Comeback Of The Abandoned Wife - Chapter 29: The Drama

Chapter 29: The Drama

Later, Wu Anrun was told that Zhuang Qiurong was ugly and further confirmed that she was tedious-looking after he saw Zhuang's painting. He then made quite a few reasons to cancel the marriage. Even worse, he had an affair with a girl who met his requirements just to get rid of the marriage.

Wu Anrun's father had to cancel the engagement with Zhuang family and allowed Wu Anrun to marry the girl Wu Anrun had an affair with. Unfortunately, their marriage was not happy. They argued and fought a lot after they got married.

Half a year later, Wu Chu, the third son from the South Yard, returned from training and was about to marry Zhuang Qiurong in half a year.

Wu Anrun laughed at him once he learned the news. But when he saw Zhuang Qiurong's breathtaking beauty on Wu Chu's wedding, he couldn't regret more. Zhuang Qiurong was beautiful and elegant, like the one he dreamt of. Too bad it meant nothing no matter how bad he regretted because he was the one who canceled the engagement and she had already married his cousin.

However, after Wu Anrun laid an eye at Zhuang Qiurong on the wedding, he couldn't stop thinking of her since then. He thought of her every day and dreamt of her every night. Eventually one day he said her name in sleep.

His wife had quarrels with him as she heard a woman's name from his husband, which drove Wu Anrun further away from her and also made him think of the elegant and beautiful Zhuang Qiurong.

One time, Wu Anrun accidentally learned that Wu Chu had known Zhuang Qiurong even before he got engaged with Zhuang and that they even exchanged tokens of promise. It was then he realized that Wu Chu was behind of all of those rumors that Zhuang Qiurong was ugly so that he could cancel the engagement.

Therefore, Wu Anrun confronted Wu Chu, and then they got a big fight. Eventually with Wu Bufang's interference, they finally stopped fighting.

But what would happen in this life?

Wu Ruo couldn't wait to what would happen. When he came to senses, they already came to a room on the third floor.

When they opened the door, they could immediately see the stage downstairs, and their booth happened to face the stage.

"The location is good," said Wu Ruo.

s.h.i.+jiu helped him to sit on a giant chair that s.h.i.+yi had already arranged earlier.

Wu Ruo pat the chair next to him excitedly and said to Hei Xuanyi, “sit here.”

Hei Xuanyi sat down and scanned the crowd on the ground floor. He frowned because he didn't like the crowd.

“Have you come here or hired anyone to the house before?” Wu Ruo asked.

In last life he had never heard that Hei Xuanyi had ever watched drama. He was either alone or somewhere quiet.


“Neither have I.” Wu Ruo smiled.

He had never been to a theater in last or this life. He was afraid of being laughed at because he was too fat. Later after he had lost his weight, he had started to learn medical skills from Numu and then cultivation after he got his power. Besides, Wu Bufang, the chief of Wu family, loathed drama actors because they were inferior to Wu family. Therefore, they had never hired actors to the house and he had never watched any drama.

s.h.i.+yi showed Wu Ruo the songs of the play.

Wu Ruo read it and the second song caught his attention. Its name was Ugly Fat Husband. He was very sensitive to fat and ugly. Therefore he asked, “Ugly Fat Husband? What a strange name?!”

s.h.i.+yi explained, “they told me that it is a story based on you and master.”

“…” Hei Xuanyi.

Wu Ruo was also outraged, “let's see what story it is.”

The first scene started but he didn't pay attention to it because he was thinking about the second song.

When the second scene started, Wu Ruo and Hei Xuanyi sat up straight and paid full attention to the stage.

A big fat actor came up to the stage. He looked a lot like Wu Ruo including his face and body shape. And his clothes were similar to Wu Ruo's daily wear.

The fat actor fell over on the floor and couldn't get up the moment he came on to the stage, which amused the audience.

Wu Ruo was angry.

Then a middle-aged couple appeared on the stage. The fat actor cried that he didn't want to get married. But he was eventually sent on to a wedding carriage and married to an ugly man.

Hei Xuanyi gave a meaningful look at Wu Ruo at the moment.

