Colossus Hunter - Chapter 36-37

Chapter 36-37

037 Chapter 9 Rakshasa Mountain (3)

I opened Mind's Eye, and at the same time the man's information popped up.

Name: Minjun Gu (Value – 370)

Occupation: Regenerator

t.i.tles: None


Str 14d

Agi 11d

Con 19c

Int 10f

Mag 8f


Special Note: Has a mental disorder.

Skills: Regeneration(Lv1)

How should I put this.

'What a joke.'

Regenerator was an unusual occupation, but that was all. He had recently awakened and gained an occupation as well, but his stat and growth potential was hopeless. It couldn't even be considered average.

'The physical stat of the average healthy adult male was 10.'

So as to say, his stats were only 1.5 times higher than the average healthy adult male, though of course, just that was still enough to exhibit a level of performance that didn't lose out to most athletes.

He had a att.i.tude, and his smile even gave off a feeling of being unhinged. He appeared to think himself 'special' unlike others. I had seen many such people before.

"f.u.c.k, what an unfair world. Some can labor for a day and would earn at most 100,000 won, while some live without a care in the world, strutting about with women on either side."

Syria spoke up.

"Stop your nonsense and get lost."

While she was rather pleasant towards me, she didn't lose out when it came to making cutting remarks. But apparently her action only further stirred up the man's anger.

"What, you were a mama's boy? I'm so envious of women protecting you. Lose the d.i.c.k will you, r.e.t.a.r.d-"

The man's neck twisted around with a 'thwack!' sound. Syria had thrown a punch and struck his chin. She was, in fact, a fighting mania. She had quite the enthusiasm for it, to the point of even receiving personal coaching from a pro.

"So uncivil to someone you just met. I would turn down boorish men like you, regardless of capability."

Syria winced as she dusted off her fist. Her hot temper contrary to her appearance was the same as ever.

An ordinary person would have gone down with that single blow, but right away the man's neck returned to normal. His regeneration skill had activated.

"This crazy b.i.t.c.h…did you just hit me? Hit, me?"

The man heavily reeked of alcohol. He wasn't able to restrain himself, and was trying to vent his bottled up stress. The man rummaged on his self and finally took out a blood-stained knife. There was a mix of blood and fur on the knife, clearly the traces of small animals. The vestiges of cruelty and slaughter. He was a single phase away from turning his morbid interest to humans.

"Look look. He took out a knife."

"Sh-, shouldn't we stop it?"

"How exactly can we do that? Someone must have called the police."

The surroundings bursted into commotion in moments. And at that moment.


Someone screamed as the man began to move, swinging the knife.



At the same time the man was sent rolling on the ground, and I stepped forwards as I warmed up my hands.

As a principle, I wasn't too fond of people threatening other people. Many countries had ended up disappearing because of internal discord in the past. Infighting when all of humanity needed to band together as one…only the most arrogant and overly confident could act this way. As such, if something like that ever occured before me, I would do just one thing.

"This bas-…kuek!"

The moment he lifted the knife, I smacked the hand holding it. The man was struck by his own fist and tumbled over like a frog. The man stood up again, bleeding from both nostrils, brandis.h.i.+ng the knife without form as he tried to stab me.



I struck his elbow in the instant the man leaned his body forward, and his arm holding the knife twisted in a direction that wasn't normally possible. He dropped the knife as a result, but there was no chance that I was going to stop here. Many people would be killed if a person like this gained power. There was a time in the past, when I tried everything to save these kinds of people as well, but I had realized that it was all in vain.

I would do just one thing. Wring out the very notion of violence from his mind. In other words, the stick was the only cure to a mad dog.

"You've crossed a line that shouldn't be crossed."

The world was unfair. How else would the saying of 'being born with a silver spoon' have come about. The saying also applied to the standards of awakened, because it was most often the case that potential, stat growth and the like were decided from birth.

Someone would look at me and feel envy, even hate, thinking — couldn't I live as I pleased with the overwhelming potential and the memories I held?

But responsibility followed power. When those with power s.h.i.+rked responsibility, everything would collapse. I had witnessed countless such happenings. Besides, it wasn't as if having or not having power made any difference to the 'line' that should be respected by all. And this man right here had crossed that line.

Thwack! Crunch!

It was a staggering show of violence. Blood splattered and bone broke. It took no time at all for the man's face to become caked with blood. The spectacle made even Syria cringe, who was raised in a military household.

