It was the missing letter from Tommy Freeborn.
No doubt about it. There it was--the evidence which established the truth of Denver's evidence. More--which established his alibi for the night of the 13th.
Not Cathcart--Denver.Denver suggesting that the shooting party should return in October to Riddlesdale, where they had opened the grouse season in August. Denver sneaking hurriedly out at 11.30 to walk two miles across the fields on a night when Farmer Grimethorpe had gone to buy machinery. Denver carelessly plugging a rattling sash on a stormy night with an important letter bearing his t.i.tle on it for all to see.
Denver padding back at three in the morning like a homing tom-cat, to fall over his guest's dead body by the conservatory. Denver, with his kind, stupid, English-gentleman ideas about honour, going obstinately off to prison, rather than tell his solicitor where he had been. Denver misleading them all into the wildest and most ingenious solutions of a mystery which now stood out clear as seven sunbeams.
Denver, whose voice the woman had thought she recognised on the memorable day when she flung herself into the arms of his brother. Denver calmly setting in motion the enormous, creaking machinery of a trial by his n.o.ble peers in order to safeguard a woman's reputation.
This very day, probably, a Select Committee of lords was sitting "to inspect the Journals of this House upon former trials of peers in criminal cases, in order to bring the Duke of Denver to a speedy trial, and to report to the House what they should think proper thereupon."There they were: moving that an address be presented to His Majesty by the lords with white staves, to acquaint His Majesty of the date proposed for the trial; arranging for fitting up the Royal Gallery at Westminster; humbly requesting the attendance of a sufficient police force to keep clear the approaches leading to the House; pet.i.tioning His Majesty graciously to appoint a Lord High Steward; ordering, in sheep-like accordance with precedent, that all lords be summoned to attend in their robes; that every lord, in giving judgment, disclose his opinion upon his honour, laying his right hand upon his heart; that the Sergeant-at-Arms be within the House to make proclamations in the King's name for keeping silence--and so on, and on, unendingly. And there, jammed in the window-sash, was the dirty little bit of paper which, discovered earlier, would have made the whole monstrous ceremonial unnecessary.
Wimsey's adventure in the bog had unsettled his nerves.
He sat down on the bed and laughed, with the tears streaming down his face.
Mr. Bunter was speechless. Speechlessly he produced a razor--and to the end of his days Wimsey never knew how or from whom he had so adequately procured it--and began to strop it thoughtfully upon the palm of his hand.Presently Wimsey pulled himself together and staggered to the window for a little cooling draught of moor air. As he did so, a loud hullabaloo smote his ear, and he perceived, in the courtyard below, Farmer Grimethorpe striding among his dogs; when they howled he struck at them with a whip, and they howled again. Suddenly he glanced up at the window, with an expression of such livid hatred that Wimsey stepped hurriedly back as though struck.
While Bunter shaved him he was silent.
The interview before Lord Peter was a delicate one; the situation, however one looked at it, unpleasant. He was under a considerable debt of grat.i.tude to his hostess; on the other hand, Denver's position was such that minor considerations really had to go to the wall. His lordship had, nevertheless, never felt quite such a cad as he did while descending the staircase at Grider's Hole.
In the big farm kitchen he found a stout countrywoman, stirring a pot of stew. He asked for Mr. Grimethorpe, and was told that he had gone out.
"Can I speak to Mrs. Grimethorpe, please?"The woman looked doubtfully at him, wiped her hands on her ap.r.o.n, and, going into the scullery shouted, "Mrs.
Grimethorpe!" A voice replied from somewhere outside.
"Gentleman wants see tha."
"Where is Mrs. Grimethorpe?" broke in Peter hurriedly.
"I' t'dairy, recken."
"I'll go to her there," said Wimsey, stepping briskly out. He pa.s.sed through a stone-paved scullery, and across a yard, in time to see Mrs. Grimethorpe emerging from a dark doorway opposite.
Framed there, the cold sunlight just lighting upon her still, dead-white face and heavy, dark hair, she was more wonderful than ever. There was no trace of Yorkshire descent in the long, dark eyes and curled mouth. The curve of nose and cheekbones vouched for an origin immensely remote; coming out of the darkness, she might have just risen from her far tomb in the Pyramids, dropping the dry and perfumed grave-bands from her fingers.
