Volume 13, Chapter 5: An invitation Part 1
Translation: botman
Edit/TLC: d3nj4l/Silent Death
I arrived at the cafe at Keyaki mall a little ahead of the appointed time. As I was paying for my drink at the counter, two guys who wouldnt usually be together came up to me.
One of them was Ryuuen, who had called me, and the other one was
You said there was someone else, were you talking about Ayanokouji?
Kohei Katsuragi of Class 2-A looked at me with a stiff expression.
I wouldnt go so far as to say that they were like oil and water, but the two men in front of me were definitely not on great terms with each other.
What kind of meeting is this supposed to be, anyway?
What, do you want to stand while we talk? Sit down.
Ryuuen was smiling suspiciously. Following his instructions I took an empty seat.
The atmosphere was peculiar, it was like nothing I had ever experienced before.
You never had the vibe of an ordinary student, Ayanokouji, but that was quite the trick you hid up your sleeve. Getting a perfect score on that test!
Katsuragi, who hadnt even talked to me once since the beginning of the 2nd year, suddenly got down to business.
Kuku, dont admire him too much, Katsuragi thats in the past.
The past? You ought to be careful when an unexpectedly strong enemy appears. Youve gotten too cocky after defeating Ichinoses Class B.
Fuck off. Ichinose was off sinking on her own, she was never even on my radar.
Sure enough, this unexpected combination of people immediately built up a sinister atmosphere.
So? Tell me why you called me.
Katsuragis words confirmed that Ryuuen was the host of this meeting, and so I waited with him for Ryuuen to speak.
Whats the hurry? Just chill man!
Theres no way I can chill. if people see me with you, Ill be in trouble.
Katsuragi was concerned about the people around him, so it wasnt surprising that he urged Ryuuen to get to the point.
Even though it was the morning of a day off, there were still a lot of students around.
I was sure that our classmates would be shocked to see us together.
What is Class A aiming for in the next exam?
What do you mean, aiming for? Im sure everyone is aiming for the same thing.
Are you aiming to monopolize the class points? Or is it something else? Ive checked the group composition using the OAA, and while you guys seem to have formed groups with Class C and D, Kitou seems to be alone. And then, no matter how you spin it, Ichinose, Shibata and Sakayanagi being in a group together smells fishy. Are you working together?
I was also interested in that. In addition to the three people Ryuuen named, Class As Hashimoto, and Kamuro,had formed a group with one of Class Cs best students, Ninomiya. And then, the More People special card that Asakura was supposed to have, was now with Hashimoto from Class A. This couldnt be a mere coincidence.
Youre free to interpret it however you want, but I cannot confirm anything.
I dont want any of that diplomatic crap, I want just straight answers.
Then, let me make this simple for you. Im not going to tell you anything about this, you bastard. Katsuragi explicitly declared.
Even though Katsuragi and Sakayanagi were rivals in their class, he would never reveal their plans to Ryuuen, who was their enemy.
Only on the day of the exam shall we know how Sakayanagi will act, and no one will know before she says so. If you want to know despite this, you should go ask her directly.
Oh, so you dont know just because she doesnt trust you?
Well, that might be true.
Like Ryuuen said, Katsuragi didnt necessarily know the situation Class A was in. He was perhaps the only one in Class A who wasnt a member of the Sakayanagi faction, and so was their enemy. It was a well-known fact that didnt need to be mentioned.
Anyway, all of this was just a preamble.
This is really sad, Katsuragi. This time last year, I considered you a worthy opponent in my strategies. However not a single trace of that person remains. It looks like its the end of the road for the loser of the faction war, eh?
Didnt you also lose to Ishizaki that one time?
Katsuragi retorted. Ryuuen was laughing throughout.
Dont you want to crawl back to the top again? That Totsuka who was holding you back, he is gone now, right?
Katsuragi suddenly slammed his right fist onto the table. Because Yahiko admired him so much, he couldnt hide his anger any longer.
If you wanted to make me angry, then youve succeeded, Ryuuen. Are you satisfied now?
What, you still cant let those emotions out? Im a little relieved.
Ryuuen clapped his hands thrice, and then said to Katsuragi.
Dont you think itll be an interesting development if we manage to get Sakayanagi expelled from the next special exam?
If that girl isnt here, then Class-A will cease to have a leader. That way, youll be able to return to your position as leader once again.
I dont know what youre planning to do, but thats impossible. Even if you trap her on the island, she has plenty of private points for relief. Also if by chance, something does incapacitate her, she still has protection points to fall back on.
It was extremely difficult to get Sakayanagi, who had both enough private and protection points, expelled.
Thats true, if you want her gone, youll have to stab her at least twice. Well, getting her expelled in the next exam was a joke. The objective for the uninhabited island exam isnt to kick your enemies down, but to climb up.