"Ple, pleease…sba, sbare me."

The man begged with his hands held together. Crawling over to me like a dog, he clutched onto the leg of my pants. Several of his teeth were knocked out, making him unable to speak properly. It would be hard to expect much growth as an awakened from him, even if he could heal.

Someone may look at this scene and question, wasn't this too much? But if I was powerless then I would have died instead, and a man who had tasted blood could go on to harm the lives of many more people. The possibility of saving more of humanity could disappear because of this one man.

The man sobbed as he begged for his life, and I gripped him by the hair.

"How does it feel to be on the receiving end?"

"Sa, sab, save…"

[The opponent has completely submitted. Right now it is possible to dominate the man for 20% value at 74 points.]

I frowned, and at the same time 'Cold Blood' activated, cooling down my mind. The man was psychologically in a state of complete submission, but 74 points would be too much of a waste in dominating this kind of person.

I leaned down close to the man's ears and spoke.

"You'll have to remain satisfied with the small animals you killed until now. Minjun Gu, if I ever hear the tiniest news about you…I'll make it so you'll be screaming for death instead."


The man began to tremble like a rattling poplar. A person he had met for the first time knew his name. He looked at me with eyes full of fear and horror, then swallowing with a gulp, he began to nod his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

I firmly straightened myself up, and I felt the gazes from the surrounding immediately after. Everyone appeared to be petrified. It was so quiet that the sound of a coin dropping could break the silence; the scene they'd witnessed must have been that much overwhelming.

'I got too worked up.'

It wasn't as if I exhibited any supernatural power, and it was somewhat of a relief that I was wearing

I slowly moved my feet, leaving the scene.

I was a little concerned about videos, photos and the like may of the incident spreading on the internet, but in just a single day my worries were proved to be pointless. News of events that easily shadowed the previous scenario were flooding the internet here and there.

ă…ˇFire-breathing man.

ă…ˇA bank robbed clean. The doing of an invisible man!

ă…ˇ100m world new record, broken.

ă…ˇA group of psychics revealing themselves to be the 'Order of Justice Incarnate'. Facing off with evil.

ă…ˇPeople who have exceeded human limits. Who are they?

ă…ˇCurrent situation of Korea drawing global attention.

This had happened over the course of a mere several days. Videos which gained hundreds of thousands, millions of views upon upload were in abundance. They were being constantly deleted, but it had now reached a point of being unable to be stopped.

'There should be an announcement from the government soon.'

This momentum, couldn't be stopped. The people who had gained powers all of a sudden were displaying it to the public and causing chaos. Fortunately, as a consequence, because there was still no humans powerful enough to overcome modern weapons, they were being arrested one after the other. But even then, too many people had come to know about them. It wasn't possible to pa.s.s it off as 'rumour' now; the number of witnesses didn't stop at just one or two.

There will be an official announcement. Perhaps Korea would set the precedent of acknowledge the existence of 'gates'. Mins.h.i.+k would most likely exert himself at that time. He was the first awakened to be acknowledged, and was preparing to become the forerunner.

'Change is coming.'

It was the beginning of a great change.

'In fact, this is fine.'

There was a positive side as well to this kick start. Those showing any 'seed' of potential could be isolated right from the beginning. Thanks to commotion breaking out, world-wide attention was directed toward Korea. This meant that, under Korean and Mins.h.i.+k's lead, the possibility events progressing more systematically had increased. I would gain a little more freedom of movement if that happened, because Mins.h.i.+k would be under the spotlight then, creating the perfect environment for me to move in the shadows. Moreover…he hadn't been acting thoughtlessly after all.

'I never expected that he would drag political and business figures into the gate.'

It was an extreme decision, but thanks to that the country was in upheaval. Mins.h.i.+k must be thinking of showing them reality while hunting the zombie king, and at the same time leaving an impression on them to make them help him. If he had planned that much, then it seemed I needn't worry much about him.

"It seems that events are playing out more interestingly than expected? Your smile looks very much indecent."

Jörmungandr spoke from right beside me.

I slowly nodded my head.

"Because I think the commotion he raised may be leading in a positive direction."

"He, as in that goofy man? The pitiful one that could not even speak properly upon seeing me?"

I was told that Mins.h.i.+k became a stuttering fool upon seeing Jörmungandr after he woke up. But most men would all act the same in the face of Jörmungandr's mind-blowing beauty.

'Was I underestimating him?'

