Volume 9, Chapter 6: Something Vague Part 6
The situation began to unfold at a dizzying pace.
The special exam didnt seem like it was going to happen this month, so everyone shouldve been focusing their efforts on preparing for the upcoming end-of-year exam, yet something troublesome was still developing.
It was Friday, February 18th. Three days after the end of the provisional exam.
A fair distance away from the school campus, students from Class A, Class C, and Class D had gathered together.
Given the importance of the upcoming exam, Hirata had attempted to stem the flow of the new rumors, but despite his best efforts, they still managed to spread around the school.
Class A, the only class that hadnt had rumors posted about them on the school forums, was also already grasping that information.
Yo Ishizaki, something you wanted to say to me?
The same attitude as ever, Class As Hashimoto spoke up, posing a question to Ishizaki.
Something I wanted to say? You tell me, Hashimoto! What are you doing bringing Kit along with you? Didnt I tell you to come alone?
Well, you brought Albert along with you yourself. Im just being careful.
There was a stinging, tense atmosphere between the two of them.
ILLUSTRATION: https://imgur.com/a/P5V09sy
The atmosphere made it hard to imagine that they had lived in the same room together during the training camp. Though, ultimately, their reaction towards one another was understandable.
Weve just invited you out here today to have a talk. Isnt that right, Ishizaki-kun?
Ishizaki and Albert werent the only Class D students that had come to participate in the conversation. Hiyori and Ibuki had also come along with them.
Well, as long as theyre able to control themselves, I guess everything should be fine.
Even though she stopped herself, Hiyoris worry was by no means unreasonable.
Given the personalities of the people present, it was hard to imagine that nothing would end up happening.
But, what about those guys? I didnt know you invited people from Class C as well.
Looking over at us, Hashimoto let out an exasperated sigh.
Dunno. Arent you the ones that invited them?
It seemed as though both Class D and Class A felt a bit uncomfortable about our presence.
Its just like you said, Ayanokji.
Akito spoke up from beside me, accompanied by the rest of the Ayanokji Group.
Before coming here, we had all met up at the cafe and were about to start studying together.
I had been thinking about that time a while ago when Kanzaki and Hashimoto were going at each other. Then I just so happened to see all of you guys heading off campus, so I brought it up to Akito
After seeing the Class A and Class D students leave the campus, I let Akito know that there might be something else going down similar to what had happened last time and we immediately went to take a look.
However, Airi, Haruka, and Keisei all unexpectedly came along as well.
There are more people than there were last time, too. This looks like it might get pretty serious
Jeeze. Why is such a tense situation taking place again?
Haruka commented, exasperated from having come across a scene like this for a second time.
Forget it. It doesnt matter who called them over. Lets hear what you have to say, Shiina-chan.
It has to do with the rumors. You guys from Class A are the ones that posted them, right?
Judging that they might run into problems should Ishizaki lead the conversation, Hiyori took over.
Hey hey hey. Why are you asking us something like that?
Isnt it obv-!
Please. Leave this to me, Ishizaki-kun.
Hiyori gently stopped Ishizaki from angrily lashing out at Hashimoto.
I heard it through the grapevine. I was informed about what you had told Kanzaki-kun when he confronted you about the source of Ichinose-sans rumors.
What a chatterbox. Did you happen to hear that from those two over there?
He gestured over to Akito and me since we had witnessed the entire exchange in question.
Please answer the question, Hashimoto-kun.
Without even looking over to us, Hiyori continued to press Hashimoto for answers.
Well, Ayanokji and Miyake over there already know about it, so Ill just speak honestly. Back then, I just happened to hear some rumors about Ichinose, so I decided to help spread them around because it seemed like an amusing thing to do. I wasnt the source.
Of course, Hashimoto doesnt acknowledge the truth.
What a convenient excuse. Do you think that were just going to accept that?
Excuse? Its the truth. Well, I guess it is somewhat sinful of me to spread it around just because it seemed amusing, but its still strange, isnt it? That the students from Class D would come along and butt-in to something that they should be entirely unrelated to?
With a cheerful, yet piercing look in his eyes, Hashimoto continued:
Isnt it possible that you guys in Class D are ones actually spreading the rumors?
Youre full of shit! We already know that Sakayanagi is the one behind the rumors!!!
