Facial lines reflecting the seriousness of the situation, he indicated the cloth covered stone where a large sterling silver bowl sat awaiting their contributions for the new protection ward.
Antic.i.p.ation traveled along her skin. This was big. She gave him the merest of nods, understanding.
She stepped into the center of the circle, reached up, and unsnapped the gold chain from her neck. Miniature flexible links moved over her fingers as she laid the locket in her palm. A magical, electrified buzz zipped from her head to her toes.
Despite their deaths, her maternal grandparents could be here. Her mother, whose baby picture was there, also made this event something of a homecoming. Some cultures believed that to take a picture, a portion of the person's soul would inhabit the separate image. This simple, but powerful belief aided everyone here today. Slipping her thumbnail into the crevice created by the two heart-shaped gold filigree parts, she opened it.
She then stepped forward and placed the locket on the round stone brought here for this purpose. "It has long been debated, nurture over nature. Where we come from, regardless of whether we acknowledge it or not, gives each individual the essence of their being. It's what we do with that gift that matters. My hidden past marks my family. I'm grateful for the opportunity to be here a.s.sisting this morning. My family's presence, even as spectrums of the shadows of my past, is potent. We share in one common bond. Protect the goodness of the Chalice Well and Chilkwell legacy." Pa.s.sing her fingers over the small portraits Shayla whispered, "Blessed Be."
Next, she pulled CIARANLEXISS from her pocket. Giving him a place of honor next to her family reinforced another acknowledgment of her history and purpose. She turned to Harry.
"Good job, cous," Harry said, giving her a lopsided grin as he pa.s.sed her. He took a leather thong from under his robes, pulled it off over his head and held it up to the golden globe rising in the sky. "This talisman has pa.s.sed to me from my great-great-grandfather. Red coral symbolizes strength, health and protection. The engraving upon it is an asp coiled around a holy thorn branch. It serves to remind us where we come from and for what we were born. May it a.s.sist in our endeavors today." He raised the coral to his lips, gave it a brief kiss, and then placed it on the stone.
Gail entered the circle carrying a gla.s.s jar filled with an a.s.sortment of sharp objects and stood before the stone. "Today we come together to serve and protect the good that comes from this Well. Everyone here knows what a Witch's Ball or Jar is. I have placed old nails, pins, bits of broken gla.s.s and river stones within. The sharp objects will keep those wishing harm and ill will at bay. The water you see is from the healing Chalice Well. The white wax seal represents the divine protection we seek today."
She paused and then reached into her pocket. "Joseph has given me permission to add another element." Tears came to her eyes as she fingered a small gla.s.s vial. "This vial has some of Amethyst Graham's blood in it. The blood of her son will be unable to breach it because he is responsible for her death." A soft sob escaped as she placed the vial of blood and Witch's Jar on the stone.
James stopped her as she made her way to her place in the circle, offering a consoling hug.
"Thank you," she whispered, pulling away with a watery smile.
James tipped his head, continued to the stone and halted before it. Absolute silence blanketed the garden. Even the birds and eternal spring stilled.
A strange charge traveled through Shayla, making her skin tingle and blood rush.
With a sudden flashpoint of phoenix fire, James Alexander transformed.
Shayla gasped as her heart flipped.
Phoenix song resonated around them as James continued singing for several minutes. Its harmony invoked a feeling of eternal love and peace, weaving a golden web above and around the Gardens extending well beyond the former wards. James 'Pyro' Alexander perched in the center of the stone, voice rising to the heavens. Then, peaceful stillness washed over the gardens.
Tipping his head, he shed two tears within the sterling silver bowl that held Tebalour Doomstar's bone, white rose petals, one dragon eyelash, a black adamant and water from the Vesica Pisces Pool. Taking flight, he shook out his tail, releasing a black feather into the bowl. James transformed and stood before them and the stone alter again.
The birds in the garden resumed their morning rituals of gathering food amidst busy chattering. The water flowing from the Lionhead spout of the Well added its musical tones. Shayla pushed the thought of years of denying the existence of magic as far back into her brain as she could. This was definitely real.
