Conan's Corpse Picker - Chapter 1284

Chapter 1284

Suzuki Sonoko remembered that in Mie Prefecture, there was a personal doctor who pretended to rescue the employer, but actually killed him in person.

Following Jiang Xia's example, she looked at the store manager, and said calmly, "And the store manager who was next to him immediately after the deceased fell to the ground, right?"

Conan looked at her in surprise: "Indeed."

Suzuki Sonoko proudly raised his head: "It's a pity that I still have to go to school, otherwise I would have been a famous detective already!"

After speaking, he couldn't help but look at Jiang Xia, wanting to hear if he guessed right.

However, unfortunately, Jiang Xia was making a phone call from a distance.

Next to , the Otaki Police Department's eyes jumped when he heard it: I always feel that it is not a good thing to have too many detectives. Fortunately, this little girl looks unreliable, and it may be difficult to become a detective. It's the elementary school student next to me...

As he was thinking, the magical pupil suddenly looked at him.

"!" Otaki Police Department was startled and said sternly, "What's wrong?"

After a while, he actually saw a "helpless" look on the face of a primary school student, and then Conan pointed at the three people and urged: "Uncle police, we heard just now that these three people had a holiday with the deceased. "

This kind of thing is asked by the onlookers, and the suspect is easy to pretend to be deaf.

It is better to let the police ask.

As the Otaki Police Department looked over, the three suspects who had been silent for a while looked at each other for a moment, and they really opened their mouths.

The blue hat customer sitting next to the deceased sighed: "I did have a bit of conflict with him, but it wasn't to the point of killing someone. Actually, it was only a while ago that I brought my wife to this restaurant for dinner, complimenting the flounder here. Cheap but delicious. The guy next to us heard it and said, 'That's not some flounder, it's perch, idiot'."

The little policeman nodded as he remembered: "That is to say, he has slandered you for no reason?"

The blue hat was silent for a while: "Later I tasted it carefully and found that it was indeed a perch... But we said ours, why did he intervene! - And there is something wrong with him! Obviously it's just such a trivial matter, and that's all. But after that, and somehow, he actually touched my food blog and left a message saying that I'm actually a dull-savvy person, and that everything on my blog is bullshit!"

Thinking of my wife Liuzao's snarky comments, and the other ridicule he drew, Xiang Guoxiu couldn't help but slapped the table angrily.

After the bang, he suddenly found that the police officers looked at him a little strangely, and the blue hat hurriedly said embarrassedly: "Well, well, I am indeed a little angry, but who would kill someone just because they were scolded a few times on the Internet.

"Also, although I was sitting next to him, the conveyor belt was running clockwise, and I was sitting downstream of him. If you are poisoned, you have to wait for the plate to turn around again to get back to him - the sushi he didn't take the previous time, It's very likely that you won't take it the next time. If you really want to kill people, who would use such a lucky method."

Otaki Police Department: ...It seems to make sense?

Suzuki Sonoko also seemed to be a little addicted to being a detective. She touched her chin: "If you count the flow direction of the conveyor belt, the lady sitting upstream has a good chance."

Next to , the middle-aged woman in pink and tender clothes was startled when she heard the words, and waved her hands in panic: "Even if I sit upstream, I don't know what that **** eats or not, how could he smear poison on the plate indiscriminately!"

"That bastard?" Conan's eyes moved, and he said in a naive voice, "It sounds like Auntie really knew the deceased?"

Takemura Sakiko's expression changed.

After being silent for a while, she snorted coldly: "Anyway, even if I don't say it, you can definitely find it, so let me just tell you - the sushi restaurant I opened before was destroyed by that guy!

"He used to be a regular in our shop, but one day he suddenly said that our sushi taste had changed, and then he laughed and said, 'Such an obvious level fluctuation can only be suppressed with heavy cash'.

"I, I thought he was joking and didn't take care of him. Who knew that he immediately wrote a report saying that the sushi in our store is not as good as the boxed sushi in the supermarket! Then others followed suit... There will be no customers soon, so we can only close down.

After she finished speaking, she covered her face in pain.

The little policeman wrote quickly, halfway through the writing, remembering the rumor of the deceased just now, he asked one more question out of curiosity: "So your sushi restaurant has really changed the taste?"

The woman in pink froze and looked a little embarrassed. She said loudly, "There's no way! Our former sushi chef resigned at an advanced age, and the next chef we were looking for suddenly rejected my invitation. We can only temporarily Find an apprentice to make do... How can the taste of the sushi made in this way be the same?!"

said, she angrily glared at the manager of the conveyor belt sushi.

A few others were startled: There is actually a store manager here?

The manager sighed: "The manager of Wucun did contact me, but before I was going to take over the store, my arm was suddenly injured and I couldn't make sushi any more-because the previous customers in the store were fighting, I went to stop it and hit the glass. Broken a tendon.

"One of the guests in the fight..." His face became weird, as if suppressing hatred, "It's my wife, Mr.

Police officers: ""

seems to be difficult to rule out with motives.

One ruined the reputation, one ruined the store, one ruined the arm and career. It seems that no matter who violently kills, it is reasonable...

The shop is very windy.

On the other side of the corner, Jiang Xia was still making a phone call.

He picked up the phone, and there was indeed the sound of gin wine, which sounded a bit gnashing: "Wu Zuo, all three of my stalkers suddenly lost contact, do you have any clues?"

Jiang Xia didn't seem to hear the question in his tone. He simply interpreted it as a question. He asked in confusion, "Stalking people? What stalking people?"

On the opposite side of the phone case, there seemed to be a creaking sound that was about to be shattered.

Jiang Xia walked to the window, looked out, and then looked at the ghosts.

The ghosts shook their heads at him regretfully.

Jiang Xia also regretted it: it's all like this, and there is still no high-end murderous atmosphere around the sushi restaurant. It seems that Jinjiu is still a long way from here.

Across the phone, Gin is not just murderous, he is still thinking.

Just now, I heard that members of the organization's periphery died near Wuzuo, and the three of them lost contact at the same time. Countless past experiences suddenly came to mind, making Jin Jiu guess for the first time: Behind this matter, Wu Zuo must be doing something.

but he has no evidence.

At this time, after realizing that it was meaningless to "seek Wu Zuo Xing Shi to ask guilt", Jin Jiu's attention gradually shifted away from the three wastes who may have died, and thought of something more important.

Thank you for your Monthly Pass(???).