Oh, so youre jumping to conclusions now? It may be true that the leader of our class is belligerent. There are indeed also times where she heedlessly provokes Ichinose. Its not like I cant understand where youre coming from, but youre reading too much into it and arbitrarily deciding that shes the source of the rumors. Honestly, its really none of your business anyway. You dont actually have any proof it was Sakayanagi now, do you?
Ishizaki was frustrated with Hashimotos response, but there was nothing incorrect about what he said. The letters that had been placed in all the mailboxes. The rumors that had been posted online. There was no conclusive evidence tying Sakayanagi to any of it. Though, I was eighty to ninety percent certain that she really was behind it all.
Which is why I came here today. To question you guys about whether or not youre the ones that spread the rumors. However, I never expected that you guys would go and try to support Ichinose as well.
Ishizaki and his friends responded to Hashimotos remark with glowering expressions. Understanding the situation he was in, Hashimoto let out a sigh.
Its no use playing stupid, Hashimoto. Not only did you guys go and spread rumors about Ichinose, but then you even had the nerve to go and stir up shit about us as well.
I see. So thats the reason after all. You guys dont really care about the stuff with Ichinose, do you? Youre just upset that Class D got swept up in the rumors. Oh yeah I heard you were sent to juvie because of some stunt you pulled back in elementary school, isnt that right, Ishizaki?
The moment Hashimoto instigated him further, Ishizaki clearly snapped.
Hiyori hurriedly grabbed him by the wrist and held him back, preventing him from jumping at Hashimoto.
The rumor that Hashimoto brought up was one of the lies that had been written on the school forums.
Given the nature of that lie, Ishizakis anger was certainly justified.
This sort of outcome was inevitable.
Without showing any interest in stopping, Hashimoto continued:
Anyways, Im shocked that you guys are even able to come up with all those rumors. Ichinoses situation aside, please, do tell me how you guys managed to find out so much about the people from other classes.
Stop fucking around Hashimoto!
Hold it Ishizaki!
Thinking Hiyori wouldnt be able to handle him on her own, Akito hurriedly spoke up to stop Ishizaki.
Dont butt in, Miyake! I cant just stand by and let Class A bad mouth us like this!! Ill send him flying!
Stop it Ishizaki. Youre just gonna hurt yourself. I know youre confident in your fighting skills, but this isnt the right place for that, okay?
Kit took a single step forward and readied his fists toward Ishizaki and Albert.
It looked like, depending on what happened next, he was willing to accept their challenge.
Stop it. All of you. You know the school is very strict when it comes to fighting.
From a fair distance away from them, Akito spoke up, attempting to calm things down.
Well, that was true until now.
Until now?
It seems like the current student council president is willing to turn a blind eye to petty disputes, just like this one.
Hashimoto closed the distance and threw a kick at Ishizaki, but Akito immediately intercepted the blow with his left arm.
Seriously? That student council president Does he think he can just do anything he wants?
Hashimotos words were hardly enough to guarantee that the ban on fighting had really been lifted.
So, he went to prove it by personally making the first move himself.
Not bad, Miyake. It makes sense now why you were so confident that you could stop us from fighting.
Hashimoto fell back and took his distance once again.
The atmosphere became even more tense and rigid than it was before.
Hiyori spoke up.
Fighting still isnt allowed.
I know. I didnt come here to fight with you. That was just my way of proving to all of you that were more than capable of defending ourselves.
Can I trust you?
Looking Hiyori in the eyes, Hashimoto nodded, but none of us truly believed him.
Give it up, Hiyori. This guy lies as easily as they breathe. No matter how you look at it, the rumors were spread by Class A. Its obvious because Class A was the only Class that wasnt included in the rumors.
Thats Then isnt there a chance that they arent at fault?
Its just as Shiina-chan says. If we were the ones that posted the rumors, wouldnt we have also posted some lies about Class A on the forums in order to avoid suspicion?
Its hard to say. I dont think that everyone in Class A would know that Sakayanagi is the main perpetrator for the rumors about Ichinose. If the class wasnt informed ahead of time, when the rumors are spread, there would definitely be confusion.
As Akito pointed this out, Hashimoto let out another sigh.
Well, your deduction isnt unreasonable, but in the end, its still probatio diabolica.
His excuse was extremely suspicious, but ultimately, we had no evidence to disprove it. At the same time, it was also hard for him to prove his innocence.