Leith stepped into the circle bearing a serious demeanor. He approached the stone alter, and then turned to face them. He pulled in a deep breath, and released it. "This morning, I wish to present my ring of Sable Beshrew."
He twisted the ring from his left hand. Clasping it tightly, he hissed through his teeth. "I came into my inheritance in a dastardly manner. I've spent the last few years attempting to straighten out in my mind the reasons for what happened. My grandfather and father wore this ring in the name of oppressive darkness. I endeavor to bring it into the light."
He squared his shoulders and placed the ring next to CIARANLEXISS. "I would also like to thank Joseph for allowing me the honor to wield the holy thorn wand. It will match James' and forever be used for the good of all." Leith placed his new wand on the stone, and then returned to the edge of the circle.
Vince's imposing figure stepped into the circle. He eyed the items on the circular stone and finally turned. His eyes locked with Leith's, and then he lifted the corner of his lip.
"I have you beat on the evil ancestors, Leith." Vince pushed his right sleeve up and unfastened a leather vambrace. Its mate from the left arm joined it on the circular table. "These arm bands were pa.s.sed down through my family since the thirteen hundreds. The reason they have survived so long is the magic imbrued in them comes from Skybald Carlyle. He broke away from his family and sought to carry darkness through the region by killing those who opposed him."
"They protected me when I was with Malvenue and they a.s.sist us here today." He laid them in a crossed pattern and then unsheathed a dagger. The Medieval cruciform dagger glistened in the morning sunshine. Vince turned it, catching the sun's rays once more. Jaw set with determination he rested the steel blade on the leather cuffs. With a curt nod, he stepped back and returned to his place in the circle.
Tiny Daphne stepped into the center of the circle. She unfastened a sterling broach from her robe. Her smile shone brilliantly. "This fleur-de-lis comes to me from my mother's side of the family. Its trefoil shape represents many things to many cultures. In my family, it was linked to the Grail legends and the Province myth of Mary Magdalene landing on the southern sh.o.r.es of France in the first century." Daphne smiled as she placed her heirloom next to Vince's artifacts. She ran her finger over his dagger, whispering something no one heard before returning to her place.
Selena, Darius G.o.dfrey's wife, glided into the circle, a dreamy look on her countenance. Spinning to face them, she gave the impression of a moon G.o.ddess, silvery and graceful. She smiled blissfully.
"As you know, my father has many connections scattered throughout the world. Today, he has given us a relic of great power-a rock from the earth's moon." Selena pulled a satin pouch from her pocket, opened its drawstrings and pulled an unearthly rock out, holding it up for everyone to see. She placed it on the round stone, and then lifted a chain from her neck. "This is a stone chip from St. Michael's Tower on the Tor. It has been in my family for 300 years." Without further comment, she stepped out of the circle.
For several moments, there was stillness from those present in the Gardens. The sound of water falling into the circular basin of the Well mingled with birds adding their melodic composition, surrounding them with Divine presence.
The Chilkwell family stepped into the center. They formed a mini circle within the outer circle. Linking hands with her father and son, Chaeli spoke. "Thoughts are things. Please take a moment to clear your mind."
Shayla inhaled in unison with the others as she closed her eyes. She released the breath, allowing her thoughts to flow out with her air.
Chaeli continued. "Breathe in deeply; let it out, fully clearing your lungs."
Shayla relished in the peaceful feeling that washed over her, carried on the breeze by the resonance of Chaeli's voice.
"Now, focus on your heart beat. The color of the heart chakra is green. Envision green expanding and growing around you, opening your inner soul to the endless possibilities of love."
Boundless love encircled Shayla. She continued to breathe in a regular rhythm even as her heart picked up its pace in excitement. Flashes of memory pa.s.sed through her mind. Laughter with her friend Barb, her mother's singing, Meekal's easy smile and messed black hair after a tryst. The spiraling air of the White Lady's arrival brushed the edges of her mind. Shayla sighed when the sound of an osprey encircled them. She felt the uplifting sensation as though she were going to take flight. Exhilaration.
