Hello everyone! I finished the final part of Chapter 5 of Volume 9 of Youkoso. You can read it here if you havent already.
Anyways, Chapter 6 is the next thing to work on and its huge. Its about 35% of the entire volume, or about 5.5 times bigger than chapter 5 was, and theres still Chapter 7 to come after that, so V9 is only a bit over half translated at this point. Heres a breakdown of Chapter 6:
Intro: 5605 Characters
P1: 2815 Characters
P2: 2445 Characters
P3: 5031 Characters
P4: 1748 Characters
P5: 865 Characters
P6: 6553 Characters
P7: 959 Characters
P8: 8671 Characters
P9: 2839 Characters
Ill start up on this as soon as I can since I spent a few hours getting everything into google docs and formatting the pages and taking out the furigana. I have some projects to do for school before I get any serious work done, and the first part is one of the longer ones so it will take me a few days to finish with the pace Im going at. After these projects, I will have some easy time and a lot of free time to simply get stuff translated. This is assuming that I actually get around to translating, which we all know how that works out.
For ID, I will be translating Chapter 4 after I finish Part 5 of Chapter 6 of Youkoso. I said 3.5 weeks in my last update, but it will end up being whenever I get this part of Youkoso done. Sorry if this turns out being later than that.
Hope this keeps you all up-to-date on whats coming in the future. Thanks for sticking with me! Expect something soon and feel free to ask questions here and on Discord. Im generally pretty quick with a response unless you catch me when Im asleep. Thanks for your time.