Coder Lee Yongho - Chapter 41

Chapter 41



Heo JiHoon who was reading the report, abruptly stood up. The ice cold expression had already collapsed.

Whats the problem!?

Heo JiHoon who was listening to the report looked at Son SeokHo as he was about to chew him to death.

Yes. There is nothing wrong with the program I made.

How would I know?

Like I said before, the strategy itself was bad.

And the core of the strategy this time was to make it work on mobile.

The developing schedule was shortened too much to match it with the department stores sales period.


And you kept singing outsourcing too

He didnt have any interest in improving internal capability.

He treated humans as numbers.

Jeong DanBi approved of Heo JiHoons schedule since she also wanted results fast after she was put in charge of a new team.

It was just that it boomeranged back at them.

The smart shopping strategy team members were gathered in the conference room.

For now, we set the extra CAT terminals instead of the POS terminals to be able to do the transaction.

This They are saying theres nothing wrong with their side

It was Jeong DanBi asking and Heo JiHoon answering most of the time. The rest kept their silence.

*chew* *chew*

Oh, yes.

Whats your opinion on this?

No, not that. This bug, can we solve it?

The work that started ambitiously went wrong with the first button.

Eum, Oh, Ah ,Yeah, Im falling for you. I keep reacting!

Son SeokHo didnt even put his phone on vibrate mode as if he didnt even care for Jeong DanBi.

And he answered the call just like that. Such figure made Heo JiHoon more angry.

The transaction doesnt work?

The staff didnt know what to do in panic. The other stores had the same problem. The stores with POS terminals all had errors occurring.


He had the feeling that he would be acknowledged as a core talent and would rise in the company smoothly.

After sorting his thought out, he stepped up.

He didnt have an employee card but it was confirmed that he was an employee from Shinseki due to his credit card.

You can just try to do the transaction one more time in front of me.

The bug was confirmed after just one try.

The one who called Son SeokHo was yongHo.

Oh, yes. Mr. YongHo, what is it?

Son SeokHo made a small smile after he received YongHos call.

Where is that?

The department store near Hanti station was indeed the place they picked as the test bed.

Oh, so I did see correctly. So I looked into it a bit

To get marked by stepping up unnecessarily like it was with Kim WonHo. Or to get acknowledged. He was calculating all that.

Son SeokHo asked YongHo as if he didnt understand.

Son SeokHos voice intentionally got louder.

Oh, not that. I just looked at what kind of symptoms it had.

Everyone in the conference room looked at Son SeokHo.

Everyone had ears to listen with so they knew that what Son SeokHo was talking about had a relation to the problem they were discussing.

After everyone left, only Son SeokHo and Jeong DanBi were left in the room. Jeong DanBi asked in a surprised voice.

Yes. I called the developers to downgrade the firmware version and it works normally.

I am surprised at your judgement, team leader.

The problem was with the version of the advertising monitors firmware (a microprogram to control the hardware) on the POS terminal.

Even I didnt know he was at this level Even if this is a coincidence Hes at an unbelievable level.

He said that they should downgrade the firmware, as mentioned bythe bug window.

He knew better than anyone else what kind of courage YongHo had to have to make a call.

And the result, it was a big success.

YongHos ability.

And that was in the middle of making Son SeokHo and Jeong DanBi shocked.

Yeah. Thats true, but I wonder if I will be able to manage someone like him.

Yes. No problem.

Son SeokHo cheered like a little kid thinking that a big talent came into his hands.

Director Kim ManHos face turned ugly when he was listening to the report. A name he didnt want to hear was mentioned.

Yes. The KO Telecoms side wants Lee YongHo to be included in this project.


Theres no choice. Tell them that we fired him.

Then what do you want me to do?

When doing projects, some people become liked by the client(gab) company. And they put conditions to include some people.

*Sigh* Do we really need to go that far?

Mirae IT was already in charge of maintaining the personal system, a content recommendation system, which was owned by KO Telecom.

The scale alone was over 5 billion, moreover the recommendation system would become a system they would get their main income from in the future.

They had to have the existing data to use it to mine data in various ways and test if the recommended data came out correctly to apply the service commercially.

If they could apply it to other fields with that technology as the base, then it may become a golden egg laying goose.

Ok, tell ByungHoon to contact him.

This success of this project to enhance the K-recommendation system could also work as a leverage on his path to become a president from a director.

SungGyu, who was working couldnt hide his surprise when he heard the sudden sentence.

Yes, the higher-ups want to re-admit Mr.YongHo to the company.

An ByungHoon, who was his direct superior got the cold shoulder. But you went to the same university so you are friendly with each other.

It was true that they were on good terms.

Hes not someone to listen just because I tell him

However SungGyus opinion didnt matter in companys system of command.

SungGyus head was in chaos as he kept listening to the PMs persistent urging.

What he had to do to keep commuting to Mirae IT.

The company already threw him away once.

After An ByungHoons call ended, SungGyu contacted him this time. He also had the intention to meet him to celebrate his employment so he gladly accepted.

Oh. yeah.

YongHo owed him a lot. Not only that, SungGyu was his savior when it came to improving his programming skills.

YongHo placed a piece of grilled meat on SungGyus side plate. Looking at the meat in his side plate, SungGyu emptied the soju cup in one shot and spoke.

Yes. I refused since I got a job.

Hyung, do you, by chance, know what blacklist is? Wow, I contributed so much to the company and they put me in there, you know? Im speechless.

You get outta there soon too, ok?

YongHo, I have a request, can you do it for me?

Seemingly having gotten confidence from YongHos positive attitude, he spoke with difficulty.

Hyung, th, that

However, it was SungGyu who spoke about it so he couldnt refuse right away.

Im sorry

Looking at the silent SungGyu, this time, YongHo emptied his soju cup.

Tell Mirae IT. That there absolutely wont be a time I will go back I am very sorry to you. I will surely repay the debt I owe you from university.

Until he went out of the room, SungGyu didnt stand up and kept tilting the soju cup.

Translators note

Regular Chapter 1/3

Poor SungGyu The author doesnt trash him. He comes back many, MANY chapters later (One of the things I like about this author; he never trashes a character)

Oh People are getting confused over names, arent they? Lemme spoil things a little bit. Son SeokHo = good guy, Heo JiHoon = bad guy. Dont mix them uplike I did.

And seems like Subak is doing another novel.. I wont lose behind! I already have an EXTREMELY good novel in mind. This novel has so many serious stuff that its funny.

Thx for reading!

Translator : Chamber