After I finished my dinner, I returned to the dorms. Taking out my phone, I checked my balance. I had 8320 pr remaining. It hasnt changed since the morning.
Considering that we got 100,000 points at the beginning at the year, its a really small amount.
I spent a lot of points to buy Sudous point.
It would be huge if we got our 87 points.
In yen, thats 8700 yen. Although its not enough, its still relatively big money.
Save me, Ayanokouji!
While I was playing with my phone on the bed, the door suddenly opened. It was a flushed Sudou.
Why are you in such a rush? Or should I say, howd you even get in?
I remember locking the door when I returned to my room. I dont think I forgot to do it because I do it out of habit now. Did he kick his way through the door or something?
Just to make sure, I checked the door, but it wasnt broken.
This is the room where our room meets, so we held a discussion and decided to make a duplicate key. Didnt you know? Its not just me, everyone else has a key too.
He was spinning the key in his hand.
I learned this important fact just now
Somehow, it looks like my room is no longer safe against invaders.
Anyway, that stuff doesnt matter. Im in a really dangerous spot right now! Help me out.
It definitely matters. Give me the key.
Hah? Why should I? I bought this with my own points. Its mine.
What kind of faulty reasoning is that? If youve committed a crime, its still a crime, no matter what you say.
Even if were friends, it doesnt mean that Ill allow anything.
If youre worried about something, how about asking Ike or Yamauchi?
Those two are no good. Theyre stupid.
As he was talking, Sudou sat down on the floor.
Buy some carpet. My butt hurts.
I dont have enough to spend money on the interior.
In the first place, even though my room was designated the meeting place, weve never met in here ever since the party. Even if I bought carpet, only I would be sitting on it. The very thought of it feels surreal.
When I got up to get some tea, the doorbell rang.
The person who poked her head through the entrance was Kushida, the Madonna of class D. Shes cute whenever I see her. She saw Sudou, who was still sitting on the floor.
Oh, Sudou-kuns here.
Im just asking, but do you also have a duplicate key?
Uh, yea? Isnt it so that we could meet up by any chance, did you not know, Ayanokouji-kun?
She took out a key from her bag and showed it to me. It looks exactly the same as my key. Apparently, Kushida thought it was done with my permission.
Um, this should I return it?
She apologetically gave me the key.
Its fine. Theres no point if youre the only one that returns it. It doesnt seem like Sudou wants to return the key.
Is it really alright for Kushida to have the key? No, well, in my delusions, you could say that it feels like I have a girlfriend if she keeps the key. Men are calculating creatures.
Since Kushida has also come, can we move to the real topic?
It cant be helped well then, whats the issue?
After they came to my room, its not like I can bluntly refuse them.
With a meek look on his face, he slowly started talking.
You know how I was called out by the teacher today? Then, uh actually I might be suspended from school. And for a while, too.
Sus suspended?
Thats unexpected. Compared to the beginning of the year, Sudou has been pretty well-behaved. He hasnt been talking or dozing off during class, and is doing well in his club activities.
By any chance, did you insult or slander Sensei?
When Chiyabashira-sensei stopped Sudou from going to his club today, he looked unhappy.
He probably got mad and said some reckless remarks once again.
I wont say.
Then did you grab her by her collar and threaten to kill her or something?
Im not saying anything.
Without any hesitation, Sudou refused to speak. Is that really not it?
Its probably worse than what youre thinking
I thought that my first two guesses were pretty bad, but to say that its even worse
Oh, this is how things happened, Ayanokouji-kun. I beat up and assaulted Sensei and then spit on her!
Thats cruel. or should I say, your wild ideas are way too cruel!
Ahaha, its a joke. Of course, I wouldnt go that far. Sudou-kun as well.
Even though I thought Sudou would immediately deny it, he jolted in surprise from Kushidas joke.
I guess it shows how rattled he is.
Whats wrong?
Actually, I beat up some kids from class C yesterday. And earlier, Sensei said that I would be suspended This is probably punishment for that.
