Volume 15.5, Chapter 5: A Treasure Hunt Game Filled With Women Troubles, Part 4
Even though the ship was vast, students couldnt just freely go wherever they liked. People would inevitably focus on places where they could hang out and relax, so unexpected encounters were common.
One boy was going to the caf terrace, while the other was heading back to his guest cabin. The two people who were going to completely unrelated places met in a hallway.
Both were walking in the middle of the hallway, and neither side showed any sign giving way. The boys noticed each others presence at almost the same time and stopped with a metre separating them.
Yo Ryuuen, you did so much for me the other day.
The first to speak up was first-year Class D student, Housen Kazuomi.
You sure its okay not to be sleepin'? Might as well go rest in your bed for another week or so. Ryuuen Kakeru, who received those words, responded as if to accept them.
Dont worry 'bout it. If I half kill younah even if I fully kill you in this place, it wont make me feel any better. The number of targets I gotta kills gone from one to two, so its gonna get busy.
Youll look real lame if you lose to the same guy twice. Dont force it.
They repeatedly provoked each other, but never brought out their fists.
Ha? Anyway fucker, I heard you been secretly buyin' up Free Ride cards from first-years. Sounds like ya bet it all on some third-year called Nagumo so you must 'ave made a good bit of money, eh?
Kuku. Who was it that pissed his pants? We had a contract to keep their mouths shut.
Before the uninhabited island exam, Ryuuen approached first-year students with the Free Ride card and signed contracts with them. If the group they designated won a prize, they would give up all the points they gained to Ryuuen.
If the group they designated only got into the top 50%, they would only get 30,000 points. In other words, if you were to pay more than that, some people would give up their rights. In the end, Ryuuen guessed Nagumo and got a reward of 280,000 points for the number of students who signed up.
Most of Ryuuens classmates were kept in the dark about this fact; only the ones who were used to execute the plan knew.
If you lick my shoes, Im okay with givin' you a little somethin' for your trouble you know? Gorilla.
Laughing, he walked away without once taking his hands out his pockets. Housen couldve stood his ground, but he took a step to the side and made way for him. Ishizaki was wary of Housen, but hurriedly followed after Ryuuen. Housen also didnt look back and walked proudly down the middle of the hallway.
That guys just as scary as always, eh? But he was so scared that he had to clear the way.
Hes got balls, that guy.
Hes saying if I do it to him, then next time hes gonna give it to me. Its a show of his resolve.
As soon as they passed each other, Ryuuen sensed the outpouring of killing intent and his violent nature.
Its a pain in the ass, right?
Leave it. I know hes a troublesome opponent, but we gotta find the culprit first.
Got it. Im having Nishino hold it down.
Ishizaki took out his phone to check, and then led the way for Ryuuen.
Not long after that, they arrived at the target location. Before Ishizaki could utter a word, Ryuuen approached a lone female student.
Nanase Tsubasa, right?
Yes. What can I do for you?
Nanase, whod been stopped in her tracks, stared at Ryuuen without a sign of panic. She didnt understand why shed caught the attention of an upperclassman from the year above.
Sorry, but Im gonna need some of your time.
Normally, Ryuuen alone or with Ishizaki wouldve been sufficient, but he also had Nishino, the girl he was using to hold her back, accompany them. He knew that a situation with only boys surrounding a younger girl could be detrimental to them and would never be an advantage.
Ive got a question for you about the uninhabited island exam.
The exam, is it?
Nanase still didnt understand the situation, but the following words cleared everything up for her.
Komiya was injured. Im lookin' for the one who did it.
Why me?
The first ones to arrive at the crime scene were Sudou, Ayanokouji, Ike, Hondou and also you. With Sudou, Ike, and Hondou, theres no way wed get any leads.
Then I think it would be better to ask your fellow second-year student, Ayanokouji-senpai, no?
'Course, Ill speak to him when the situation calls for it. But Im gonna start with you. You were stickin' to Ayanokouji during the uninhabited island exam. Why?
I dont think that has anything to be with the incident.
I wont be able to judge if it has anythin' to do with the incident or not 'til you tell me.
Most people would readily confess when confronted by the Ryuuens overbearing demeanour.
Im sorry, but I have nothing to tell you.
But instead of getting flustered, Nanase calmly refused.
As Nanase tried to leave with her head down, Ryuuen kicked his leg out and hit the wall with the sole of his foot.
You dont get to decide whether to talk or not, bitch.
Youre very violent arent you? I think youre going to have a problem if anyone sees you in this situation.
Dont worry. I got a few guys on watch to make sure that dont happen.
I understand that Komiya-senpai is one of your classmates, Ryuuen-senpai. However, I dont think I can help you in any way. I dont have any leads.
Really? Youve been movin' around an awful lot these last few days, havent you?
Whatever could you be talking about? Nanase replied that she didnt know what he was talking about without looking at him, but for Ryuuen, that was an opportunity to take advantage of.
