Volume 9, Chapter 2: Intro - A Changing Relationship
The early morning for Class C started out with an unusual sight.
A circle seems to be forming around Karuizawa Kei and the girls who make up that circle appear to be excited to the point of causing a commotion.
Youre rather late to school today, Ayanokji-kun.
Since there are only five minutes to go before the bell rings, my neighbor Horikita Suzune interjected with that.
I overslept.
Looking bored, Horikita gave a sigh. Then she continued speaking.
You seem to be on good terms with Hirata-kun and Karuizawa-san. You knew, didnt you?
Theres no way Id know. Its their private affair.
She didnt seem like she had cut things off with Hirata back during the training camp but it looks like shes done it now.
Since theyre a couple famous throughout the school, it made waves to an amazing extent.
If a third party were to hear of this, they would definitely be surprised.
But this would mean that on the surface, Kei and Hiratas connection has been severed. Of course, it doesnt necessarily mean Kei would lose command of the girls group.
If theres an exception to that, it would be if someone from within the class stole Hiratas heart and became his true partner. Even then, I cant imagine Kei being ousted from her position.
Even if that girl attempts to slight Kei, Hirata would be the first one to put a stop to that. If not, the meaning behind Hirata going as far as to fake a relationship with Kei to save her would be rendered moot.
So, which one of them dumped the other?
I tried asking Horikita that. Because I dont know that myself either so theres nothing for Horikita to suspect.
Looks like its Karuizawa-san who did it.
Thats surprising. She seemed like the type to consider going out with a good man. A symbol of status.
I suppose so. At the very least thats what I thought
For a moment, she looked at me suspiciously but then immediately averted her eyes. Theres no possible way she could have acquired any information from my expression.
Its proof that Horikita herself has begun to understand that.
Still, Kei dumped Hirata, huh?
In the first place, its a fake relationship started by Kei. Its not even about who dumped who. But in all likelihood, Hirata suggested doing that would be best for Kei.
If Hirata were to be the one doing the dumping, it would mean theres a problem with Kei and could have put Keis status at risk.
In any case, judging from my surroundings, its clear that their breakup came as a shock to Class C. But what made me think those girls are amazing was that they were boldly discussing that romantic affair.
Ehh, ehh? Why did you break up with him even though you dont have a new boyfriend yet, Karuizawa-san!
Shinoharas unrestrained voice reverberated. Despite chatting with each other, Ike and Suds group were clearly eavesdropping on that conversation.
You see, I also thought I needed to step it up. Its easy to be spoiled by Ysuke-kun but I wanted to think things through on my own.
The catastrophe that befell this big couple would obviously have an impact on Class C but it would probably also end up having an impact on the other classes.
Theres no doubt a battle would erupt between the girls over Hirata.
Im amazed they can even think about things like romance. Even tomorrow isnt guaranteed at this school and they should know that situation too.
Isnt it exactly because tomorrow isnt guaranteed that theyre enjoying the present the best they can?
I have no reason to deny them that as long as theyre not robbing someone else of their future
On the other hand, as I wondered whats going on with the other half of the hot topic Hirata Ysuke, there he was with a gentle expression on his face while boxed in by both the boys and girls of the class.
Even though he got dumped by his girlfriend, there isnt a smidgen of misery coming from Hirata. The best proof of that is that Ike and Sud arent heading over there to tease him.
No, perhaps I should say that theyve already graduated from that sort of thing. They do seem interested in that conversation somewhat but theres no sign of them engaging in malicious gossip.
On the contrary, Horikita and I are the ones engaging in a tasteless conversation. The special exams so far and the training camp. All of thats making this immature bunch change bit by bit.
But of course, not everyone is maturing at the same rate.
Yo, Hirata~ Heard you got dumped by Karuizawa~ Dont mind it, dont mind it!
I thought theyve become capable of reading the mood, but Yamauchi alone proved to be the exception.
Flippantly and happily approaching Hirata, he then struck Hiratas shoulder. Seeing that, Ike and Sud felt uncomfortable and approached Yamauchi, flanking him from both sides and grabbing hold of him.
Oi, whats the matter? Lets console Hirata together. Even the handsome ones get dumped!
This is in bad taste. Cut it out.
Huh? Isnt this a rare sight seeing the handsome guy get dumped?
When Sud tried to hold Yamauchi back, he refused to listen and instead gave a refutation.
Sorry about this, Hirata. Ill take him away immediately.
Its ok, its the truth after all.
It wouldnt be out of place for him to show displeasure but Hirata didnt seem to care in the slightest.
Speaking of which have you heard anything about Ichinose-san?
Out of the blue, a topic regarding Class B came from Horikita.
Recently, Ive been hearing slander directed at her.
Isnt it just a lie by someone jealous of her popularity? Or maybe the strategy of someone who wants to knock down Class B? What do the slanders say?
Its something Im hesitant to put to words.
Saying that, she retrieved a note from under her desk rather than speak about it in detail.
She wrote something down on it and then showed me.
A history of violence.
Engaged in compensated dating.
Engaged in theft and robbery.
A noted history of drug usage.
These are things that even those delinquents over there havent done, not all of them.
They sure spread quite the malicious rumors around.
She doesnt seem like that sort of student to me though
If its just spreading rumors, it wont exactly count as a crime after all.
Thats not true. Regardless of the veracity, its defamation...its categorized that way when targeted towards a large number of people. Its possible to sue.
If were talking about being out there in society then theres no doubt about that.
But high school is still high school. This is an isolated space filled with underaged students. Its not like its being written on the internet too for the whole world to see.
So youre saying it doesnt count as a crime.
Even if society cannot hand down punishment, its still possible for the school to hand down punishment at its discretion.
But it would be difficult to pinpoint the source of the rumors. The reason a variety of rumors were spread is so that if asked, they can simply say they heard it from someone else during day-to-day conversation and thatll be the end of that.
The school wont be able to investigate beyond that and in the end, itll peter out.
All it can do is to warn the perpetrators to not thoughtlessly spread rumors any more than that. After all, Im certain that the plan to crush Ichinose has been gradually implemented over time.
Theres no doubt its Sakayanagi pulling the strings behind the scenes. But theres still not very many people aware of this.
What did Ichinose do in response?
I dont know that much. Its not like were close or anything. Besides, if I carelessly approach, suspicion may fall on us.
Well, its true that playing the role of the observer is the wisest thing to do.
But...I wonder if a tasteless strategy like this will work on Ichinose-san.
What do you mean?
No matter how malicious the slander may be, the amount of damage it can inflict is limited. Ichinose-sans reputation throughout the school is something even Im aware of. This sort of harassment is too miserable to be done out of envy like you said earlier.
Then youre saying its a strategic mistake then?
Thats right, but as they say, you cant have smoke without a fire.
So youre saying Ichinose used to be a violent criminal or that she used to do drugs?
Even if not all of its true, perhaps at least one of it is?
Of course, the possibility of it being true is extremely low. She added that after.
As Horikita said, theres no evidence that all of its just a lie or that theyre all just rumors. And also the fact that Sakayanagi had been making remarks hinting at such could mean theres some truth to it.
Well Its not like we can come up with an answer just by thinking about it. More importantly, the current standing of the classes based on the results of the training camp has been released. Care to have a look?
Ehh, Im not
I know youre not interested. But just keep it in mind.
I flipped through the pages of the notebook she forcibly placed on my desk.