I could see Ryuuen gradually steer the conversation to the main topic of the meeting.
The reward for getting 1st to 3rd place is enough to get within shooting distance of Class A, but the rules seem to be a bit troublesome. So, I wanted to prepare in advance.
Is this why you called me and Ayanokouji here?
No matter what the strategy was, I didnt think Katsuragi would easily agree to it. Although I think Katsuragi didnt consider Sakayanagi favourably at least, if he made an enemy of her, he would be striking at his own class. Maybe it wouldve worked at the start of the leadership struggle, but now it would only have a negative impact.
Even so, Ichinose really did agree to team up with that woman. Did you guys butter her up well, or was it because shes so incompetent that she thought that was all she could do? Right?
I dont know. And if Sakayanagi heard that question, shed ask you the same thing. Not many people would like being on your team. Youre a delinquent, after all.
Instead of betraying Sakayanagi, Katsuragi stood up for her with his reply.
In that case, everyone heres that kind of delinquent.
The three of us hadnt formed a group with anyone yet, and were working alone.
But why did he try to incite Katsuragi? It was obvious that Katsuragi wouldnt betray Sakayanagi easily, no matter how much he tried to incite him.
Or was it to confirm that he wouldnt betray Sakayanagi?
Good for you, Katsuragi. Obnoxiously righteous as always. Not bad.
Flattering me wont work, Ryuuen.
Ryuuen finally decided to get down to business, and straightened his posture.
The most important thing about this special exam is to not lose any points from the 2nd year. I dont want the 1st and 3rd years filling their pockets with my money. For that, we need to at least form an alliance, right? If you rely only on your own class, youll lack combat power.
At the time when the group formations tage was coming to an end, Ryuuen was proposing that we work together.
If the small fry in Class B were added into this group, then Id be better off fighting alone, but if I can draw in some firepower from elsewhere, then itd be a different story.
He looked at Katsuragi with an evil smile.
No way, are you asking me to work with you?
Not just you. Ayanokouji as well, whos spaced out over there just listening to us talk.
He then turned his attention to me.
Me too?
Why would I call you here if you werent.
I thought this was so unlikely, but hes seriously asking me to help!
I refuse. Although Class A would get the rewards too, I dont want to be on a team with someone like you.
What a rash decision. Youve gotta hear me out till the end.
Thats not necessary. But Why did you call Ayanokouji? I want to know that first.
Why are you asking?
It was surprising that he got a perfect score in math in the special exam at the end of April. I agree that he has a high ability in academics. But can you really say that hes the right person to choose if you want to win?
Although Katsuragi immediately rejected the proposal to collaborate, he expressed his doubts on Ryuuens strategy.
He seemed to be unable to accept it, because this strategy was formulated with me in mind.
You think I came up with a half-assed strategy?
Thats right. If you get Ayanokouji in, itll reduce the class point reward to one thirds each. Since youre inviting me from Class A anyway, wouldnt it be better to invite Kitou to the group? Besides, if we need three classes, Kanzaki from Class C is still alone, and he shouldve priority over Ayanokouji.
Katsuragi acted as an advisor, recommending suitable candidates.
Someone who doesnt know about him wouldnt understand, but I made the right choice. Right, Ayanokouji?
I dont know what youre talking about.
I echoed Katsuragi, and shrugged as if to say I didnt know why Id been called.
Stop with that poor acting. Youre the man who beat me and shut me up.
Ryuuen said that with nary a consideration for my preferences about that matter.
Although it could be considered a joke, in this situation, Katsuragi didnt seem to think so.
To shut you up? Is that true?
He turned to Ryuuen and I to confirm if it was the truth.
Ah, I got my ass handed to me. Thanks to that, I almost decided to quit school.
When he heard this, Katsuragi started connecting the dots.
If he connected it with the fact that Ryuuen left the limelight at a certain point, it would be easy for him to imagine it.
Come on, admit it, Ayanokouji. Even if you continue to hide it from Katsuragi like that, Ill just keep talking, yeah?
Saying all these unnecessary things, its almost as if he was threatening me.
Even if I do admit it, do you think Ill help you?
Well, like with Katsuragi, it wont be that simple.
Katsuragi, who was listening to us, sighed.
No, I cant accept this after all. I cant believe that Ayanokouji beat you. Coming back to what I said earlier, if you have three classes working together, even if you come in first place, youll only get an average of 100 points. The gap between you and Class A will be impossible to close.
Katsuragi strongly questioned the importance of this groups existence.
Yeah yeah, completely forgot about that. As an advisor, youre certainty qualified.
Ryuuen flashed a grin as he said that and turned his attention to Katsuragi again.
Even in this situation, Ryuuen maintained his frivolous attitude.