In the middle of all these people playin' around, youve been keepin' an eye on Kurachi from first-year Class C all day, right?
Here Nanase opened her eyes for the first time and showed signs of agitation.
Once I heard from Komiya, I set up lookouts on you Sudou, Ike and Hondou just in case. The other three were playin' around like idiots, but thats normal behaviour on this ship. But you dont play at all; you just stalk a certain first-year. I cant call that normal.
Its just a coincidence.
A coincidence, huh. A lot of people are playin' around today, like treasure hunting. That Kurachi guy is participatin' but youre not. And yet, until Nishino caught you, you were following Kurachi the whole time. Are your actions today also a coincidence?
Once youd joined the game, you had to go searching for QR codes, but if you werent participating, you could save yourself the trouble. Nanase was so focused on keeping an eye on Kurachi that she didnt notice the presence that was keeping an eye on her.
Im so inexperienced, arent I? To think I didnt even realise I was being followed day after day. Im surprised.
You should be thankin' me for reaching out to you first.
Well done, Ryuuen-senpai. But the Komiya situation has nothing to do with Kurachi.
Is that so? Then I guess Ill go talk to Kurachi directly.
That would be a problem.
Then tell me what you know. Or are you not allowed to speak unless someone gives you instructions?
Thats not the case. But whats irrelevant is irrelevant.
Dont make me repeat it. Youre not the judge of that, I am.
Ryuuen never stopped smiling, and that continued to be the case even now. However, the air he radiated changed.
Ishizaki, whod been watching from the side, had felt Ryuuens intimidation many times, but he still hadnt gotten used to it. He felt like giving in even though he wasnt the one being interrogated.
Thats incorrect. You dont have the authority to make that kind of judgement on your own, Ryuuen-senpai.
In spite of this, Nanase looked straight back into Ryuuens eyes without showing any sign of fear.
What you waitin' for? Why dont you just get on with it?
Certainly, Nanase Tsubasa was bewildered and troubled. The seeds of her troubles were born during the middle of the uninhabited island exam. The story goes back to the day when she vented her uncontrollable anger on Ayanokouji; after Amasawa appeared in front of them with a deadly weapon in hand.
It was when Ayanokouji concluded that thered been someone else before Amasawa. At that time, Ayanokouji decided against doing any GPS searches, but Nanase secretly did one anyway in the tent shed assembled.
However, she slipped into Ayanokoujis tent without looking at the details. It was because she knew that if she wasnt careful and found something, he would be able to see through her surprise and agitation. As a result of her secret GPS search, she noticed that there were two people, excluding Amasawa, who were nearby. Kushida Kikyou, a second-year, and Kurachi Naohiro, a first-year. Normally, she would look into both of them, but the second-year, Kushida, was Ayanokoujis classmate, so she was putting it off.
Apart from that, Nanase had been in regular contact with Ayanokouji to check if anything was wrong and to protect him if necessary, but it seemed to go unnoticed.
What a waste of time, lets go talk to him.
Nanase looked down as if she had given up, but she quickly lifted her head. Its a shame, but I dont know where on the ship he went to find the QR codes.
Ryuuen gave a small laugh and pulled out his phone. Wheres Kurachi at? Fourth floorthe guest cabin floor, huh? Ill be right there.
Ryuuen, who had anticipated all of this, ended the call quickly and returned the phone to his pocket.
So after you pulled me away from him, you had someone watch Kurachi-kun?
Unlike you, I have a lot of people who can be my hands, feet, eyes and ears.
Kurachi-kun could really be irrelevant, you know?
I dont need you to tell me what to do. Ill just cross 'em off one by one.
For both Nanase and Ryuuen, the only lead they could follow right now was Kurachi.
Hurry up and decide; you goin' or not?
If Nanase refused at this point, there was no need to imagine that Ryuuen would approach Kurachi alone.
Nanase nodded once and decided to head towards Kurachis location with Ryuuen.
Soon after, they spotted Kurachi looking for a QR code with Taguri, who he seemed to be in a pair with.
First, let me and Kurachi-kun speak alone please.
Ill get the information out of him.
What guarantee do I have that youll give me the information I asked for?
You will just have to trust me.
Sorry, but I dont trust you.
You have no choice but to trust me, even if you dont. I will definitely report everything.
Ah, whatever. But Im not gonna show you any mercy if you screw up, even if you are a girl.
I am aware of that.
Gesturing with his chin, Ryuuen instructed Nishino and Ishizaki to pull Taguri away from Kurachi. Being approached by a second-year like Ishizaki, they had no choice but to obey quietly.
Could I have a moment of your time, Kurachi-kun?
Huh? Youre that Nanase from Class Dright?
Kurachi, who was upset that Taguri had been summoned by some upperclassmen, couldnt keep his composure.
Id like to ask you a few questions.
Im sorry, but Im on a treasure hunt right now, so I dont have
Tell me why you were targeting Ayanokouji-senpai during the uninhabited island exam.