Of course, I could make an exact judgement only after I see how he handles the aftermath, but I felt that he had perfectly set the background for the bigger picture to come. He had planned and acted on it over the course of a mere several days. He had an amazing initiative. I did wonder if it was too early, but the upper echelon wouldn't move unless an impact of this level was given. On top of it all, political and business figures were also swept into the mess…

Of course, preparing for the worst case scenario, I had given some words of warnings to Syria in advance. She would doubtless handle things well.

'I can't fall behind.'

The preparations had ended.

I breathed in deeply and turned around. I was looking at a small room for surgery, containing a white bed and all sorts of surgery tools. And there was a man wearing a doctor's gown, a mask, and a pair of gloves.

"Putting that aside, just what are you up to? This seems to be another hospital."

"Body modification."

To be specific, I was about to undergo an operation to improve the circulation of mana. But to do that I had to make a hole in my head. It was one reason why I shaved my head. For this, I had 'dominated' a doctor who was an authority on brain surgery. It had cost me a whole 7,000 points.

Wearing a gown for patients, I laid down on the bed.

"Will you really be doing it without anaesthetic?"


"You may even enter shock from excessive pain."

"It's fine, so please proceed right away."

It was an operation to drill open the blocked Hundred Convergences point. At the same time I had to release streams of mana, endlessly intertwining them into helical forms. It could never be done in a sleeping state. Paralyzing my senses wouldn't be allowed either. It just goes to show how delicate an operation this would be.

I had finally found the way after examining the insides of Uriel Diablo's body.

'I'll conquer my limits.'

I grit my teeth. The doctor took hold of a scalpel, and that signalled the beginning of the surgery.


I nervously looked around my surroundings. The 'gates' located in Gyeongbokgung Palace wasn't just one. The gate which had appeared after the death of the possessed animal still remained without disappearing. When I had entered that gate, around 50 people had come into view. There were men and women aged between 20 and 60 at most, and they had been trembling from anxiety.

"Just where is this place!"

"Let me out! How long do I need to stay here?"

"But outside…there are zombies."

"G-, gonna die. Everyone's gonna die."

It was a cave lit by several torches. Each and every person didn't hide their fear. Several days had already pa.s.sed but no one could leave the cave. Those that did had all died. Once, a zombie had come inside, but everyone would have died fleeing if it weren't for the Chinese siblings.

"Doesn't it look like the Chinese know something?"

"They're just doing nothing but waiting."

"Hey there! It looks like you know something so can you please get out with it frankly!"

Linlin and Shaoting were standing by the cave entrance silently. Finally, someone came walking in through that entrance.


Several zombie heads rolled around the ground. The protesting people all closed their mouths tightly. A man covered all over in blood had made an appearance for the first time. Linlin and Shaoting slightly lowered their heads towards the man.

"Fortunately everyone's gathered without dying."

The man was Mins.h.i.+k. Shaking off the blood on his sword, Mins.h.i.+k continued to speak.

"Among the people here, there should those that were invited by me, and those that weren't. I have only one thing to say to you all. If you want to live, follow my words. Zombie King Aks.h.i.+z is no walk in the park."

A man spoke up.

"Wait! You're the one who called me to Gyeongbokgung Palace? Ju-, just how on earth do you know about the 'secret' which only I know?"

He was a three times elected senator. The reason why the man with politics ingrained deep into his bones had no choice but to head toward Gyeongbokgung Palace, was all because of Mins.h.i.+k. Not only that, the group of people included the son of a CEO in his teens, a prosecutor famous for turning black into white, and more. They weren't many, but each and every one of them were people with big influences.

Mins.h.i.+k chuckled.

"Secret? There is so many that I don't know where to begin. There should be a limit to crime and corruption. Oh…or is it because of that? Personally murdering your own cousin-"

"Stop! D-, do you have any idea who you're shooting off your mouth to?"

"Well, such matters are of no concern here."

Mins.h.i.+k shrugged and rested his sword on his shoulder.

"We will need 'solidarity' in order to survive and leave this place. That is why 'Zombie King Aks.h.i.+z' must be killed. Follow my lead, and never question me. Those useless will be thrown aside, and food will be distributed according to performance. We aren't that well off ourselves, you see."

"Just where is this place? And what are those things like zombies?"

When a young man asked about this, Mins.h.i.+k replied indifferently.

"They are monsters that will invade Earth in the future. They bite humans on the neck and tear out their innards without mercy. The reason why you all have 'awakened' is precisely for the sake of protecting Earth, humanity, from those monsters."

