Part 1
Within Class A that same morning, everyone was patiently waiting for the results to be announced.
The outcome had already been decided ever since the supplemental exam was first announced, and there were no objections to it either.
As the bell rang, Mashima entered the classroom to announce the outcome.
He was as calm as always. He didnt have very much of an opinion about what was about to take place.
No, rather, it was more like he was simply trying not to think about it very much.
It had been four years since he became a teacher at Advanced Nurturing High School, and he had seen many students get expelled in that time.
Ill now be announcing the results of the supplementary special exam. To start things out, the student who received the most praise votes would be you, Sakayanagi, with a total of thirty-six votes.
I didnt expect that all of you would vote for me. I really must thank everyone.
She responded with empty words of gratitude. Nearly everyone in the class had voted for her.
Next Ill announce the student who received the most censure votes. Im sure youre all aware of this by now, but the person whose name is called will be expelled. After this, theyll have to pack their bags and come along with me to the staff room.
The classroom was dead silent.
Every single student was quiet as they waited for the name to be called.
In last place, with thirty-six censure votes
He paused for a split-second, and then
Yahiko Totsuka.
He spoke.
The name resounded throughout the silent classroom.
How absurd! Whats going on!?
Katsuragi stood up from his seat, raising his voice after the results had sunken in.
K-Katsuragi-san Why? Wha?
Totsuka looked at Katsuragi with an expression of disbelief on his face as well.
He had received an overwhelming majority, thirty-six, of the classes censure votes, ensuring his expulsion.
Then, Mashima revealed the total number of votes that every student in the class had gotten.
Katsuragi had placed just behind Totsuka with a total of thirty censure votes.
Whats going on here, sensei? The one being expelled should be me-
There havent been any mistakes.
Mashima cut Katsuragi off, answering his question calmly.
A young girl began to speak, as if to shed light on such an inexplicable situation.
Katsuragi-kun, it seems youve been given some praise votes. How wonderful.
Hearing that, Katsuragi finally understood.
This hadnt happened due to some kind of mistake. Rather, this was the outcome of one of Sakayanagis schemes.
Wait, Sakayanagi! The one who shouldve been expelled was me!
Expulsion? You? You werent the target in the first place.
She responded decisively.
Stop joking with me. You definitely said you were going to get rid of me!
Come to think of it, youre right, arent you? I did say I was going to get rid of you, but that was just a lie.
Without an ounce of apprehension, Sakayanagi smiled gently.
Why Why!?
Its simple. Totsuka-kun doesnt bring any benefits to Class A. On the other hand, youre sharp, and your reflexes arent anything to scoff at either. This, combined with your calm head, makes you useful in your own way. This exam is perfect for disposing of somebody unnecessary, so only an idiot would get rid of someone who still has use left in them.
Katsuragi winced, unable to refute her point.
Although, that wasnt the only reason why Sakayanagi had done this.
Originally, Totsuka wasnt the only one who sided with Katsuragi. Even though she intended to mercilessly make an example out of Katsuragi for going against her, Totsukas expulsion would have an even larger impact on Class A.
It would instill the idea that, if you sided with Katsuragi, you would be the next to see yourself in Totsukas shoes.
Why would you do this in such an indirect way?
Isnt it only natural for someone to do their best to avoid expulsion? There are a lot of praise votes floating around from other classes in this exam. If Totsuka-kun had gone and gathered them from the other classes in order to save himself, I dont believe we couldve gotten him expelled.
She couldnt know for sure that another class wouldnt just whimsically decide to save Totsuka.
However, if she singled out Katsuragi from the very beginning, nobody would bother to use their praise votes on Totsuka.
Thank you for your hard work, Totsuka-kun. Be sure to take care of yourself after youve left the school.
D-damn! Dammit! Dammit!
Totsuka curled over as if he was about to collapse. Katsuragi couldnt find the right words to comfort him.
Totsuka would have normally been overjoyed to find out Katsuragi wasnt going to be expelled.
But now that he was being expelled himself, that didnt matter anymore.
Instead, he could only feel resentment as he wondered why it had to be him instead of his friend.
If Katsuragi had gotten expelled, Totsuka Yahiko wouldve been able to stay in Class A. And while he wouldve been displeased with it, he wouldve followed Sakayanagi all the way until graduation. And then, he wouldve become successful in life.
Even though he felt guilty for it, he had already vaguely begun to imagine his wonderful future as a graduate from Class A.
But because of this sudden twist of fate, he had lost everything.
Saving him with twenty million points is probably impossible.
Correct. Unfortunately, even if we added up all of our points, we still wouldnt have enough.
Totsuka, theres no way to overturn this decision.
The homeroom teacher, Mashima, spoke definitively as he buried the pain within his heart.
Totsuka was at a loss for words, unable to do anything but nod in response.
Totsuka, please come with me to the staff room for the time being. Ill let you collect your things later.
In consideration of the young mans feelings, Mashima asked for Totsuka to leave the room.
His expulsion had been set in stone, so staying in the classroom would only serve to hurt him more.
By the way, Mashima-sensei Might I ask you something?
What is it, Sakayanagi?
As Mashima began to leave the classroom with Totsuka, Sakayanagis voice brought him to a halt.
He instructed for Totsuka to wait in the hallway before turning to hear her out.
While its a shame that Totsuka-kun had to be sacrificed It has already been decided whos going to be expelled in the other classes, right?
Tentatively. As soon as the results have been finalized, theyll be posted on the first-floor bulletin board.
Then, depending on the results, is it possible that there will be consequences for Katsuragi-kun?
What are you talking about, Sakayanagi?
Katsuragi questioned her, unsure of what she was getting at.
Im just asking for future reference.
For a moment, Mashima, just like Katsuragi, didnt seem to understand the meaning behind Sakayanagis words.
He hadnt considered the possibility that she was asking about that.
However, upon seeing Sakayanagis fearless smile, Mashima changed his mind.
No matter who gets expelled, there wont be any consequences. That doesnt work like that. If, for some reason, there were consequences, even you wouldnt be able to take advantage of it very easily.
Thats certainly true. Thank you very much for answering.
After Mashima left the classroom, Katsuragi calmly approached Sakayanagi.
In response, Hashimoto and Kit hurriedly got up to obstruct his path in the off chance he resorted to violence.
However, before Katsuragi could say a word, Sakayanagi spoke up.
Theres no reason for you to bear a grudge against me, Katsuragi-kun. Somebody had to be expelled during this exam. Whether it be you or Totsuka-kun, the results must be taken seriously. The fact of the matter is that there was a vote. One in which every student in Class A participated.
I understand.
Katsuragi hadnt planned on getting violent from the start. He had only intended to vent his dissatisfaction to her.
And yet, Sakayanagi had put a stop to even that.
Thats fine then. After all, I dont want you to hold back our class moving forward because you become consumed by self-despair. However If by chance you were to go against Class A in the future
I told you I understood. You dont have to drag anyone else into this.
Im glad to see youre so sensible.
If Katsuragi were to bare his fangs at Sakayanagi out of resentment because of Totsukas expulsion, Sakayanagi was threatening that she would have someone else expelled next time. Sakayanagi was well aware that, as long as Katsuragi was obedient, hed be able to contribute greatly to the future success of Class A.
Like this, Katsuragi had given in entirely. Without any means of going against her, he had no choice but to raise the white flag and surrender to Sakayanagi.
Well then I wonder how the other classes are doing right now?
Of course, as far as Sakayanagi was concerned, Class B and Class D werent even worth thinking about.
The only thing she cared about was what had happened within Class C, the class that Ayanokji was in. She couldnt help but look forward to hearing about it.