A little after 6:30 AM on the following morning, the eleventh day of the exam, the Kiriyama group and the six Free Groups had successfully surrounded Kenjis campsite.
Kiriyama prompted Mikitani for an update.
Whats the situation?
There doesnt seem to be any movement inside the tent yet, so hes prolly sleeping like a log right now. Though, itd sure make things a lot easier for us if the dude just fell sick and slept the whole day like this.
It was at this time that Mikitani voiced a suggestion, not only to Kiriyama but to the nearby members of the Free Group as well.
Hey, why dont we trap him in his tent before he gets a chance to come out? If we make it so that he cant pack up his campsite, the guy wont be able to do anything.
Upon hearing Mikitanis suggestion, the other members of the Free Group began to nod in agreement. Kiriyama, however
Its true that if we stall him here long enough, we can delay him from making it to his first designated area on time. However, how exactly would we explain ourselves if a third party saw us doing that? We need to refrain from doing anything that might seem crude to onlookers, even if it means doing something less effective overall.
Even though they were already violating the rules, they had to prioritize reducing the risk as much as possible.
Cant we just run a GPS Search first then? Its not like we cant spare the points.
Dont forget that a GPS Search isnt the end-all be-all; our tablets arent going to tell us the locations of any faculty members. Well stick to the plan and strike once Kenji packs up camp and starts moving. In the meantime, if you cross paths with any first-years, second-years, or even a faculty member on their way to set up a Task site, immediately look to distance yourself from Kenji.
Essentially, Kiriyama was warning everyone to stay out of arms reach of Kenji.
As the clock neared 7:00 AM, the situation finally began to change.
Hes on the move.
Kenji seemed blissfully unaware that he had been surrounded, humming a tune to himself as he started to tear down his tent. His movements were practiced and skillful, and it seemed like hed be ready to depart by 7:00 AM.
And then, once he was done, he took out his tablet and began to wait for the exam to start at the turn of the hour.
Having decided that now was the time to strike, Kiriyama issued the command and proceeded to close in on his target.
Mikitani and the rest of the Free Group followed after from a distance.
It was unclear whether or not Kenji was aware of the situation he was in, as he simply kept his eyes glued to his tablet without so much as lifting his head to keep an eye on his surroundings. Even though he had been surrounded by an army of 18 people, he continued to act as though he was oblivious to their presence.
Mikitani began closing in, having judged that Kenji was just feigning ignorance, but Kiriyama stopped him with a stern look before taking the lead himself.
Kenji, do you have a moment?
Despite being addressed by name, Kenji still didnt look up from his tablet.
What do you want from me?
Kenjis response was curt, by no means a proper way for someone to speak to an upperclassman, but Kiriyama paid it no mind.
After all, he was fully aware that Kenji Rokusuke was somebody who lacked any form of common sense.
I didnt expect you to put in so much effort this time around. If you were always this capable, then why havent you taken any of the previous exams seriously before?
Is that really something we ought to be talking about right now? Itll be 7:00 AM soon, so shouldnt you all be getting ready to scamper off to your next designated area?
You should understand without me needing to say anything, Kenji. Youve scored far too many points.
Kenji spoke as though he hadnt connected the dots yet, but Kiriyama was pretty sure it was just an act.
Im going to have to ask that you stay here for the rest of the day today.
To stop me from earning points is that how it is?
Thats right.
Naturally, there was no way that Kenji would simply go along with a request like this.
I dont know who you are, but anyone can tell with only the most trivial amount of thought that youre just being unreasonable. Alas, however, seeing as youve brought along so many with you I suppose that means youve come prepared to contain me here should I refuse to comply, yes?
Even if you keep going at the pace you have been, itll be impossible for you to take first place. Youre all on your own while Nagumos group has seven people, and my group is in third place with six. Ill admit that youve been doing quite well for yourself these last several days, but I imagine youll start to hit a wall as you begin running out of energy.
It doesnt sound like you need to worry about me then, do you?
Were doing this just in case, thats all. Moreover, as third-years, its hard to accept that weve had to do so much to compete against a single person. Of course, nothing bad will have to happen if youre obedient and agree to follow our orders. Nagumo is the student council president, so getting on his good side would make your life at school easier too.
Essentially, Kenji had been offered two distinct choices: he could either be strong-armed into submission, or obey and curry favor with Nagumo.
As silence fell between them, the hour changed, and with it came the revelation of the days first designated area.
After checking the notification, Kenji slowly put his tablet in his backpack.
Kiriyama and the others kept their eyes trained on him, watching to see if the second-year student would take action or not.
Ive got somewhere to be, so if youll excuse me.
As soon as these defiant words passed his lips, Kenji instantaneously sprinted off, breaking past the members of the Free Group encircling him.
Wha- Hey!!!
Even though they had him surrounded, there were still gaps in their formation large enough for a person to slip through, which Kenji had taken full advantage of. It wouldnt be wrong to say that everyone, even Kiriyama, had been complacent with how they were approaching the situation. They had discounted the possibility that Kenji might just disregard their orders and escape.
After him!
Mikitani hollered for his colleagues to give chase, but by that point, Kenji had already disappeared deep into the forest.
Dont panic. Youll only get yourself hurt if you try to keep up with him.
We dont have time for that right now man! Hes getting away!
He might get his hands on the first Early Bird Bonus, but thats it. If he decides to run around and try to escape from us, then that means he wont be able to take part in any Tasks. And if he has the gall to participate in a Task in spite of that, itll be easy for us to catch up with him.
While they wouldnt be able to determine which area Kenji was headed toward based on the direction he had fled in, the existence of the GPS Search meant that he wouldnt be able to hide forever. This was something that Kiriyama was well aware of.
Mikitani, however, was impatient and raring to go, and ran ahead once everyone collectively began their pursuit.