"Have I possibly truly become someone with super powers? You mean it wasn't just a rumour?"

Mins.h.i.+k nodded and then spoke.

"You all have good luck. For as long as you follow my lead well, you may even earn an occupation and skills, becoming a true ability user."

Everyone was shocked into silence.

Mins.h.i.+k spoke with a big smile on his face.

"Welcome, to the rehearsal hall for the h.e.l.l to come."

Waves of pain came striking at me. It was a surgery to cut flesh and cleave bone without anaesthetic. It felt like I would black out if I ever lost focus for even a moment. But I was rather accustomed to pain. Gritting my teeth, I forced my body to be still. Soon after, a hole was made in the crown of my head and stimulated the Hundred Convergences point. Creating a man-made pa.s.sageway in that point was the purpose of this surgery; preparation to unseal the middle and upper energy centers in order to improve my mana abilities dozens of times more compared to others.

'Focus. I have to focus.'

But piecing together mana like twisted breadsticks whilst enduring agony was extremely difficulty. An ordinary person would have blacked out the moment bone was cut, and even if that person managed to persevere, their hair would have turned completely white from trauma.

But I had to do it. There was only one chance, because the forcibly opened pa.s.sageway would close over time. There was no guarantee that it would open again.

The moment that pa.s.sageway opened, however, I did feel that the circulation of mana had sped up. I twisted, twisted, and further twisted the mana gathered in my lower energy center. It felt as if I were making hand-pulled noodles. The more I pulled, the more mana in helical form increased.

The helical mana woven together like spider webs agitated my lower energy center. As the stimulated mana pressured the lower energy center at the same time the Hundred Convergences point was opened, surprisingly, a 'path' was also created there.

'The lower energy center is simply a storage place for mana.'

The true application of mana began from the linkage of the middle and upper energy centers. I was able to gain enlightenment regarding that structure. The upper energy center of humans would temporarily open at birth, and then it would close over at an extremely fast speed, and that is why a hole for mana to pa.s.s through didn't appear. In the end, the mana that flowed down to the lower energy center would stagnate there.

However, if a pa.s.sageway is opened by stimulating the Hundred Convergences point, the closed off hole would open just 'very slightly'. Only mana that was compressed thinly could pa.s.s through that hole, and in order for the pa.s.sed through mana to settle, the mana had to be twisted into a helical form and bound to the heart and brain. It was an extremely delicate operation.

Sweat poured from my entire body like rain.

'I've seen and understood the body structure of a demon lord. What appeared to be hundreds of thousands, at least, of sections of mana in helical form were bound to the body. That's the reason why their magic power can reach the peak of limits.'

I wanted to grow strong, even more so than I was in the past. To do that I had to change, to transform; soaring past the very limits of humans so that I could be ready for anything that comes my way.

I concentrated, or it would be more accurate to say that I had fallen into a state of nothingness. The pain gradually disappeared. I was in the midst of riding the waves of mana, travelling back and forth between the heart and brain.

'The Möbius strip. The ambiguity of the beginning and end. And thus eternally cycling…'

Cycle. What does it mean to cycle?

Everything was within a cycle. All of creation, including me. But there was none who knew where that cycle began and ended. Perhaps a supposed G.o.d would know? I was creating such a 'circulation system' within my body. It was similar to the one a demon lord had, but also different. It was a looping circulation that ran by my very own rules.

'Domain of infinity.'

Infinity! I had no limits. I set no limits, for I was a single being, and at the same time, not. I created a universe. My body was like a 'world' in itself. As I followed along the line of mana twisted into helical forms, I became young and at times, old as well. My body was repeatedly becoming covered in wrinkles instantly, which were then completely erased again. Then at times my body would shrink to completely a.s.sume the form of a baby. An unexpected realization came over me, of something beyond simply twisting mana into helical forms. I even went so far as to create a body similar in characteristics to a demon lord. But finally, I returned to my original body. I further established my self ident.i.ty; my own uniqueness. This was definitely different from from the 'rebirth' which is said to be experienced upon breaking through one's limits. What should this be called…

'A perfect being.'

The boundaries shattered, and I kept a single exact form. Hansung Oh; my very own being. The skies, people and the earth. If these referred to Heaven Man Earth, the three forms of creation, then I must have explored deeply into the Man aspect. Through countless transformations of the mind and body, I was able to establish and gain enlightenment regarding my 'self' as a being.

