"But, madam, your health is my care; and Mr. Bourgoign here tells me--"
"The subject does not interest me," murmured the Queen, apparently half asleep.
"But I will retire to the corner and turn my back, if that is necessary," growled the soldier.
There was no answer. She lay with closed eyes, and her woman began again to fan her gently.
Robin began to understand the situation a little better. It was plain that Sir Amyas was a great deal more anxious for the Queen's health than he pretended to be, or he would never have tolerated such objections.
The Queen, too, must know of this, or she would not have ventured, with so much at stake, to treat him with such maddening rebuffs. There had been rumours (verified later) that Elizabeth had actually caused it to be suggested to Sir Amyas that he should poison his prisoner decently and privately, and thereby save a great deal of trouble and scandal; and that Sir Amyas had refused with indignation. Perhaps, if all this were true, thought Robin, the officer was especially careful on this very account that the Queen's health should be above suspicion. He remembered that Sir Amyas had referred just now to a suspicion of poison.... He determined on the bold line.
"Her Grace has spoken, sir," he said modestly. "And I think I should have a word to say. It is plain to me, by looking at her Grace, that her health is very far from what it should be--" (he paused significantly)--"I should have to make a thorough examination, if I prescribed at all; and, even should her Grace consent to this being done publicly, for my part I would not consent. I should be happy to have her women here, but--"
Sir Amyas turned on him wrathfully.
"Why, sir, you said downstairs--"
"I had not then seen her Grace. But there is no more to be said--" He kneeled again as if to take his leave, stood up, and began to retire to the door. Mr. Bourgoign stood helpless.
Then Sir Amyas yielded.
"You shall have fifteen minutes, sir. No more," he cried harshly. "And I shall remain in the next room."
He made a perfunctory salute and strode out.
The Queen opened her eyes, waited for one tense instant till the door closed; then she slipped swiftly off the couch.
"The door!" she whispered.
The woman was across the room in an instant, on tip-toe, and drew the single slender bolt. The Queen made a sharp gesture; the woman fled back again on one side, and out through the further door, and the old man hobbled after her. It was as if every detail had been rehea.r.s.ed. The door closed noiselessly.
Then the Queen rose up, as Robin, understanding, began to fumble with his breast. And, as he drew out the pyx, and placed it on the handkerchief (in reality a corporal), apparently so carelessly laid by the crucifix, Mary sank down in adoration of her Lord.
"Now, _mon pere_," she whispered, still kneeling, but lifting her star-bright eyes. And the priest went across to the couch where the Queen had lain, and sat down on it.
"_In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti_--" began Mary.
When the confession was finished, Robin went across, at the Queen's order, and tapped with his finger-nail upon the door, while she herself remained on her knees. The door opened instantly, and the two came in, the woman first, bearing two lighted tapers. She set these down one on either side of the crucifix, and herself knelt with the old physician.
... Then Robin gave holy communion to the Queen of the Scots....
She was back again on her couch now, once more as drowsy-looking as ever. The candlesticks were gone again; the handkerchief still in its place, and the woman back again behind the couch. The two men kneeled close beside her, near enough to hear every whisper.
"Listen, gentlemen," she said softly, "I cannot tell you what you have done for my soul to-day--both of you, since I could never have had the priest without my friend.... I cannot reward you, but our Lord will do so abundantly.... Listen, I know that I am going to my death, and I thank G.o.d that I have made my peace with Him. I do not know if they will allow me to see a priest again. But I wish to say this to both of you--as I said just now in my confession, to you, _mon pere_--that I am wholly and utterly guiltless of the plot laid to my charge; that I had neither part nor wish nor consent in it. I desired only to escape from my captivity.... I would have made war, if I could, yes, but as for accomplishing or a.s.sisting in her Grace's death, the thought was never near me. Those whom I thought my friends have entrapped me, and have given colour to the tale. I pray our Saviour to forgive them as I do; and with that Saviour now in my breast I tell you--and you may tell all the world if you will--that I am guiltless of what they impute to me. I shall die for my Religion, and nothing but that. And I thank you again, _mon pere, et vous, mon ami, que vous avez_...."
