After finishing the meal with Ishizaki and returning to my room, Ike was waiting for me outside the door.
He was looking at his phone restlessly. When he raised his head and looked around, our eyes met.
Oh, Ayanokouji! Thank goodness, Ive been waiting for you!
Ike was? This is once again outside of my expectations.
The thing is, I thought Id visit Komiya but you crossed my mind.
I did?
Ike approached and seemed to be asking me to lend him an ear, so I leaned in.
How should I say? It feels a bit weird to visit him alone.
Why Its, uh. Ive started going out with Shinohara. When the test ended and we were on our way to the ship, we were alone together, and-
Looks like he confessed and got an okay from Shinohara.
I wasnt sure if they were going to progress, but theyve surpassed my expectations.
Is that so? Congratulations.
When I honestly gave him my blessing, he turned his eyes away embarrassed.
Th-thanks. But from Komiyas perspective, that might have been dishonest.
I dont think so.
No, like its not fair like I got a head start.
Komiya indeed got injured and was forced to retire right away.
Its not like you cant say he got a head start, but thats something you could say about anyone.
Komiya himself seemed to be on the stage of confessing on the uninhabited island.
I really thought Id do it after Komiya got better, you know? But, I was so relieved that the test ended, and Shinohara was beside me and I really felt like I didnt wanna give her to Komiya
Looks like that made him confess.
Of course there was also a risk that he would be rejected. If that happened Komiya would get close with Shinohara, and their relationship would get extremely awkward in the future.
So I thought I needed to tell Komiya. If he also wanted to confess, things might get messy.
If you dont do this first and it turns out that Shinohara actually prefers Komiya, it would be a problem.
U! W-Why did you!?
Ike was greatly taken aback and shook.
On the other side of wanting to inform him was the need to stop Komiya from confessing, huh.
Do you have the resolve to take a hit?
Eeh!? Ill get hit!?
If the girl you like was stolen from your side, youd do something like that wouldnt you?
As if he imagined it and grew afraid, Ike showed fear.
Komiya definitely didnt have a big build, but he hadnt been playing basketball just for show.
On the other hand Ike had a small build for a man. They had a considerable difference in size.
Well, his legs are injured today so his footwork wont be stable. It probably wont be that painful.
Th-thats not the problem I-Im ready.
He seemed to be determined to an extent. If that were the case I had no reason to interfere.
Ive been curious about Komiyas condition, so its a great opportunity.
It looks like Komiya is still staying in the sickbay.
If he had his own room there mightve been something seriously wrong with him.
Even if he rested in the sickbay for most of the week it would be no wonder.
I arrived in front of the doctors office with Ike. Ike took a deep breath to calm himself.
Nothing would change if he hurried up so we waited patiently. Loud laughter rang out from inside.
Wh-what is it? Come in.
Ike, surprised from the unexpected laughter, entered the room with a moderate level of readiness. Komiya, sitting up, was surrounded by several of his classmates including Ryuuen.
Albert, Kaneda, Kondou, and Yamawaki. 4 people.
Since people outside of his class appeared, Ryuuen stood up without sparing even a glance.
Bye Komiya.
Having just finished their chat, Ryuuen left the room with his comrades.
I took a quick glance towards Ryuuens direction, but he didnt especially look here at all.
Scary as always Ryuuen I mean, what were they here for?
Not being able to see Ryuuen directly from where he was, Ike looked down and muttered.
Komiya heard that and understood, nodded and answered.
Well they are intense. From what I could see they more or less just came to visit.
Now that he mentions it, on the table near the head of the bed there were some sweets and juice that couldve been from them.
A-a visit huh He kinda, doesnt seem like the type to do that though.
Ike honestly expressed what he felt and Komiya answered.
If it were around this time last year then it mightve been unthinkable.
Remembering last year, Komiya broke into a smile of nostalgia.
But, like, Ryuuen-san changed a little, you know. He softened up no, he didnt, but
Bewildered about something yet happy, Komiya spoke.
Right after enrollment Ryuuen dominated his class. He would use and throw away anyone without mercy. Even if most of his classmates rejected him it wouldve been no wonder.
But now I feel like that guy can be meeker.
Ryuuen can? I dont get it-
Even if he heard it Ike wouldnt be able to understand at all. His body trembled greatly.
Anyway, both of you, come sit.
Komiya welcomed us from another class warmly and encouraged us to sit without reservation.
Taking him up on that, we sat on our chairs.
You seem fine.
I looked at Komiyas legs which were fixed in place and ascertained his condition.
As you can see, Im full of life outside of my legs. But when I think that everyone is playing around outside that door its frustrating. I wanna get better soon.
When can you walk again?
Right now Im asking for permission to walk with a crutch.
Theyre strange rivals, but against my expectations they can talk even on their own.
Maybe me coming here was a little unnecessary.
But Im a bit worried.
Worried? What for?
Ike was sitting reversed in his chair. He placed his arms on the back of the chair and asked Komiya.
Ryuuen-san, seems to want to pin down whoever pushed me off. He asked me if I remember something and stuff like that. Just as I told Ayanokouji, I dont have any memories of being attacked.
Its unlikely that his memories of that time were mistaken.
At the moment Ryuuens class is getting more vigorous by the day. They should be focusing on the 2nd year fights and aiming for Class A. Of course our class is the same way. But this time they shouldnt poke their noses in.
If Amasawa, or someone else from the White Room, or someone related to Tsukishiro participated in it, theres no guarantee that even Ryuuen would be safe.
Ryuuen-san shouldnt overdo it though.
It feels like hell beat the culprit half to death.
From their perspectives, theres no way they can imagine Ryuuen being done in.
Rather its natural for them to worry more about the culprit.