Surprised from Sudous words, Kushida unintentionally looked towards me. I couldnt swallow the situation at first. That Sudou had been involved in trouble again. Were my worries spot on?
Beat them up that, uh, whyd you do it?
For your information, I wasnt at fault, ok? Those class C brats were in the wrong. I just responded when they tried to provoke me. And then they went and told on me. They were being untruthful, too.
Somehow, it seems like Sudou also hasnt been able to gather his thoughts. I understood what he was trying to say, but I still didnt know why the fight started nor the details of the fight.
Wait a second, Sudou-kun. Can you say it once more, but slower?
Kushida encouraged him to calm down and tried to get him to tell us how the fight started.
Sorry, I mustve left out too many parts
Taking a few deep breaths, Sudou started from the beginning once again.
The club advisor and I were talking about being able to be a regular for the summer tournaments.
I heard that he was good, but I didnt expect talks about becoming a regular so soon.
Isnt that super good, Sudou-kun!? Congratulations!
Nothings decided yet. Its just that the possibility exists.
Even thats great. We just entered high school, after all.
Well, yea. Actually, I was the only first year to be nominated for becoming a regular. And even then, its not like Im definitely becoming a regular. On the way home, those guys Komiya and Kondo, who are also in the basketball club, called me out to a special building. They said they had something to talk about or something. I couldve ignored them, but Ive argued with them quite a few times during club activities, so I thought I would settle this. Of course, I went to meet them, you know? And then this Ishizaki guy was there, waiting for me. Komiya and Kondo were this guys friends, and said how they couldnt stand that a class D student like me was being considered as a regular. He then told me to either quit or face a painful experience. I refused and beat them up, but then all of this happened.
It was a hurried explanation, but I got the general gist of things. It looks like Sudous satisfied with his explanation.
And then you were portrayed as the bad guy, huh.
With an exasperated look, he nodded. Those class C students started the whole thing, and when Sudou refused to quit, they resorted to the use of force that is, violence. However, Sudou, who was experienced in fighting, turned the tables and beat them up. Naturally, they were injured. But, there was no evidence, so they lied to the school that Sudou beat them up for no reason.
Sudou-kuns not the problem if the situation was started by class C.
Right? I seriously dont get it. I dont believe that teacher either.
We should tell Chiyabashira-sensei tomorrow about what happened. How Sudou-kun isnt at fault.
Things arent that simple. Sudou mustve told the school what he just told us now. But since theres no evidence to back up his claim, the school decided to punish him.
When you told the school, what did they say?
They said they would give me time until next Tuesday to prove it. If Im not able to, Im suspended until the summer. On top of that, the whole class will be deducted points as well.
It seems like the school has decided to wait. But, it seems like Sudou is more worried about not being able to become a regular, rather than getting our points deducted or being suspended. I guess he couldnt stand the thought of his chances being ruined.
What should I do?
Sudou-kun, you tried to tell the teachers truthfully, right? Its strange, since they didnt believe your story, even if you did nothing wrong. Right?
Kushida was looking for a positive response from me, but sadly, I couldnt give an affirmative reply.
Well, I wonder I dont think this is that simple.
What do you mean by I wonder? Are you doubting me?
At the very least, the school doesnt trust you, right? For example, it wouldnt be strange if Kushida was agreeing with you just so that our points wouldnt decrease.
That that may be true.
This time, the trouble wont be solved by proving who started the fight.
The three of them might be suspended for a week, for example.
There are three people that say that they were beaten. Without sound proof, Sudou will most definitely be punished. And that means only one thing.
Even if the other party is the one at fault, Sudou might still take some of the blame.
Hah? Why? It was legitimate self-defence. Right!?
Sudou, unable to understand, hit the table with his fist. Kushida jumped in surprise.
My bad, I got slightly upset.
Seeing Kushidas frightened face, Sudou apologized.
Hey Why will Sudou-kun still take some of the blame?