Her voice died away in inaudible French, and her eyes closed.
Robin's eyes were raining tears, but he leaned forward and kissed her hand as it lay on the edge of the couch. He felt himself touched on the shoulder, and he stood up. The old man's eyes, too, were br.i.m.m.i.n.g with tears.
"I must let Sir Amyas in," he whispered. "You must be ready."
"What shall I say?"
"Say that you will prescribe privately, to me: and that her Grace's health is indeed delicate, but not gravely impaired.... You understand?"
Robin nodded, pa.s.sing his sleeve over his eyes. The woman touched the Queen's shoulder to rouse her, and Mr. Bourgoign opened the door.
"And now, sir," said Mr. Bourgoign, as the two pa.s.sed out from the house half an hour later, "I have one more word to say to you. Listen carefully, if you please, for there is not much time."
He glanced behind him, but the tall figure was gone from the door; there remained only the two pikemen that kept ward over the great house on the steps.
"Come this way," said the physician, and led the priest through into the little walled garden on the south. "He will think we are finishing our consultation."
"I cannot tell you," he said presently, "all that I think of your courage and your wit. You made a told stroke when you told him you would begone again, unless you could see her Grace alone, and again when you said you had come to Chartley because she was here. And you may go again now, knowing you have comforted a woman in her greatest need. They sent her chaplain from her when she left here for Tixall in July, and she has not had him again yet. She is watched at every point. They have taken all her papers from her, and have seduced M. Nau, I fear. Did you hear anything of him in town?"
"No," said the priest. "I know nothing of him."
"He is a Frenchman, and hath been with her Grace more than ten years. He hath written her letters for her, and been privy to all her counsels.
And I fear he hath been seduced from her at last. It was said that Mr.
Walsingham was to take him into his house.... Well, but we have not time for this. What I have to ask you is whether you could come again to us?"
He peered at the priest almost timorously. Robin was startled.
"Come again?" he said. "Why--"
"You see you have already won to her presence, and Sir Amyas is committed to it that you are a safe man. I shall tell her Grace, too, that she must eat and drink well, and get better, if she would see you again, for that will establish you in Sir Amyas' eyes."
"But will she not have a priest?"
"I know nothing, Mr. Alban. They even shut me up here when they took her to Tixall; and even now none but myself and her two women have access to her. I do not know even if her Grace will be left here. There has been talk among the men of going to Fotheringay. I know nothing, from day to day. It is a ... a _cauchemar_. But they will certainly do what they can to shake her. It grows more rigorous every day. And I thought, that if you would tell me whether a message could reach you, and if her chaplain is not allowed to see her again, you might be able to come again. I would tell Sir Amyas how much good you had done to her last time, with your herbs; and, it might be, you could see her again in a month or two perhaps--or later."
Robin was silent.
The greatness of the affair terrified him; yet its melancholy drew him.
He had seen her on whom all England bent its thoughts at this time, who was a crowned Queen, with broad lands and wealth, who called Elizabeth "sister"; yet who was more of a prisoner than any in the Fleet or Westminster Gatehouse, since those at least could have their friends to come to them. Her hidden fires, too, had warmed him--that pa.s.sion for G.o.d that had burst from her when her gaoler left her, and she had flung herself on her knees before her hidden Saviour. It may be he had doubted her before (he did not know); but there was no more doubt in him after her protestation of her innocence. He began to see now that she stood for more than her kingdom or her son or the plots attributed to her, that she was more than a mere great woman, for whose sake men could both live and die; he began to see in her that which poor Anthony had seen--a champion for the Faith of them all, an incarnate suffering symbol, in flesh and blood, of that Religion for which he, too, was in peril--that Religion, which, in spite of all clamour to the contrary, was the real storm-centre of England's life.