Volume 10, Chapter 6: The Other Classes' Ideas Part 6
That evening, Sakayangi and Kamuro met up with Yamauchi at Keyaki Mall.
Given the situation, they rented a room at the karaoke parlor in order to avoid attracting too much attention.
So, uh Kamuro-chan came along too.
Sorry. Its still a bit embarrassing for us to go on a date alone together
N-no its cool, really! Im just happy to be on a date with you at all!
Yamauchi put on a desperate smile, trying his best to avoid being disliked.
In all actuality, he had wanted to confess to Sakayanagi had she come alone, and afterwards, they could officially become a couple together.
Even so, Yamauchi forced his feelings aside.
Yamauchi-kun, will you be alright during this next special exam?
Well, itd be great if you will be, its just
Sakayanagi let her voice trail off for a moment.
If you got expelled, we wouldnt be able to meet like this anymore. That Thats the one thing I absolutely dont want to have happen.
Even though Sakayanagis cutesy innocent acting made Kamuro feel sick to her stomach, she didnt let the nausea show on her face.
This was nothing more than Sakayanagi toying with him.
Besides, if she were to take each and every one of Sakayanagis games seriously, shed probably lose her mind.
I-Id hate that too!
Its kind of like our feelings are intertwined, isnt it?
Sakayanagi gently patted her chest with a sigh of relief.
If theres something troubling you, you can always come to me about it, Yamauchi-kun.
You and I are certainly mutual enemies, but its different during this exam. We dont have to compete against students from other classes, do we?
Thats true
And because of that, it may be possible for us to cooperate with one another instead.
Yamauchi appeared to have had somewhat of the same idea.
Its just an example, but what if I used my praise vote on you, Yamauchi-kun?
Hearing that, Yamauchi gulped in anticipation.
People wanted as many praise votes from the other classes as they could get their hands on.
For the students at risk of expulsion, they were so desperate for these crucial votes that they would stoop to any level to get them.
A-are you seriously gonna help me?
If youre in trouble, Ill gladly cooperate.
Although Yamauchi kept his cool on the surface, her kind words had impacted him, making him happy from the bottom of his heart.
He had never once spoken with a girl this intimately before in his entire life. After all, it would be embarrassing for her to realize that he had absolutely no experience with love.
To tell you the truth It seems like people in my class are pretty jealous of me, and uh, Im worried that they might use their censure votes on me.
Jealousy, is it?
Its because Im the only one who can meet up with you like this, Sakayanagi-chan.
That is true, isnt it? Im not interested in other boys at all.
He couldnt bring himself to say he was at risk of expulsion because his grades were bad.
Instead, Yamauchi wanted to make himself look good so Sakayanagi would like him more.
Either way, I understand what youre getting at, so Ill give you some secret instructions that will help you out, Yamauchi-kun.
S-secret instructions?
Yes. Please reach out to approximately half of your class and try to pull them over to your side. Then, you can target somebody else and push for them to be expelled.
But, uh if I did that, isnt it possible that I might end up getting targeted!?
I suppose thats true. Its not like anybody wants to be seen as the leader. After all, if you end up carelessly upsetting the wrong person, you might end up being voted for instead.
Yamauchi nodded in agreement.
Thats why Im going to help you.
There are about twenty people who follow me in Class A. Ill have all of them use their praise votes on you, Yamauchi-kun.
A good number of your classmates should also be willing to give you praise votes, right? With their votes included, even if you end up getting more than thirty censure votes, the votes will pretty much cancel each other out. Its highly unlikely that youll be expelled.
A-are you serious?
Of course. That said, even if you get twenty votes, your safety wont be guaranteed. Thats why you need to take the reins and drive somebody else into a corner.
B-but who?
Lets see Naturally, you cant get rid of somebody useful to your class. Masumi-san, does anyone suitable come to mind?
How about Ayanokji?
Ayanokjikun, is it? I believe Ive heard the name but
Oh, uh, hes the kinda guy who doesnt stand out at all. How should I explain it?
You can spare me the details. He sounds like he might be the perfect target. You two arent particularly close, are you?
Not at all! Hes just a classmate!
In which case, lets have him be the sacrifice.
Yamauchis desire to save himself was in conflict with his reluctance to sacrifice one of his classmates.