So? You didnt come here just for a visit did you?
Komiya guessed that there was something and asked Ike.
At that instant, Ikes body stiffened from surprise.
Ah-no thats
As if he still wasnt emotionally prepared, he was at a loss for words.
Seeing that, Komiya waited earnestly for his words without rushing him.
Occasionally, instant changes can be perceived in the atmosphere of a place.
The relaxed atmosphere from just a while ago didnt even have fragments left of it.
I how do I say this I mean
The talkative Ike shrunk, no longer able to speak well.
Ike. I dont know what youre about to say, but if its something important, look into my eyes when you say it.
He probably guessed what he was about to say.
Despite that, Komiya pretended not to know and urged Ike to say it clearly.
Ike likely hadnt noticed that Komiya had guessed, but he may have felt something as a fellow man.
It seemed he felt that this wasnt something to say weakly.
He slapped his cheeks and forcefully opened his eyes.
Ive confessed to Shinohara!
Ike, having hardened his resolve, spoke simple words with a strong voice.
Silence followed.
I knew that Ike gulped loudly beside me.
So? What did Satsuki say?
She actually said okay. Were going out now.
Komiya gave a short answer. Ike continued staring at his face, not turning his eyes away. Though wed talked about it earlier, since it looks like he got a head start, even if Komiya complains there wouldnt be anything we could do.
It wasnt unlikely for him to punch Ike out of the blue. It looked like thats what he was thinking.
Did you think I was gonna hit you?
I might get hit. Youre making that face.
Tha-thats well, just a bit.
Really, then youve resolved yourself. I cant move right now so come here.
Komiya commanded him to come. I couldnt see his true intention from his facial expression.
But from his intensity, it seems that Ike had made up his mind.
Even while afraid, he went beside Komiya.
Then Komiyas right hand extended and grabbed Ikes shoulder.
Komiya pushed his pained body to the limits and looked Ike in the eye.
I wont acknowledge you if you make Satsuki cry.
Lightly pumping his left fist to Ikes chest area, he pushed him and said that.
Komiyas ghastly face changed into a smile.
What is it? Dont look so gloomy. Satsuki chose you. Thats all there is to it right?
But if you hadnt been injured, it might have been the opposite
Sorry, but I dont think so. Satsuki has been interested in you since before. Thats why she honestly said okay. I dont think you won because you were earlier. But
If you hadnt faced Satsuki and kept running away, then I mightve had a chance too.
Its as Komiya says. Whoever confessed first or last wasnt so important.
An accident happened that gave him a big injury. Ike happened to be there, so he felt involved and that became a big push, allowing him to go out with Shinohara.
Without a doubt, that was the biggest reason they had gone out.
Komiya was injured and Ike had been there at the time. If either of them had arrived at a different fate, the one by Shinoharas side might have been Komiya.
In that sense, I wasnt in luck with this injury..
His love wasnt realized, but Komiya looked cheerful.
Thank you, Komiya.
Study hard alright? Satsuki no, Shinoharas friends have also been worrying.
Right. We cant get expelled after all.
This love affair might have become an extremely important turning point for Ike. Just like Sudou, for himself and for the girl he likes, he was able to gain the opportunity to fight hard.
For now, Komiya accepted the report from Ike and their conversation calmed down.
Sorry Ike, but can you let Ayanokouji and I talk on our own? I kinda wanna verify something about my injury.
Got it. See you Komiya. Ayanokouji.
Ike said goodbye to us and directly left the room.
After we were alone Ike broke the ice.
Sorry. Did Ike ask you to come along to help him?
No, I was also curious about how you were doing. Ive ended up intruding.
Nothing like that. Anyway theres something I dont really understand.
You and I are in different classes and are supposed to fight each other, but we can now talk normally. Like, our hostilities have faded. Even though last year we were extremely brutal.
Originally if your class was different, the other party was someone you had to defeat, someone you had to kick down.
Except if it were part of a plan, there were never many merits to getting along.
The uninhabited island test was a fight between school years. Besides, weve been in the same school for a long time. Isnt that all there is to it?
Hm, maybe.
So? What about your injury?
This chat should be a discussion about things that have happened before. Before that there should be a main topic.
I talked about him a bit just now but its about Ryuuen-san.
You said it looked like he was looking for the culprit.
Im opposed. Frankly I want this incident to be written off as my mistake.
But Shinohara saw the one who attacked you with her own eyes.
I know. But like, Im getting a bad omen, like this cant end well.
He might feel in his skin that its dangerous precisely because he was attacked.
Even a little bit is fine, so could you keep an eye on it Ayanokouji?
I dont think Ill be able to do anything though.
Im not telling you to accompany them directly. If you feel something is wrong then tell me please.
Komiya trusted me with a strong light in his eyes.
We exchanged contact addresses officially so that we could contact each other anytime.
Alright, for now Ill devote myself to getting better even one day sooner.
Resting is the only shortcut to recovery after all.
Thanks. Thats right, if its fine with you please tell them I said thanks, the others who helped me.
I think theyll be happy to hear that. They might be with Ike and Shinohara.
Please. After all, if I see them being lovey-dovey with each other I might cry.
Komiya gave a bitter smile. Hes more hurt than he looks.
My little teasing failed.
Anyway, its not enough to justify him getting injured but I feel like the distance between Komiya and I has decreased, though just a little bit.
See you, Ayanokouji.
After I said goodbye and exited the sick bay, I suddenly felt strange.
My classmates, Ike and Sudou, and those from another class, Ishizaki and Komiya.
Though little by little, the number of people around me whom I can call my friends have started to increase.
I havent particularly been trying to make friends but this was the result.
The way to make friends isnt something that can be put on textbooks.
With ridiculous honesty, I thought of such a thing.