Cluthe's Advice to the Ruptured - Part 22

Part 22

HUDSON MILLS, Hooser, Kan.

October 3, 1911.

+Almost Cured in Three Months+

I am almost cured already, although I have worn the truss only three months. My rupture has not been out since I put the truss on. It certainly was a G.o.d-send to me when I got your truss, and I cannot recommend it too highly.

A. L. MYERS, Ilwaco, Wash.

September 25, 1911.

+Took Six Months to Cure This Rupture+

I am glad to state that after wearing your truss since last February I feel I am cured to stay cured. As my work requires heavy lifting, I still use the truss while working, but at all other times I never have it on. I have not had to wear it for the last three months. The truss is just as good as the day I bought it.

O. NORBECK, 1079 17th Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.

October 25, 1911.

+Cured in Five Months+

I purchased my Cluthe Truss last February, wore it five months, and have not had to wear any truss since. From the first day I put it on to this present day, the rupture has never been out or bothered me in any way, and I have done lifting and all kinds of heavy work all this time. So I have reason to feel sure I am cured.

CHARLES T. Na.s.s, Robinsons Corner, N.S., Can.

September 30, 1911.

+Cluthe Truss Does What Physician Advises Only Surgical Operation Could Do+

I have been so greatly benefited by your truss that I feel myself practically cured. I suffered sixteen years and tried many different trusses during that time. Physicians advised me to go through an operation. Your truss gave me relief the first day. I cannot speak too highly of if. I cannot recommend it too strongly to anyone afflicted.

ZEPHANIAH PARKS, R.F.D. No. 1, Saco, Maine.

October 4, 1911.

+Never Saw Rupture Since Wearing Cluthe Truss+

My rupture has never come out since I got the truss, and I have often left my truss off all day without any signs of the rupture showing.

Before I got the Cluthe Truss I suffered all the time, but yours gave me comfort from the moment I tried it.

JAMES NAYLOR, E. Arrow Park, B.C., Can.

October 4, 1911.

+Cured in Less than 4 Months+

I have had your truss less than four months, and have been able to go without it for a week at a time, without the rupture coming down. So I think I am about cured, with many thanks to you.

W. H. NEAL, 136 Race Path St., Fayetteville, N.C.

September 25, 1911.

+Man Seventy-two Years Old Cured+

I take pleasure in aiding all my friends who are ruptured. I am entirely cured, and do not need to wear a truss now. I am 72 years old. One man to whom I recommended the Cluthe Truss says he would not take $150 and be without his truss, if he could not get another. Use my recommendation any time.

J. A. PRICE, 906 Cruise St., Corinth, Miss.

October 20, 1911.

+This Case of Double Rupture Cured+

Am writing you to let you know what your truss has done for me. My ruptures are both healed up perfectly sound. They do not bother me in the least. I cannot say enough for the Cluthe Truss. You have my permission to use this letter, and I would be glad to make affidavit to it, if you wished.

HIRAM PEIRCE, Watervliet, Mich.

September 23, 1911.

+Another of the Thousands of Kansans Cured by Cluthe Truss+

I go weeks at a time without the truss, but when I am at heavy work I keep it on as a wise precaution. I would not take many times what it cost for it. I am more than satisfied with your treatment of my case.

W. E. CROWL, Riley, Kansas November 18, 1911.

+Entirely Cured+

I wish to say that I consider myself most fortunate in having heard of the Cluthe Truss. It has entirely cured me of my rupture.

ERNEST RUEMMELIN, Ashton, Rhode Island.

October 23, 1911.

+Never Spent any Money in His Life that Did Him So Much Good+

I was ruptured for six years and never got anything that did me any good in that time till I got this truss from you. I tried everything I heard of before I got my Cluthe Truss. I am now about well, but I still wear the truss when doing heavy work. I never spent any money in my life that did me so much good.

CHARLES RILEY, Northspur, Cal.

October 10, 1911.

+Saved from an Operation, Costing at Least $300, by the Cluthe Truss+

I am getting along finely. I have only worn the truss a few weeks and would not expect a cure of my case so soon. I work about fourteen hours a day, and am on my feet all day long. I never have the least trouble with the truss, and would not sell it for any money. It saved me from an operation costing at least $300. I wish you all the success you deserve.

JACK ROTH, Le Mars, Iowa.

September 29, 1911.