Sudou hit them, but they didnt hit Sudou. Thats a big reason why, I think. Its a more difficult problem than just saying self-defence. If they came at you with a knife and a metal bat, things would be different. Normally, if they were going to pick a fight, they would probably prepare for it. Self-defence is when you have to defend yourself against sudden, dangerous attacks. In other words, I dont think this is exactly self-defence.
This is the best I can think of, given the circumstances.
I-I dont understand. There were three people, three. I think its sufficiently dangerous.
I think the number of people has to be taken into account, but this case is a delicate one. If the school thinks that the number of people than I think, then Sudou might be declared innocent.
But its dangerous to think optimistically.
I think the school gave a few days because they also found it difficult to come to a decision.
The proof we have right now the only possible key we have is the injuries of the other three.
Then theyre planning on heavily punishing Sudou-kun, huh.
Whoever brought it up first has the upper hand. The victims testimony works as evidence.
I still dont get it. Im the victim! This isnt a joke. If I get punished, I wont be able to become a regular for this tournament!
Those class C boys purposely lost to Sudou to crush his chances. Theyre trying to stop him from becoming a regular, while bringing down the rest of class D as well. That kind of plan seems likely.
Lets ask the three class C students to speak honestly. If they feel like what they did is wrong, theyll definitely have feelings of guilt, right?
Those guys arent idiots. They wont speak honestly. Dammit I wont ever forgive them, those bastards!
Picking up the ballpoint pen that was on the table, he snapped it into two. Its not like I dont understand where hes coming from, but thats my ballpoint pen
If trying to explain it didnt work, then well have to find some actual proof.
Yea It would be great if there was evidence that proved that Sudou-kun wasnt at fault
If things were that simple, this wouldnt be so difficult. Even then, Sudou couldnt deny it, and started thinking about the situation.
There might be something. It might just be my misunderstanding, but When I was fighting with those guys, I felt a strange presence around the area, as if someone was watching.
Even though he wasnt too confident about it, Sudou threw the idea out there.
So youre saying that there might be an eyewitness?
Well, thats what I thought. Theres no definite proof.
An eyewitness, huh. If they saw the whole thing, it would be good. But in some cases, it might drive Sudou further into the corner. For example, if they only saw the situation after Sudou started fighting, it might be the final blow for Sudou.
What should I do
Sudou held his head in his hands. Kushida talked, breaking the heavy silence.
There are two ways to prove your innocence. The first is to go get the class C boys to admit their lies. Since Sudou-kun wasnt in the wrong, it is probably best to get them to acknowledge it.
Thats definitely idealistic.
Like I said earlier, thats impossible. They wont admit that they lied.
Like he said, they probably wont admit it. If they confessed to the school that they liked about someone else to get them into trouble, they would definitely get suspended.
And then the other method is find that eyewitness. If someone saw you guys fight, we might be able to look for more evidence for the truth.
Well, this is about the only realistic plan we have.
How do you plan to look for that eyewitness?
Asking people one by one? Or asking each class works too.
It would be great if someone came forward, but
I thought that our discussion had been going for pretty long, so I went to the cupboard. I took out the instant coffee and tea packs that I bought at the convenience store right after school started. Well, Sudous not very good with coffee, though. After preparing a pot of hot water, I put everything on the table.
This might be a shameless request, but can you keep this a secret?
Taking the cup from the table and blowing on it, Sudou asked us apologetically.
Eh a secret?
If rumor of this spreads, itll make its way to the basketball club. I dont want that to happen. You understand, right?
Sudou, even then
Please understand, Ayanokouji. If I cant play basketball, I have nothing left.
He grabbed both of my shoulders and pleaded. Things wont blow over even if the rumors dont spread. If word spreads that he used violence, the basketball club might not let him stay anymore.
Wont the class C students spread the rumors themselves? It would be convenient for them.
That was what I was thinking about. It wouldnt be strange for them to spread the rumors themselves. As if he was saying Seriously!?, Sudou held his head in his hands once again.
What if rumor got out already?
No, for today, the news of the incident probably hasnt spread.
Why do you think that?