Lord Peter pulled himself together.
"Foreign," he said to himself matter-of-factly. "Touch of Jew perhaps, or Spanish, is it? Remarkable type. Don't blameJerry. Couldn't live with Helen myself. Now for it."
He advanced quickly.
"Good morning," she said, "are you better?"
"Perfectly all right, thank you--thanks to your kindness, which I do not know how to repay."
"You will repay any kindness best by going at once," she answered in her remote voice. "My husband does not care for strangers, and 'twas unfortunate the way you met before."
"I will go directly. But I must first beg for the favour of a word with you," He peered past her into the dimness of the dairy. "In here, perhaps?"
"What do you want with me?"
She stepped back, however, and allowed him to follow her in.
"Mrs. Grimethorpe, I am placed in a most painful position.
You know that my brother, the Duke of Denver, is in prison, awaiting his trial for a murder which took place on the night of October 13th?"Her face did not change. "I have heard so."
"He has, in the most decided manner, refused to state where he was between eleven and three on that night. His refusal has brought him into great danger of his life."
She looked at him steadily.
"He feels bound in honour not to disclose his whereabouts, though I know that, if he chose to speak, he could bring a witness to clear him."
"He seems to be a very honourable man." The cold voice wavered a trifle, then steadied again.
"Yes. Undoubtedly, from his point of view, he is doing the right thing. You will understand, however, that, as his brother, I am naturally anxious to have the matter put in its proper light."
"I don't understand why you are telling me all this. I suppose, if the thing is disgraceful, he doesn't want it known."
"Obviously. But to us--to his wife and young son, and to his sister and myself--his life and safety are matters of the first importance.""Of more importance than his honour?"
"The secret is a disgraceful one in a sense, and will give pain to his family. But it would be an infinitely greater disgrace that he should be executed for murder. The stigma in that case would involve all those who bear his name. The shame of the truth will, I fear in this very unjust society of ours, rest more upon the witness to his alibi than upon himself."
"Can you in that case expect the witness to come forward?"
"To prevent the condemnation of an innocent man? Yes, I think I may venture to expect even that."
"I repeat--why are you telling me all this?"
"Because, Mrs. Grimethorpe, you know, even better than I, how innocent my brother is of this murder. Believe me, I am deeply distressed at having to say these things to you."
"I know nothing about your brother."
"Forgive me, that is not true."
"I know nothing. And surely, if the Duke will not speak you should respect his reasons.""I am not bound in any way."
"I am afraid I cannot help you. You are wasting time. If you cannot produce your missing witness, why do you not set about finding the real murderer? If you do so you surely need not trouble about this alibi. Your brother's movements are his own business."
"I could wish," said Wimsey, "you had not taken up this att.i.tude. Believe me, I would have done all I could to spare you. I have been working hard to find, as you say, the real murderer, but with no success. The trial will probably take place at the end of the month." Her lips twitched a little at that, but she said nothing.
"I had hoped that with your help we might agree on some explanation--less than the truth, perhaps, but sufficient to clear my brother. As it is, I fear I shall have to produce the proof I hold, and let matters take their course."
That, at last, struck under her guard. A dull flush crept up her cheeks; one hand tightened upon the handle of the churn, where she had rested it.
"What do you mean by proof?"
"I can prove that on the night of the 13th my brother slept in the room I occupied last night," said Wimsey, withcalculated brutality.
She winced. "It is a lie. You cannot prove it. He will deny it.
I shall deny it."
"He was not there?"
"Then how did this come to be wedged in the sash of the bedroom window?"
At sight of the letter she broke down, crumpling up in a heap against the table. The set lines of her face distorted themselves into a mere caricature of terror.
"No, no, no! It is a lie. G.o.d help me!"
"Hush!" said Wimsey peremptorily. "Someone will hear you." He dragged her to her feet. "Tell the truth, and we will see if we can find a way out. It is true--he was here that night?"
"You know it."
"When did he come?"
"At a quarter past twelve.""Who let him in?"
"He had the keys."
"When did he leave you?"
"A little after two."