However, needless to say, his desire to protect himself was far stronger.
I think itd be painful to cut ties with a classmate, no matter what kind of relationship you had with them, so Id try to avoid thinking about it too much. I think weve chosen a suitable target, so we just have to go along with it.
Sakayanagi smiled at him with an expression that seemed to say That way, your heart wont hurt as much, right?
Next Monday, after this exam is over, would you like to meet up again, just the two of us? Theres something Id like to tell you then, Yamauchi-kun. Its something very important.
Yamauchi staggered. Her words dealt a finishing blow, completely enticing him.
His imagination ran wild as he envisioned an upcoming confession of love from Sakayanagi.
For the sake of turning his dreams into reality, Yamauchi would do everything in his power to avoid expulsion, no matter what.
Even more importantly, if he didnt successfully carry out the strategy she had come up with, it was possible that she might begin to hate him.
These thoughts were the only thing spurring him on.
So, lets start out by identifying people who appear to be Ayanokji-kuns friends. Itd be best if we could quietly have him expelled without him hearing about it.
G-got it.
But before that, I have some advice for you, Yamauchi-kun.
Please dont tell anyone that were going to be voting for you. Theres a risk that your classmates will resent you if you carelessly talk about it.
Thats for sure
They would obviously get jealous and antagonistic if they found out that Yamauchi was the only one safe from the exam.
Understood. I wont say anything.
Thank you very much.
But U-uhm.
What is it?
Uhm, Its not that Im doubting you or anything, its just Are you really going to use your praise vote on me?
Are you saying that you want to have something in writing?
Its just that Im kinda worried about it
Yamauchi was worried because he lacked confidence in leaving it to a simple verbal agreement, something that was well within Sakayanagis expectations.
Do you think that Im going to betray you, Yamauchi-kun? Even if I wanted to, theres no reason for me to do such a thing. But if you really arent willing to believe me lets just forget that this conversation ever happened. If you really cant trust a promise from me, I suppose Ill have to reconsider meeting up next Monday.
W-wait! I believe you! I trust you!
When Sakayanagi tried to back out, Yamauchi eagerly attempted to reel her back in.
Im sorry for doubting you
Its fine. I understand that youre anxious.
With a gentle smile, Sakayanagi presented Yamauchi with one final warning.
That said Yamauchi-kun, if I catch you eavesdropping on me, sneaking photos, or secretly recording our conversations in the future, our relationship will be over. The two of us will become enemies.
N-no problem! Id never do something like that!
Very well. Then, Masumi-san, if you would, please pat him down.
Eh? Me?
Despite voicing her reluctance, Kamuro proceeded to frisk Yamauchi.
Its getting interesting.
For Sakayanagi, this was nothing more than a game.
In her mind, the outcome to all of this had already been decided since the very beginning.
After Yamauchi left, Sakayanagi stayed behind with Kamuro in the karaoke room.
Were not going home yet?
It was just a little past 8:00 PM.
The mall was only open to students until nine, and the karaoke parlor was going to close soon as well.
What do you think of this strategy Ive come up with, Masumi-san?
What do you mean?
Ayanokji-kun is no ordinary person. Youve noticed this yourself, right?
Well, I know that youve been excessively interested in him.
Its something more than that, isnt it? Youve been close to him before. You shouldve been able to notice it.
Although she wasnt certain about anything specific, he was unpleasant. He seemed like a student who was shrouded in mystery.
That was the impression Kamuro had of him.
Hes powerful.
How powerful?
People like Katsuragi-kun, Ryen-kun, and Ichinose-san wouldnt even stand a chance against him.
Really? What about you then?
Hmm Who knows?
Are you being serious? I cant believe youre saying this.
Kamuro was surprised. She had thought Sakayanagi would say she could beat him without any hesitation.
Of course its possible that I can beat him. That said, its also true that I dont know exactly what hes capable of. Well I suppose its a bit different from that. Maybe theres just a part of me that wants him to be an opponent far outside of even my capabilities.
It was a mysterious feeling that she had never noticed she had before.
I hope I can see him take things seriously before I have him expelled.
It was something Sakayanagi wanted from the bottom of her heart.
(Part 6 End)