After the last test finished, we all gathered around Sudou once again.
H-hey, how was it?
Ike asked anxiously. Sudou seemed to be slightly uneasy as well.
I dont know I did what I could, but I dont know how well I did:
Itll be fine. Since youve studied hard, things will turn out well.
Dammit, why did I fall asleep!?
He was tapping his fingers against the table in irritation. Horikita stood right in front of Sudou.
What is it. Are you lecturing me again?
It was indeed your fault that you didnt go over the last part. However, like you said, you did your best when we were studying. You didnt throw in the towel even when it was difficult. With how much effort you put in, I think you should feel proud of what you did.
Whats this, are you trying to comfort me?
Comfort? I was only speaking the truth. When I look at Sudou-kun, I understand that studying is difficult for you.
Horikita was praising Sudou. None of us could believe that this was really happening.
Lets wait for the results.
Then one more thing. I have something to correct.
Earlier, I said that your hopes of becoming a basketball pro were foolish.
Why are you reminding me?
I looked into how one could become a basketball pro in this world. I learned that it was a really difficult path to get on the professional scene.
Isnt that why you told me to give up? Because its such a reckless dream.
Its not like that. I know you have a passion for basketball. I know that you probably understand how difficult it is to become a pro.
It was her usual attitude, but this was clearly an awkward apology from Horikita.
In Japan, there are a lot of people who want to become pros. Among those people, there are also people who want to become internationally known. Youre part of the latter group, right?
Yea. The incredibly foolish me is trying to become a basketball pro. Even though I might be stuck living a sad life as a part-time worker, Im going to succeed.
I always thought that there was no need to understand anyone else but myself. But when you said you wanted to become a pro, I insulted you immediately. Looking back on it, I regret it. Someone who doesnt know how difficult and hard of a goal it is to achieve has no right to call it stupid and foolish. Sudou-kun, dont forget the hard work you put into studying and use it for basketball. Youll be able to become a pro with that kind of effort. At least, thats what I think.
Horikitas expression was the same as always, but she lowered her head to Sudou.
Sorry for what I said back then. Well then, goodbye.
Leaving behind her words of apology, Horikita left the room.
H-hey, did you see that? Horikita apologized!? And that nicely!?
I cant believe it!
Ike and Yamauchi were in complete shock. I was also somewhat surprised. Kushida too.
Horikita admitted that Sudou did his best.
Sitting in his chair in a daze, Sudou looked at Horikita as she walked out of the classroom.
A short while after, he put his right hand over his heart and looked backed at us.
T-this is bad I I think Im falling in love