Because of Keis decisive actions, our relationship which had only been known by a few people became common knowledge within the class right away. It would probably spread to the whole school today.
Well, its doubtful how many students are interested in my relationship with Kei.
The pair of Shinohara and Ike who got together during summer break wasnt being talked about as much as I thought it would be either. Rather than that, they were expected to get together.
Among some of the boys it looked like he had friends who would put up a front and friends who would be honest and act jealous, but in the end many people gave their blessings. Though its slow theyve been cultivating a lovers relationship.
Going home together, going on dates together. The 2 were seen like that far more often than before.
And before anyone realized that novel sight became common.
I think my relationship with Kei is like that too, but people might be noisy about it for longer. Because sure enough, its indefinite how many students were able to anticipate our relationship.
Regardless, school will end with people in the class knowing for the first time.
Heey, Kiyopon, wanna go home together?
That girl her close friend who understands Airis goodness, Haruka approached me and asked.
I thought Kei would ask me to come home with her after school, but when I looked at her it seemed that she was still being surrounded by girls and questioned.
Is that alright?
Its Haruka. Shell definitely want to help Airi and watch over her.
But Airi was silently preparing to go home.
I get it, but I cant talk to that girl as she is now. Well? Though itd be different if you feel like you cant go home alone with me.
Saying that, Harukas expression hardened for a second.
I got it.
When the fact that I was going out with her became open, the Ayanokouji groups gatherings inevitably decreased.
If thats what would happen then I should have heard them out fully.
From there we picked up our bags, headed out the back exit and proceeded towards the gate.
En route, Haruka walked detachedly without using her mouth.
I stole glances of her side from time to time. She looked as if she was angrily regretting something.
After we put on our shoes and left the school, she finally turned to me.
Its no use beating around the bush so Ill ask straight is it true that youve started going out with Karuizawa-san? I still cant believe it.
Its true, as you can see.
After I said that Haruka scowled and nodded immediately.
Right? But like, its too shocking. Look, its your choice to go out with whoever you want, but who wouldve thought that out of everyone itd be that Karuizawa-san.
From outside, Karuizawa Kei is never evaluated highly. After going out with the popular Yousuke for a short time, she cut him off at her own convenience. A selfish girl, is what most people think.
This was the thing you talked about at the pool before huh. A little shock to her spirit. You know, that wasnt little at all was it? That girl was holding it in desperately in the classroom, but she was crying all lunch break.
I see.
Dont I see me. And is it really really true that you started going out at spring break?
Sorry I kept quiet about it. A lot of things were going on.
A lot of things, huh. Well there are lots of rumors about Karuizawa-san, so its not like I dont understand
Things like how she started going out with Yousuke right after she enrolled, or that shes probably fabricating her own past. Theres nothing to be done with those things being perceived.
This is real isnt it? Not a joke or anything.
Thats right.
Ha-is that so. Thats how it is, huh. I kinda got confused too I mean, instead of you going out with someone, I had imagined that you liked someone aside from Airi no, I didnt think itd be Karuizawa-san.
Having all her expectations surpassed, she lamented at her wits end.
I spoke with Yukimu and Miyacchi too. They felt the same way. I didnt talk to her directly, but I think Airi was even more shocked than us.
Of course she was. Even I could imagine that easily.
I mean, howd that happen? I never thought youd been meeting her often.
Its understandable that she wouldnt know when I fell in love with Kei and her with me.
I was in the same group as her last year, in the special exam aboard the ship. Her separating with Yousuke pushed our relationship.
Some students have heard the fact that their relationship ended this year, February.
So, youve been seeing her for a relatively long time now? I didnt usually see you talking though.
We mostly just spoke on the phone.
Im being nosy, but which of you confessed?
Being Airis guardian and something of her spokesperson, it seemed that she wanted to know the details.
I did.
Kay. I thought that at least, if Karuizawa-san had done it then there would still be a chance, but to think that you did Im beat.
She slapped her forehead and raised her hands in surrender.