[Of the Sixth Realms, user has realized the foundation of the 'Human Realm'.]

['Hansung Oh' t.i.tle has been obtained.]

[User has glimpsed into the concept of 'Infinity'.]

[Level 1 information of the 'Akas.h.i.+c Records' has been released.]

[Mana reconstruction has been completed.]

[Magic power has increased by '15'. Due to the change in mana, the body cells have been invigorated and physical related stats will increase by a small amount.]

[Mana limit has been removed.]


I felt breathless. The influx of information churned the inside of my mind, and at the same time, I began to see what I hadn't been able to see before. What shouldn't be visible entered my eyes, and at the end of it all, my consciousness began to slowly float away.



A pair of snake-like eyes greeted me when I opened my eyes again. I was still in the surgery room, and while I felt no pain in particular, I became uplifted immediately after waking.

"How marvelous. How is it that a human was able to carry out the 'ritual of G.o.ds'?"

"Ritual of G.o.ds?"

"Before G.o.ds become G.o.ds, they transform into 666 different forms. You had transformed no more than four times, but it was definitely similar to that ritual."

I had taken on the form of the past, present, future, and of Uriel Diablo in succession. That alone remained clearly in my memory. I had no idea what this ritual of G.o.ds was, but the things I had experienced and become enlightened to was far from the word 'G.o.d'.

I raised my torso and tried feeling my head. The hair which I had definitely shaved had grown back spa.r.s.ely. My skin had become smoother, and my body felt like it was bursting with energy.

"How much time had pa.s.sed since I pa.s.sed out?"

"By the standards of you humans, about 3 seconds must have pa.s.sed. Since you had lost consciousness, I mean."

A mere 3 seconds had pa.s.sed? I had been trapped within the small universe of my own creation. There I walked, ceaselessly, along the path leading to the domain of infinity, and arrived there finally. To think it all happened in 3 seconds.

I turned my gaze around. However, what was even more surprising than that, was the small lumps of light drifting about in my surrounding. They escaped far away when I reached my hand out toward them, but they were definitely the forms of 'spirits'.

'I can see…spirits.'

Even if one had a natural born affinity for spirits, it wasn't possible to see them before contracting. Syria could only hear their voices as well. My affinity with spirits was nil, and yet right now, I could see spirits that I hadn't even contracted.

ă…ˇIt's a strange human.

ă…ˇHe smells yummy.

ă…ˇBut I'm scared to go close.

I could hear their voices as well. They were only spirits of water. They flew around avoiding my hands. Although I could see them, it seemed that I hadn't gained any affinity with spirits. Had my range of perception increased due to the enlightenment regarding my 'self'?

I shook my head. This phenomenon resulted from my glimpsing the concept of infinity and wandering the universe.

'Akas.h.i.+c Record.'

The original dimension information compilation containing all the records of the universe. That's the general idea I had regarding the Akas.h.i.+c Record. The level 1 of the record was apparently released. I didn't know what that meant, but I felt that it was related to why I had become able to see spirits, as well as the 'things that shouldn't be visible'.

I drew a cross mark in midair, and then…

[Updating User Information.]

Name: Hansung Oh

Occupation: Universal Man


? Hansung Oh (Null, All stats +1 per every 10 base magic power)

? Gnoll Annihilator (Lv5, Con+7)


Str 41(36+5)

Agi 37(32+5)

Con 43(31+12)

Int 33(23+10)

Mag 64(54+10)


Skills: Mind's Eye(Lv9), Dominator(Lv9), Transfer(???), Heartless Soul Stealer Blade(Lv6), Cold Blood(Lv2), Stygian Touch(Lv1)

Equipped Gear: Jörmungandr(Lv2, Int/Mag +5)

[Before and After Comparison]

Str 33 Agi 30 Con 36 Int 25 Mag 44 Potential(151+17/461)

Str 41 Agi 37 Con 43 Int 33 Mag 64 Potential(181+42/461)

Pant! Pant!

I breathed in deeply. My pupils were enlarged, and my breathing became rough.

First of all…a t.i.tle with my name had appeared. This was a first for me as well, not to mention that it had a null grade. Heartless Soul Stealer Blade was like this. It was an exhausting sword art, and upon reaching the 8th level one would become able to infuse soul within the soul. Upon reaching the 9th level, one would have attained nirvana and would be able to utilize force. In the past I had only managed to learn up to the 9th level. It is said that upon reaching the 10th level one would be able to use the sword of the heart, 11th level the power of all nature, and upon reaching the 12th level one could contain the universe, becoming one with all creation and ascending to divinity.