"Yes, that fits in all right. Three quarters of an hour to go and three quarters to come back. He stuck this into the window, I suppose, to keep it from rattling?"
"There was a high wind--I was nervous. I thought every sound was my husband coming back."
"Where was your husband?"
"At Stapley."
"Had he suspected this?"
"Yes, for some time."
"Since my brother was here in August?"
"Yes. But he could get no proof. If he had had proof he would have killed me. You have seen him. He is a devil.""M'm."
Wimsey was silent. The woman glanced fearfully at his face and seemed to read some hope there, for she clutched him by the arm.
"If you call me to give evidence," she said, "he will know.
He will kill me. For G.o.d's sake, have pity. That letter is my death-warrant. Oh, for the mother that bore you, have mercy upon me. My life is a h.e.l.l, and when I die I shall go to h.e.l.l for my sin. Find some other way--you can--you must."
Wimsey gently released himself.
"Don't do that, Mrs. Grimethorpe. We might be seen. I am deeply sorry for you, and, if I can get my brother out of this without bringing you in, I promise you I will. But you see the difficulty. Why don't you leave this man? He is openly brutal to you."
She laughed.
"Do you think he'd leave me alive while the law was slowly releasing me? Knowing him, do you think so?"
Wimsey really did not think so."I will promise you this, Mrs. Grimethorpe. I will do all I can to avoid having to use your evidence. But if there should be no other way, I will see that you have police protection from the moment that the subpoena is served on you."
"And for the rest of my life?"
"When you are once in London we will see about freeing you from this man."
"No. If you call upon me, I am a lost woman. But you will find another way?"
"I will try, but I can promise nothing. I will do everything that is possible to protect you. If you care at all for my brother----"
"I don't know. I am so horribly afraid. He was kind and good to me. He was--so different. But I am afraid--I'm afraid."
Wimsey turned. Her terrified eyes had seen the shadow cross the threshold. Grimethorpe was at the door, glowering in upon them.
"Ah, Mr. Grimethorpe," exclaimed Wimsey cheerfully, "there you are. Awfully pleased to see you and thank you, don'tcherknow, for puttin' me up. I was just saying so toMrs. Grimethorpe, an' asking her to say good-bye to you for me. Must be off now, I'm afraid. Bunter and I are ever so grateful to you both for all your kindness. Oh, and I say, could you find me the stout fellows who hauled us out of that Pot of yours last night--if it is yours. Nasty, damp thing to keep outside the front door, what? I'd like to thank 'em."
"Dom good thing for unwelcome guests," said the man ferociously. "An' tha'd'better be off afore Ah throws thee out."
"I'm just off," said Peter. "Good-bye again, Mrs.
Grimethorpe, and a thousand thanks."
He collected Bunter, rewarded his rescuers suitably, took an affectionate farewell of the enraged farmer, and departed, sore in body and desperately confused in mind.CHAPTER XIII Manon "'That one word, my dear Watson, should have told me the whole story, had I been the ideal reasoner which you are so fond of depicting.'"
--Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes "Thank G.o.d," said Parker. "Well, that settles it."
"It does--and yet again, it doesn't," retorted Lord Peter. He leaned back against the fat silk cushion in the sofa corner meditatively.
"Of course, it's disagreeable having to give this woman away," said Parker sensibly and pleasantly, "but these things have to be done."
"I know. It's all simply awfully nice and all that. And Jerry, who's got the poor woman into this mess, has to be considered first, I know. And if we don't restrain Grimethorpe quite successfully, and he cuts her throat for her, it'll be simply rippin' for Jerry to think of all his life....
Jerry! I say, you know, what frightful idiots we were not to see the truth right off! I mean--of course, my sister-in-law is an awfully good woman, and all that, but Mrs.Grimethorpe--whew! I told you about the time she mistook me for Jerry. One crowded, split second of glorious all-overishness. I ought to have known then. Our voices are alike, of course, and she couldn't see in that dark kitchen. I don't believe there's an ounce of any feeling left in the woman except sheer terror--but, ye G.o.ds! what eyes and skin! Well, never mind. Some undeserving fellows have all the luck. Have you got any really good stories?
No? Well, I'll tell you some--enlarge your mind and all that.
Do you know the rhyme about the young man at the War Office?"