If we want to get information out of these guys, it looks like we have no choice but to talk with our fists.
Woah Woah, cool it Ibuki-chan. Picking a fight with us like that wont accomplish anything, you know?
Telling me to stop after picking the fight yourself, well arent you full of it?
Class A doesnt have anything to do with it. Believe me.
With that, Hashimoto let out a laugh, but Ibuki was not smiling.
On the contrary, she seemed to be trying her hardest to hold back her rage.
Ibuki had fallen victim to the rumors posted on the schools forums, just as Ishizaki had.
You Do you really think that you can look down on us just because Ryen is no longer our leader!?
Ishizaki finally reached the limit of his patience and pushed Akito aside.
Ibuki stepped forward to confront Hashimoto and Kit right alongside him.
Wait wait wait. Take it easy.
The rumors about Ichinose and the rumors about us. Get Sakayanagi to apologize for both of them.
Youre still misunderstanding something. We didnt spread the rumors.
What a joke!
Ishizaki forcefully kicked the nearby handrail.
Hashimoto began to understand that the situation was getting a bit out of control.
Then, what are you gonna do about it?
Isnt it obvious? Well shut you up by force.
Are you serious?
Yep. If that sounds unpleasant, then you better go and get her to take back the rumors right now.
Ive already told you countless times. We didnt spread the rumors.
Even though he continued to deny it, Hashimoto also understood that it wasnt an excuse that the others would easily accept.
After all, the current state of affairs was essentially the same thing as Sakayanagi having declared war on Ichinose. It would be difficult for him to prove his innocence.
Hashimotos expression softened for a moment.
Oh? Whats so funny?
Sorry, sorry. This is all just too absurd. I dont understand what you want from me.
Because Hashimoto wouldnt acknowledge that Sakayanagi was the source of the rumors, he didnt have any other option but to turn Ishizaki down.
Then, I guess well just have to go ask Sakayanagi herself.
You? Fat chance.
Hashimoto dismissively waved his hand, as if to say Theres no way that shed bother with the likes of you.
Before they all came here, Ishizaki must have reached out to Hashimoto because he knew thered be no way for him to reach Sakayanagi directly in the first place.
Kit. We might not have any other choice.
Reading the atmosphere, Hashimoto concluded that they wouldnt get anywhere with peaceful conversation.
Kit seemed to have already prepared himself for this outcome, as he smoothly transitioned into a fighting stance.
Immediately, Ishizaki yelled out a war cry and charged in, attempting to tackle Kit.
At the same time, Ibuki attacked Hashimoto with a high-flying kick, but he ended up getting out of the way at the very last moment.
Due to her sudden, jumpy movements, Ibukis cellphone and student ID card fell out of her pocket.
Hashimoto realized that Ibuki was faster and stronger than he expected. His expression showed concern for the danger he was in, but was followed up by a look of genuine admiration.
I seem to have forgotten Ibuki-chan is more experienced at fighting than I remembered.
Stop it! All of you!
Akito shouted out while picking her phone up off the ground.
However, the Class D students didnt show any signs of stopping.
Ibuki didnt seem to care in the slightest that her phone mightve been damaged from the fall.
I reached out and picked up her ID card that had fallen near my feet.
My gaze suddenly fell upon the small photograph of Ibuki depicted on the card.
Of course, her expression in the picture was as stiff and unsociable as ever.
One particular detail on the card managed to catch my eye.
Whats going on?
What, Ayanokji?
From beside me, Keisei spoke up, having heard my mumbling. I immediately shook my head to dismiss his question and temporarily put Ibukis student ID card into my pocket for safe keeping.
No, its nothing. More importantly, it seems like stopping this fight should be our top priority.
You say to stop the fight but how?
The situation had already developed into a two-on-two, and the second round was just about to begin.
Exactly. It doesnt seem like we should get involved.
Its dangerous, Kiyotaka-kun.
Haruka and Airi spoke up as well, suggesting that we stay out of it.
Thats true. Then I guess its better to just let Akito handle it.
In order to stop the next exchange of blows, Akito forced himself between Ishizaki and Hashimoto.
Dont get in my way, Miyaki!
Ishizaki attempted to push him aside with brute force, but Akito seized him by the hand and forced him down to the ground.
You bastard! Let go of me!
Im sorry Ishizaki. Its nothing personal.
Stop interfering!
