Part 3
It was now just the three of us and the first-year Nanase.
While there were a couple of things to discuss given what had happened, one matter took precedence over any of that.
And that was calming down Horikita, who had lost her cool upon seeing the knife pierced through my left hand.
W-what should we do? Should we, uhm, p-pull the knife out?
The usually level-headed Horikita had probably never been in a situation like this one before.
No. I know it isnt exactly pleasant to look at, but its better to leave the knife where it is for now.
If the knife wasnt pulled out properly, Id run a very real risk of hemorrhaging blood.
More importantly, are you two okay?
Compared to you, Im practically unscathed
Yeah Im fine too.
Sud came closer to get a better look and grimaced upon seeing the grotesque state of my hand.
Dude, how can you stay so calm with your hand like that?
Hmm, I dont know.
I was just doing things as I usually did, there wasnt really anything special to it.
But, man I didnt know you were like, so strong
I just tried what I could to block the knife.
Thats not what it looked like to me though.
He voiced his honest impression of my confrontation with Hsen earlier.
Sud had braved his way through a fair number of fights in his time, so it didnt seem like Id be able to deceive him, or Horikita as well for that matter.
With my right hand, I took out my cell phone and called Chabashira.
Somethings happened that I need a bit of help with. Could you quickly come meet me behind the first-year dorms? Alone, of course. Also, please bring a bath towel with you.
Although Chabashira seemed confused by my sudden call, she managed to sense the urgency of the situation and promised to head over immediately. In the meantime, it was for the best that we stay put and wait for her to arrive.
It would be dangerous if other students saw the state of my hand while we changed locations.
At any rate even after seeing the aftermath up close, Nanase didnt seem phased in the slightest.
Despite the fact that there was a knife pierced through my palm and blood scattered around, she was perfectly calm and composed.
The visually intense, graphic nature of the scene didnt affect her at all.
Could you explain what happened here for us, Nanase?
If I dont, then it seems that Class 1-D will be placed in quite a tough position, so I will.
You were aware that the negotiations were going to turn out like this Is that correct?
Correct. The plan was to have Hsen-kun stab himself in the thigh to get Ayanokji-senpai expelled.
She spoke without reserve, explaining their plan in the same polite tone as always.
Are you saying that the kindness youve shown us was all just part of an act meant to fulfill that goal?
No, nothing of the sort, Horikita-senpai. I truly did want to join hands with you and establish a supporting relationship between our two classes. Its just targeting Ayanokji-senpai had been our top priority, thats all.
The reason why both Hsen and Nanase had been so fixated on Class 2-D was simply because I was a member of it.
Why was that your goal? I dont remember pardoning you for what happened here tonight, those were Ayanokji-kuns words, not mine. Depending on your explanation, I might just end up reporting this to the school straight away.
Horikita pressed Nanase for answers, unable to fathom why I was getting targeted.
While I do agree that there was a problem with our method, the school actually condones the notion of taking action to get Ayanokji-senpai expelled. Only a select few first-year students currently know about this, but its possible to receive a tremendous number of private points just for forcing his expulsion.
At last, the reason why Hsen had gone after me had finally come to light.
We were told that the student who manages to expel Ayanokji Kiyotaka of Class 2-D will receive a bulk sum of 20 million private points. Thats the special exam that was given to us.
I dont understand what youre saying. That doesnt make any sense. Who on earth would come up with such an outrageous, stupid special exam?
Nanase held her tongue, unwilling to respond to Horikitas inquiry.
For now, Ive said everything I needed to say. With this, you should realize just how cautious you need to be of the other first-year classes, right Ayanokji-senpai?
She didnt go into it very deeply, revealing only the bare minimum required to convey the idea. Needless to say, if Hsen and Nanase knew about this special exam, then Amasawa probably did as well. Extending that logic, it only made sense that students in Classes 1-B and 1-C were also in on it.
You dont really expect me to accept such an answer, do you? The fact of the matter is that Ayanokji-kun received a grievous injur
Horikita began hounding Nanase with questions for my sake, so I cut in to stop her.
Its alright Horikita. A general understanding of the situation is more than enough. I appreciate the help, Nanase.
For the sake of my class, of Class 1-D, I chose to cooperate with Hsen-kun knowing full well just how awful his methods truly were. Because, if the 20 million point bounty were to fall into the hands of another class, it would bring about serious ramifications for us moving forward.
With 20 million points, you would only have enough to buy a single ticket to Class A.
But given the utility during special exams such as this one, the more financial clout your class had, the better off youd be.
However, that was not the only reason why I cooperated with Hsen-kun.
Nanases tone was soft and calm, and yet there was something about the way she looked at me, a sharp but subtle glint in her eyes.
I simply didnt believe a person like you would be suitable for this school, Ayanokji-senpai.[6]
This was the first time that Nanase had ever directed these apparent feelings of hatred toward me.
Yet, I couldnt figure out why.
Shortly thereafter, Nanase bowed her head and left this place behind.