If those class C kids spread the rumor already, it wouldve probably reached us long ago.
The school called in Sudou after school.
Also, there wasnt any word about it during the day.
At least, it hasnt spread widely yet.
So were safe for now?
But how long will that last? Even if you put a gag order on it, itll become a rumor sooner or later. Before long, itll be known to the public. Right now, the only thing thats certain is
Sudou-kun, you should probably try to stay away from this case.
Kushida, also understanding this, advised Sudou.
Yea, itll be bad if the related party tries to do anything.
I replied, agreeing with Kushidas words.
But, pushing the whole thing onto you guys is
I dont feel like this is being pushed onto us. We just want to help Sudou-kun. I dont know how far we can get, but well do our best. Ok?
Alright. I know this is a bother, but I will leave it to you guys.
It seems like he understood that things would get more complicated if he tried to get involved himself.
Well then, well return to our rooms. Sorry for intruding so suddenly.
Dont worry about it, other than the fact that you made duplicate keys.
Saying I wont return it, Sudou put his key in his pocket. I should lock the door with a chain from now on
Kushida, see you tomorrow.
Bye-bye, Sudou-kun.
She saw Sudou off, who looked kind of sad. Its only a few rooms over, though.
Well then. Kushida, are you not going back?
I just wanted to ask a few more things about what happened today. You dont seem like youre very enthusiastic to help Sudou-kun.
Kushida looked at me with wavering eyes. I got the sudden urge to hold her hand. I stretched my back and shook off my bad thoughts.
Its not like that, but theres not much I can do. I can only respond to Sudous story. If it was Horikita or hirata, they might be able to give some better advice.
Thats probably true, but Sudou-kun came to rely on you. Even more than Horikita-san, Hirata-kun, or even Ike-kun, he entrusted his story to you.
I dont know if I should be happy or not.
I was confused Kushidas eyes turned cold for a split second.
Speaking of which, Kushida once told me that she hated me directly to my face. She always has a gentle smile, so I forget from time to time, but I might get burned once again if it happens one too many times.
It might better if Ayanokouji-kun makes a bigger effort to blend in with the class.
Well, Im more or less trying. Its just that not much has come out of it. This time, I dont have the courage to say that I will help Sudou.
I guess she doesnt think that I worry about not being able to eat lunch with anyone.
I may think that way, but Kushida probably knows that I have trouble.
Kushida, youre going to help Sudou, right?
Of course. Were friends. Ayanokouji-kun, youllwhat are you doing?
As I said earlier, talking to either Horikita or Hirata is better, right? Well, Sudou hates Hirata, so Horikita is the obvious choice.
But I dont think that Horikita would have a good idea to solve this problem.
Will Horikita-san even help?
I dont know. Well have to ask. But she wont idly watch as class D collapses probably.
I was feeling a bit hesitant. After all, its Horikita.
I know youre trying to avoid the question, but Ayanokouji-kun, youll help too, right?
She steered the conversation back even though I was trying to change the subject.
Is it fine if Im no help? Ill probably be useless, you know?
It wont be like that. Youll be useful somehow.
She didnt say how I would be useful, though.
What should we starting tomorrow? Sudou-kun said that it would be useless, but I still think that its a good idea to go talk to the three people he fought. Actually, Im friends with Komiya-kun and his group. So, we might be able to persuade them. Hmm, is it dangerous?
It seemed like Kushida couldnt throw away the option of talking to them.
The risk is high. Not considering who started the fight, its the three of them that first brought it up to the school. They have the upper hand in this situation. Also, it wouldnt work. Since it was them, not Sudou, that picked a fight.
Theres no easy way to prove to the school that they lied. But if the school knows that they fabricated a lie and told them, class C would get a massive penalty.
Then, I guess looking for the witness is the way to go.
Even thats pretty difficult. Without any details, itll be impossible to find an eyewitness. Asking Did you see something? is an extraordinary waste of time and effort.
I wont reach a conclusion now, no matter how much I think about this right now.
If any change occurs in the situation, the flow of events might change a bit.