Ha? W-what are you talking about?
Nanase didnt know if Ryuuen would butt in if she took her time. She needed to ask the questions while they were alone.
Theres no point trying to hide it. On the day of the exam when it was raining heavily, I used a GPS search to find out who was in the vicinity. There was Amasawa-san and one other person, you. And then, not far from the scene, there was a tool for beating people. You cant make any excuses.
I dont know what youre talking about! Kurachi denied it out loud and tried to run, but Nanase grabbed him by the arm.
You see the second-year behind us, right? He is desperately trying to find the culprit who almost attacked Ayanokouji-senpai. In some cases, he may even resort to violence.
H-huh? Dont screw with me, what the hell is that?!
Shh. Its better for you if you dont antagonize me by shouting too loudly.
Huh! B-but, II just
He said hed give me money if I attacked Ayanokouji-senpaiThats what he said
Money for attacking him, is it?
Normally, I wouldnt take it. But I spent all my private points, and
I was told I could just pretend to attack him and that it wouldnt be a big deal. I didnt exactly do anything wrong, you know that right?
It was true that pretending to attack someone could be treated as a joke.
Who was it that said he would pay you money if you pretended to attack him? First of all, when?
ThatsIt was before the start of the uninhabited island exam
B-before the exam, is it? Nanase was also surprised by the unexpected timing. In other words, it was planned from the beginningright?
And I dont know who it was that gave the order. The private points were all transferred to my account without me doing anything.
Thats a lie, isnt it?
Huh?! Im not lying.
You obviously know something and are hiding it, thats how I see it.
I dont have anything
I dont think you were well-informed about this, Kurachi-kun, but because of your actions at that time, Housen-kuns plans were changed in addition to Ryuuen-senpais.
Kurachis eyebrows furrowed as the conversation suddenly switched.
Right now, hes gotten desperate and is searching for the culprit. I wonder what would happen if I reported this? Im sure that Housen-kun will mercilessly raise his fists against you, Kurachi-kun.
Ryuuen, a second-year, and Housen, a first-year. The two fighters were threatening to come after him.
W-w-wait! I said wait! Okay, Ill talk to you, Ill talk, so please dont do that!
He was whispering, but frantically raised his voice. Housen was the most hated and feared among the first-year students. The power of that name was far more effective than Nanase had imagined.
It was my classmate, Utomiya.
Utomiya-kun, is it?
Yeah. He said he wanted me to attack Ayanokouji-senpai and would give me the money after the special exam ended.
Is that the truth?
Seriously, really, its the truth!
Looking into Kurachis eyes, Nanase nodded once.
I believe you, Kurachi-kun. I just have one last question; do you know anything about the injuries to Komiya and the others?
Komiya? What are you talking about? I got no idea. No, I really dont know. Anyway, dont tell Housen that I had anything to do with it, yeah?
I understand, I promise.
When she told Kurachi to go, Taguri was released at the same time.
Ryuuen immediately approached and demanded to speak with Nanase. Kurachi didnt seem to know anything about Komiyas case, but even after she told him that, Ryuuen didnt believe her. Even if hed only been watching from a distance, he wouldve known that Kurachi had told Nanase something.
According to himUtomiya-kun might know something.
Its Utomiya Riku from first-year Class C, just like Kurachi-kun.
Ryuuen immediately took out his phone and checked Utomiyas face and abilities with the OAA.
I dont remember seein' him around. But an A in physical ability, huh.
If its him, he might have the ability to push Komiya-kun without him realising, but we dont have any proof yet.
Youve started to see things, eh.
What do you intend to do?
Its obvious 'aint it? Im gonna hunt down this Utomiya brat and get him to talk.
Please wait. I dont agree with that.
If Utomiya was a student from the White Room, he would be tough to deal with, no matter how many people Ryuuen brought with him. Above all else, the fact that she had gone this far without Ayanokoujis permission was not something to be praised.
This is a case without conclusive evidencethis is problematic. Even if Utomiya-kun is the culprit, if it was decided he was innocent, that would be the end of it, wouldnt it?
Just like how Kurachi spat it all out just now, its all about how you threaten them.
That was because Id been following him for the past few days and was able to do some preliminary research. Given his personality, I knew I could push and shove him around. However, Utomiya-kun is an unknown quantity.
What do you want from me?
Give me time. Of course, I dont mean for free.
Oh? Go on.
Ive been keeping quiet about it, but there is a witness to Komiyas case that you dont know about, Ryuuen-senpai. I dont mind telling you who that person is.
I cant tell you now. I will tell you if you refrain from contacting Utomiya-kun.
Thats a tough deal for me, you know? Ah well, whatever, Ill accept those terms.
Thank you very much. Ill get back to you with the details.
But if youre lyin', you better be prepared to pay the price, okay?
Im not lying.
Kuku, I bet. Go ahead and call me before I lose my patience.
Nanase gave a short reply, nodded and then left.