As Wu Ruo was keeping an eye on Hei Xuanyi's reaction, he of course noticed that he was looking at him. He was embarra.s.sed and angry, “I didn't cry like the fat actor.”

He admitted that he argued and fought because he was going to marry a man but he had never cried like a woman,.

Hei Xuanyi had smile in his eyes and looked forward at the stage, said calmly, “I know. You are so eager to marry me. How could you cry?”

“…” Wu Ruo.

For so many years he had known Hei Xuanyi, it was the first time he learned that he could make jokes like that.

“Where did you learn the art of 'lying through your teeth'?”

“I just figured it on my own.”

“…” Wu Ruo.

On the stage, the two men were not happy after they got married. The fat man usually picked on the ugly man and later fell in love with a widowed woman. The ugly man couldn't tolerate sharing his man-wife with a woman. Therefore he plotted to separate the fat man and the widow, then killed the widow. Later when the fat man learned the truth, he killed the man and also himself.

Wu Ruo was so outraged to slap the armrest, “bulls.h.i.+t! Who made such nonsense?”

“They told me that the playwriter changed the ending because the audience doesn't like gay stories.” Explained s.h.i.+yi.

Hei Xuanyi gave him a cold stare.

s.h.i.+yi was terrified.

He didn't change the story. Why did he glare at him?

“Let's go.” Wu Ruo's mood was ruined. He and Hei Xuanyi left.

In the carriage, Hei Xuanyi stared at Wu Ruo,

Wu Ruo felt uncomfortable under his stare as though he was going to betray him like the fat man in the play, “why are you staring at me? I won't have an affair with a widow like it says in the play. I am not that stupid to fight against you.”

In last life, no matter how much he hated Hei Xuanyi, he had never had the idea of killing Hei Xuanyi, or divorcing him. Even when Ruan Zhizheng instigated him to, he just laughed it off.

Hei Xuanyi was less cold suddenly. He closed his eyes, leaning on the carriage.

Wu Ruo took a big breath of relief.

In fact, he was curious what Hei Xuanyi would do if he had an affair with someone else. He couldn't do some simple things such as separating him from his affair.

“Ah!” A lot of people in the theater screamed and rushed out.

“What happened?” Wu Ruo asked.

“Nothing big.” Hei Gan answered and drove off.

“…” Wu Ruo.

It didn't sound like nothing big at all.

But since the widow was sealed from coldness in winter, he couldn't see what happened outside. He could only tell that something was chasing people out of the theater. As they left, people seemed to be fighting in the theater.

As they went further away, they couldn't hear anything at all.

When they got home, Hei Xin approached with a smile, “lord, the egg moved.”

“What egg?” Wu Ruo wondered.

“The big white egg you laid, my lady.”

“…” Wu Ruo.

When did he lay an egg?

No! wait! Was it the egg Jixi game him?

Wu Ruo asked Hei Xuanyi, “you still keep the egg?”

It was good to know that he still kept the egg. Perhaps it was really his.

Hei Xuanyi headed to the study in the backyard.

Wu Ruo followed him to the room next to the study and saw a big bird hatching the egg.

As the big bird saw Hei Xuanyi, it stood up and revealed the egg.

Hei Gan held the egg up with extra care and stood in front of Hei Xuanyi.

Hei Xuanyi put his hand on the egg and detected the power inside it. He had a small smile and put back his hand.

“My lady, look at the young master.” Hei Xin smiled.

Wu Ruo's eyes twitched as he heard how Hei Xin called the egg. Did Hei Xuanyi really think the egg was his son?

He put his hand on the egg and felt the live creature inside it with his spiritual power. When he saw a baby instead of a big pile of meat inside the sh.e.l.l, he was frightened and put his hand back, asked Hei Xuanyi, “is-is it really the egg I gave you?”

How did the meatball in the egg turn into a baby? Isn't that scary?

However, if the egg was the child of a monster, it would not be surprising if the meat turned into a child.

Wu Ruo was relieved when he came up with such a possibility.

He had to ask more about the egg next time he saw Jixi.

Hei Xin put the egg back in the nest so that the big bird could hatch it, “in about a month, young master will be ready to hatch.”