Ibuki kicked out once again, aiming for Akitos head.
Akito quickly got off of Ishizaki, narrowly dodging Ibukis kick at the same time, but the whole affair caused him to lose his balance.
Making use of the opening, Albert grabbed ahold of Akito from behind him.
Hold him down Albert.
Akito couldnt resist Alberts otherworldly strength, pinning him down from above.
Class D had concluded that they would win if the two-on-two played out without any obstructions.
Ishizaki called out to her as Kit lunged forward, aiming for her neck.
Dont look down on me!
She reacted quickly, kicking Kits hand away.
These guys are seriously fighting, arent they What do we do?
The four of us, watching from the sidelines, werent in any position to stop them.
It cant be helped now that things have progressed this far, but you lot from Class C are really getting in the way
While keeping tabs on Ishizaki as he got up off the ground, Hashimoto shifted his gaze over in our direction.
We only happened to come here by chance, but I have something I want to say. Our friend Ayanokji was a target of the rumors, just like Ishizaki and the others.
Keisei appealed to Hashimoto with Airi nodding enthusiastically beside him.
Hmm, now that you mention it Something about him having a crush on Karuizawa, right? Isnt that a lovely rumor?
I-its absolutely not lovely at all!
The usually quiet Airi raised her voice in objection.
I spoke up after her, attempting to seem like I agreed with my friends on the matter.
I hate to say it, but I suspect you as well, Hashimoto.
I guess that makes sense. After all, I was the only one who saw you and Karuizawa meeting up together in secret a few days ago.
I-in secret?
Airi and Haruka immediately looked over at me.
Theres nothing going on between us.
Really? B-but Kiyotaka-kun, Ive been starting to think that y-you and Karuizawa-san have been on pretty good terms with each other lately
Airi had been watching me carefully, so she should understand that much.
However, what was truly important here was for Hashimoto to hear this.
It was essential for him to know that other people know about my relationship with Kei.
At the time, we had used the excuse that I was just the middleman for the delivery of her Valentines day chocolates to her real crush. For that to happen, Kei and I wouldve had to have at least a certain degree of intimacy with each other in the first place.
His actions were an act, done for the sake of testing me. Taking the opportunity to evaluate how my classmates saw my relationship with Kei.
Hashimotos excellence had caused him to shut out many other possibilities.
Even though he had been keeping an eye on me, thanks to this testimony, he would now end up with an incorrect conclusion.
As a result, his suspicions about me would start to fade.
Im the one youre dealing with right now, Hashimoto!
Good grief This is getting rather troublesome.
Please dont keep going on like this Ishizaki-kun. I wont allow you to continue any further.
Hiyori firmly declared her stance to Ishizaki.
Unable to completely disregard what she said, Ishizaki looked over to her with a troubled look on his face.
Lets suppose that you manage to beat Hashimoto-kun and Kit-kun in a fight here and force them to confess to everything. That still wouldnt be real evidence. Im also fairly certain that the person that matters, Sakayanagi-san, wont admit to anything at all. Isnt the fact that we werent able to get him to admit to it more than enough?
So you expect us to just swallow our anger?
I know it seems unfair, but it is what it is. Please just bear with it for now.
Arent you the one that wanted us to come along with you in the first place? But then you ask us to stand down? That doesnt make any sense.
I promise that I will make it up to all of you later.
Amused by what he was hearing as he listened in on their conversation, Hashimoto let out a whistle.
Hoooh? So youre saying that Ishizaki isnt the one who set up this meeting? It was all done by Shiina-chan instead?
Albert-kun. Please let Miyake-kun go as well.
Following her directions, Albert slowly released Akito.
Weve gone and made all of you from Class C worry as well.
As she spoke, Hiyori turned to us and deeply bowed her head.
How selfish, wrapping up our conversation like this. Do we just have to accept the beating along with your baseless suspicions?
Could you please forgive us?
Hiyori took Hashimotos complaints head-on. Hashimoto should understand that there was no benefit in dragging this confrontation out any longer.
Well, its not like we were injured. Lets call it a day this time, Kit. But, please stop pointlessly doubting us. If you want to doubt us again, before you come to talk with us, please make sure you have undeniable proof first.
Hiyori had managed to successfully get the situation under control before things got too out of hand, but now, Class A had gotten to the point where they wouldnt be able to repair their relationship with the other classes.
(Part 6 End)