I see, proposing to join forces with three classes inefficiently, and saying complete nonsense like Ayanokouji beating you, it seems like you didnt intend to negotiate seriously from the beginning.
Katsuragi, who still thought that Ryuuen was joking, prepared to leave his seat.
A serious negotiation? You knew that was impossible from the start, didnt you? But you still came. Were you asked to spy for Class A?
Katsuragi agreed to a meeting that he could have refused.
But indeed, there must have been a reason behind it.
Youre a dead man, and youre looking for a chance to come back to life. Am I right?
Totsuka Yahiko, a great admirer of Katsuragi, was expelled from the school because of Sakayanagi.
And now, Ryuuen was trying to find out if Katsuragi had forgiven Sakayanagi for doing so.
Whether or not thats true, it has nothing to do with you.
Since youre already here, hear me out to the end.
No matter what you say, theres no chance of me working with you. Its true that I have a semi-antagonistic relationship with Sakayanagi. However, I dont want to trouble my classmates. I dont want to work with you.
Hearing Katsuragis words, Ryuuen clapped his hands happily again.
Looks like he was waiting for Katsuragi to say these words all along.
Dont want to cause trouble for others? Since last years uninhabited island exam, you guys in Class A have been diligently transferring money to me every month because of that contract you made with me, did you forget that?
Katsuragi, still standing, shifted his attention to Ryuuen once again.
It was a fair contract, we got 200 points from your class, and in return Class-A pays off the loan. All of my actions were only to lead Class-A along a better path.
Sure, if you only look at the numbers. However, what about the psychological impact that your class suffers every month? Why should all of you have to share your private points with us for so long?
Humans were surprisingly greedy creatures. Even if they had agreed to pay in advance, they would still feel dissatisfied with their purchase. Month after month, Ryuuen continued to squeeze 20,000 points from every student in Class A. Even if there were one less person now, the total amount of private points taken from their entire class was still 780,000. That was 9.36 million points a year. That would have been fine if the recipient was an ally of sorts, but continuously paying tribute to the man who posed the greatest threat to their position was something they wouldnt be very happy about. And finally, the contract wasnt signed by Sakayanagi, their current leader, but by Katsuragi, who had receded into the shadows by now.
It doesnt feel good, does it, Katsuragi? Losing, and not being able to get revenge.
So So what!?
Katsuragi got angry again, and it looked as if he was about to grab Ryuuen.
As he had found what he wanted in those eyes, Ryuuen said:
Come to Class B, Katsuragi.
Such an extremely bold invitation by Ryuuen.
Katsuragi forgot his anger for a second as he contemplated Ryuuens sudden proposal.
Are you crazy? Youre asking me to come to Class B?
Of course, well pay for the points you dont have.
Even if you have the necessary points, why should I come to Class B? You think I would give up my place in Class A?
Ill soon defeat Sakayanagi, and then the entire Class A will fall. In other words, remaining in Class A is worthless, right?
Without Sakayanagi, their head, it would be difficult for Class A to continue fighting on the front lines.
How much do you have on hand?
About 1.8 million points.
What, youve been saving up after all! Even if youre rotten, youre still in Class A, eh?
Its true, it was still far from the 20 million points needed. Even with the monthly remittances from the school and the money collected from Class A, it only added up to 800,000 points filling Ryuuens wallet every month. It would be really weird if he had even 10 million points on hand right now.
Knowing that he would be rebuffed, he took out a piece of paper and put it on the table.
Youve seen this before, yeah? Its the contract I signed with you last year.
After negotiating with Sakayanagi, Im giving this thing up for 5 million points.
Although it was quite high, if you simply calculated the amount he would be paid until graduation, it was around 10 million points. Moreover, their psychological burden of constantly giving away their points to Ryuuen would be eliminated. No matter how you looked at it, it was a bad deal for Ryuuen.
Of course, if he were to sell the contract for an immediate reimbursement albeit half the original value, Sakayanagi would be able to predict what Ryuuen would do with the money. In the case of this exam, it would be to make the best team, or to collect stronger cards.
However, Sakayanagi accepted such a favourable proposal despite knowing the risks.
If I were Sakayanagi, I would have agreed to Ryuuens proposal as well.
Did you tell her that the points would be used for stealing me?
Dont tell me that you think Sakayanagi would reject the proposal if I said that?
No, its Sakayanagi, shed accept it.
Katsuragi didnt think Sakayanagi would reject a proposal which had nothing but benefits for them.
Youre not going to get a chance like this again, Katsuragi.
He would use money from nullifying the contract that bound Katsuragi, to steal him away.
In other words, its paying a huge sum of 20 million points to Katsuragi.
And it would allow Katsuragi to fight against Sakayanagi openly.
Why Would you go that far for someone like me?
Heh, Katsuragi, you have a surprisingly low opinion of yourself. Though, to be honest, youre not going cheap.