Time out. Im getting too many different feelings and I dont know whats what. Sorry, can we go to the convenience store?
Right as we approached the convenience store, Haruka asked.
Yeah, Ill wait outside.
She gave a light apology and disappeared into the store. It felt like she was running.
At that time I pulled out the phone that had been vibrating in my pocket.
Ill be waiting for you at Keyaki Mall after this. It was tough getting asked so much~!
There was an invite like that from my lover.
Got it. Ill call you before I get there.
After I replied and made sure that she read it, I returned the phone into my pocket. Haruka returned after a short minute holding a croquette.
This afternoon, I was talking with Airi so much that I didnt eat at all.
Ive been troubling you.
Its not really any trouble.
I think its a bit questionable to invite you two at a time like this, but the thing is Id like your and Airis cooperation on something.
This information isnt in the open yet, but one of the programs in the culture festival has been decided.
Eh, really?
To prevent leaks, no one knows but me, Horikita and the event planners. Were gonna have a maid cafe program at the culture festival.
Ma maid cafe? Uh, hee~ Im not astonished but its a little unexpected. I didnt think Horikita-san would approve of a maid cafe.
That girl looks at all programs the same way after all. Shes not biased. She permitted it because she sincerely believes that we can win with it.
I see. So, why did you tell me that?
The truth is, in learning about this plan, a lot of things happened and now Im looking for someone.
After I said that, Haruka nodded in understanding.
Even assuming that were the case, as expected of Horikita-san to entrust you with that.
So youd be an employee, and Ive been wondering if you could ask Airi.
Without surprise and without saying anything Haruka listened.
Well, she can probably guess somewhat from the way I spoke.
If that thing with Karuizawa-san hadnt happened, then Id have probably hesitated but I would have agreed here. I dont want to be in a cosplay in front of many people, but I probably wouldnt have been able to refuse a request from one of my precious group friends. But its a bad time.
Indeed. I do look self-important, asking this on the same day her close friends heart was broken.
Its just, the problem is I cant blame you. I said something like this just now, but youre free to go out with whoever you want. And its not like I dont understand that you have circumstances you cant talk about. It was also Airis choice to fall in love with you, and rejecting her was your choice too
Even if she understands logically, she cant accept it emotionally huh.
I wont promise. But Ill try talking with Airi after shes calmed down a bit.
Is it okay with you?
That girl has to accept reality sooner or later after all. And Im not sure what you think about this, but Im not sure if she can give up if Karuizawa-san is her opponent. Because even if Kiyopon is devoted, you could get dumped right?
Well, yeah. I think theres a high chance shell get sick of me.
When that time comes, Airi will get another chance. That girl is still unpolished and she doesnt stand out Kiyopons feelings might change.
As she says, if Airi dons an outfit like that and brings out all of her power, shed show strength that wouldnt lose even to those 3. No, as far as physical features go she might even mow them down.
And this doesnt have much to do with our guests, but her form would surprise people within the school.
If that happens then rumors could spread quickly and reach the ears of the schools guests.
I mean, thats true, but sure enough wouldnt Airis thinking change after this?
If the guy she was thinking of turned out to have a lover, looking for her next love would be natural.
I thought I had said something obvious, but she showed her angriest face for today.
Look here, arent you underestimating Airis feelings too much? Though not perfectly I understand well because Ive always been looking at that girl. She doesnt love you so lightly that shed start liking someone else because of something like this.
She strongly denied it, saying it was unthinkable.
You might get more dates with Karuizawa-san, but show your face properly at our group meetings. I dont want us to grow apart because of something like this.
Yeah. I got it. The group has become a part of my school life, too.
I think that losing them over a case like this would be a demerit.
Wush, I feel a bit relieved. Im going back to the school.
After she quickly finished eating her croquette, she put the trash in her bag and said to me.
She didnt say it specifically, but its obvious that shes going to meet with Airi.
See you tomorrow.
Yeah, see you tomorrow.
I saw her off until she was running on her way back. I myself changed my route to head not to the dorms but Keyaki Mall.