The null grade was as such. It was at a level of training pure strength as well as deepening understanding. But a null grade t.i.tle of all things. It was my first time seeing a name as a t.i.tle, and I had never even heard of a t.i.tle with a null grade.

'Magic power is like the scale which measures the level of a being.'

Looking at base stats only, my magic power was already 54. It was in a whole different cla.s.s compared to the other stats. Thanks to that, all my stat rose by 5 each; truly an unbelievable occurrence. Pouring all efforts into raising a single stat was certainly good. But the best thing would be for all stats rising evenly. Imbalance leads to further imbalance after all. Equipments or t.i.tles that raised all stats were extremely rare, however. Individuals at the level of demon lords would barely have just one each. Even a Lv10 t.i.tle stopped at raising all stats by 8.

'If I raised magic power to its maximum…'

That would increase all stats by 10. The t.i.tle effect would s.h.i.+ne the more one grew stronger, meaning that I could come to possess 'status' surpa.s.sing even demon lords upon reaching the pinnacle. What's more…through the mana reconstruction I had gained a foundation to develop my magic power much faster than any other. What perfect chemistry. I'm sure that the saying, a match made in heaven, was made for moments like this. It was an outcome I had never even imagined. Who knew that the helical mana would grant an enlightenment like this. But I couldn't simply pa.s.s it off as coincidence. My desire is what paved the way. The way to become further complete.

"Hmm moulting is it. Interesting. This is my second time feeling such interest toward a human."

"Who was the first?"


It was about Icarus again. The human who attempted to rise to the skies but crashed down onto the earth. But it seemed that there was something I didn't know about. I could sense a slight yearning in Jörmungandr's voice. I could tell because of the contract.

After mentioning the name, Jörmungandr looked away and changed the subject.

"Now I must change my form also. Walking around in the body of a human was getting tiring."

At the same time her body began to shrink. Her figure disappearing, leaving behind only her clothes. Finally, a silver snake shot out from between the clothes. The snake slithered up my leg, climbed up my shoulder and stopped moving there.

I turned my gaze, and looked at the doctor.

"What you've seen here must remain secret."

"I under-, understand."

He was surprised. When I dominated a monster, it would turn almost blindly devoted, but humans were slightly different apparently. But my words definitely affected compelled obedience.

"Go back to your original workplace. I will find you again."

He was a brain surgeon with authority. His potential wasn't high, but his value was highly a.s.sessed. This proved that stats and potential weren't the only factors in a.s.sessing value.

I changed into my clothes and left the hospital. My business here was finished. My hair growing back was a surprise, but now I won't be called 'ahjussi' just from my appearance. My skin was practically s.h.i.+ning, after all.

'I should set off immediately.'

The gate leading to Rakshasa Mountain was in Daejeon.

I resolved the small matters concerning school and my home, and then immediately packed my things to head toward Daejeon.

An abandoned house, surrounded by mountains. There, somewhere underground, the gate leading to Rakshasa Mountain had opened.

Pant pant pant!

As I arrived there, the 17 gnoll warriors greeted me. They no longer retained their former cute appearances, now resembling wolves, but their puppy-like tendencies were unchanged.

'Looks like they've been eating well even while I was away.'

I had given them the command to arrive here first, to move under the darkness of night and to travel through places with no humans. I was very much glad to see that they had arrived with not a single one missing. I patted all their heads one by one, and turned my gaze.


A blue gate was open making a small noise.

Blue. An other race inhabited the place. Even in the past, I had only seen a dying old man on Rakshasa Mountain, but he must have been of a different race that was not human, but similar to humans.

I gulped. Etaqua was on the other side. The white dragon. One of the children of the mother of wisdom and counsel, Walpurgis.

'Will he accept me?'

Apparently he could recognize the other by distinguis.h.i.+ng the soul, but who knew. He was too young to be able to tell things apart, after all. But it may be a problem if he grew old and became used to the demon lord's appearance. That's why I had sent him to Rakshasa Mountain as soon as possible.

I was tense as I slowly moved my feet toward the gate. At the same time,

[Entering 'Rakshasa Mountain Mid-slope(Lv2~???)'.]

[User is the first to discover this place. 2,000 points has been obtained.]

My body began to be sucked inside the gate.