"There is an age old saying here in Glas...o...b..ry. 'Where the light is brightest, the shadows are darkest.' Shadows are not always evil. They can show us the way to our lighter side. They are the very essence of each of us."
"Today, we bring forth shadows from our pasts, pieces of our families to tighten the wards around this sacred place. Throughout history, this place has had significance. May its healing powers continue into the future for the good of all creatures and humankind."
Emelia Chilkwell stepped forward. With a quick slice from CIARANLEXISS, she added several drops of her blood to the sterling bowl holding the elements of the ward. She placed a small stone within. "This stone comes from Raven's Gate. It's engraved with Pictish symbols of love, protection and truth. May they shine forth, even from the deepest shadows."
Chaeli smiled at her mother as she stepped forward. Placing a book on the stone alter, she explained, "This is my personal journal. I have written in it since my sixteenth birthday. It contains my thoughts and feelings during times of teenage angst, deep love, Meekal's birth and the loss of his father, Jerome Black. I dedicate the power of the written word, its essence to the heart of this new ward. Blessed Be." Chaeli raised CIARANLEXISS, swished him through a container of alcohol and lavender, and then p.r.i.c.ked her left index finger.
Everyone watched as three drops of crimson red dropped slowly into the bowl. Shayla bit her lip, hoping the extra blood added today would serve to protect Meekal. Would Syther figure it out? She watched as Joseph raised her sgian dhu and cut his palm.
"Today's blood contributions will not only serve to protect the Well, they will help protect our legacy." Joseph smiled at Meekal and motioned for him to step forward.
Meekal moved to the stone and placed his Crusader's helmet in the center front. "Thank you, sir. Ian Chilkwell wore this helmet during the first Crusades. He volunteered his service despite warnings from Raven to stay out of the conflict. As the second son, he felt it his duty. He returned to Glas...o...b..ry safely. We have kept this helmet here in the Manor as a constant reminder of the dual duties of our legacy which must continue into future generations."
Meekal took CIARANLEXISS from his grandfather and cut his left palm. Squeezing his hand tightly over the silver bowl, he allowed several drops of blood to drop upon the white rose petals, mingling with those of his family. His gaze rose, locking with Shayla's.
Shayla's heart flipped at what she saw there. The window to his soul, beckoned her. Without realizing what she was doing, Shayla stepped forward. She watched, mesmerized as Meekal cut her left hand.
"Love's blood," he whispered, and then clasped their hands tightly together. A soft moan escaped as she stared while their mingled blood flowed into the bowl, sliding along silken petals to form a small pool in the center under Tebalour Doomstar's bone.
Meekal moved their hands slightly; their blood fell on the carved bone. It sizzled, and then smoked. Shayla gasped. Their blood branded the remnants of the evil wizard. From somewhere distant, Shayla heard a feral scream.
"What have they done?"
[11] Wraythe's Rite of Misery The voice screamed once again, "What have they done?"
Shayla gasped, stomach flipping repeatedly. "What now?"
"Shayla, what's wrong?"
In response, she ground her teeth while grasping Meekal's hand to anchor and ground her here in the garden.
A serene sound pa.s.sed through her mind. "Shayla, my child, you must go."
"No." A burst of sudden wind carried her in an onrush of dreaded antic.i.p.ation. Shayla landed hard within a semi-dark cavernous chamber. Her knee cracked when it crashed on the stone ground. "Ouch!"
She scrambled to stand, hobbling on her injured knee and looked around, realizing instantly they were not in Syther's lair. Anger surged through her. Why did she have to be the one?
The smell of underground springs and something rotten a.s.sailed her senses. With an angry shake of her head, she attempted to put her full weight on her leg. Pain shot upward, inducing an agonized yelp. Growling and swearing, she stumbled to a rock, sat down, and lifted the white robe's torn fabric and scowled at her bloodied knee. "d.a.m.n."
Syther's anger cut through her misery. "I want to know what they've done!"
"Berk," she said, grunting. "Can't you figure it out?"
Dragar leaned over, squinting at Syther's wand lying on the ground. "It looks the same to me."
Syther kicked him.
Dragar grunted painfully while still scowling at the wand.