In the end, the only thing Ryuuen wanted to do was to beat Class A. Even if Sakayanagi was defeated and expelled, it was still not a good thing for Katsuragi to remain there. If Katsuragi, who valued defense, returned to his position as a leader, Class A would inevitably become a sturdy fortress.
However, if Katsuragi left first, and Sakayanagi was expelled later, Class A would collapse.
Thats why Ryuuen was willing to pay as much as it takes.
In addition to that, Katsuragi also had high individual ability. According to the OAA, Katsuragi would be the top student in Class B.
The 5 million for nullifying the contract plus your current balance. The remaining points have been collected from the class. Ive forced them into poverty to welcome you to our class!
Between May till the end of July alone, 39 people can accumulate nearly 6.5 million private points. The remainder would be about 200,000 private points per student. Of course, Class Bs funds would be exhausted for a short time, but if they could get a top student, itd be worth it. Ryuuen took out another contract which he had prepared in advance. On it, the use of the 20 million points provided was written, as well as the arrangements for Katsuragis transfer to Class B.
Come on, sign it. Using 20 million points to change classes requires several conditions. You cant force a person to change classes. In the end, the person must agree, and then use his or her funds to transfer to any class of their choosing.
The contract was to prevent Katsuragi from taking this huge sum of money and using it for other purposes.
Well, even if Katsuragi really used this much money for whatever he liked, he would be suspected of fraud by the school.
In other words, the purpose of this contract was not to prevent Katsuragi from doing anything dishonest.
Instead, it was a contract to keep him from changing his mind later on.
You seem to be serious.
It all worked out, right, Katsuragi? Youve been on your own until now, which makes it easier to invite you into our class.
If Katsuragi had grouped up with someone, this wouldnt have happened.
This is your fate. Accept it.
After remaining quiet for a while, Katsuragi sat back down on his chair, as though he had thought it through.
Katsuragi had buried his desire for vengeance against Sakayanagi in his heart.
Ryuuen brilliantly exploited this, and successfully brought him into his ranks. Thus, Katsuragi came under his banner. One thing was for sure, this would be of great benefit to Ryuuens class. The gap with Class A had indeed been narrowed.
Katsuragi slowly signed the contract.
Although I dont really care that you brought me into your ranks, what exactly are you looking for? You wont mind it if I speak my mind?
Suit yourself. Your stubborn opinions might come in handy sometimes.
That was what Ryuuen said after receiving the signed contract. This was the first time in the history of this school that an individual had moved to another class. However, instead of moving up to Class A, they went down to Class B. You could say it was a coincidence that these two circumstances overlapped. The first was that it was possible only because Ryuuen ruled his class like a dictator, and could get their points with a single command. The second was that there was a person who was isolated in Class A, and was disgruntled and vengeful towards the leader. For them, if theres something to be worried about, it would be the fact that they would be fighting for their lives in the uninhabited island exam. Since, the number of students who could afford the luxury of paying the penalty were limited.
Hey, Ayanokouji. What are you doing?
Ryuuen asked me with a baffled expression, as I poured water into the remaining one-fifth of the coffee.
Nothing. I was just wondering what it would taste like if I suddenly diluted the coffee 3 or 4 times the normal amount.
After bluntly answering the question, both Ryuuen and Katsuragi looked even more bewildered than they did before.
Youre a strange one, Ayanokouji.
Katsuragi said that with a disgusted look on his face.
So, what are you going to do with Ayanokouji? If you include a student from Class D in the group, the rewards youll get will be split in two-thirds.
No one said anything about him joining the group.
Then, what do we need from him?
Why, its the Trial card he received.
Ryuuen mentioned the card that had been given to me.
Sell it to me.
I thought he would request me to cooperate with him, but that was what this was about.
You just bought Katsuragi, so Im sure your funding situation isnt so good. Can you prepare enough money?
Ill be able to get 500,000 points or so. That should be enough.
Indeed, this was the only chance Ive got to sell the Trial card. Although I cant say its a good deal, at least I can get some money for Kei.
I have one condition. Make a student in your class that has a Half Off card exchange their card with one of our students that has the Free Ride card. If you accept that, Ill sell the trial card to you.
If she couldnt form a big group of 6, and if Kei was hit with the penalty of expulsion with a group of 3 students, she could still limit the points she would have to pay for relief to 1 million using the Half Off card. Being able to definitively keep her safe was a big deal.
Kuku, I guess its settled then. Half Off card, eh? It just so happens that Katsuragi has it, right?
I wont have much money anyway. There would be no point in holding on to the Half Off card.
So Katsuragi had been assigned the Half Off card.
If Ryuuen has the Trial card and gets first place, he can get 450 Class Points at once.
With that Class Bs Class Points would also break the 1000 point barrier.