One minute later than we had promised, we all met in the library.
Everyone was ready to take notes and was waiting to start. There were also a lot of other students that were currently studying in the library. From first-years to third-years, everyone was making an effort to study.
I could tell with a glance.
Youre late.
Sorry, we were a bit late because it was crowded.
Did you two eat together!?
Ike asked us, feeling suspicious because the two of us came together.
We did indeed eat together, but I dont think we should say anything here.
Yea, we did. We had lunch together.
Like I said, you didnt have to say that With a disgruntled expression, Ike glared at me. As if he saw me as his rival. Without looking at me, Horikita continued to talk.
Hurry up.
I quietly sat down and took out my notes.
I thought I would need more help, but geography is surprisingly easy.
Chemistrys also easier than I thought.
Ike and Yamauchi spoke up.
Thats because theres a lot of memorization problems. Subjects like Math or English have questions that you cant answer if you dont have the basics.
Dont let your guard down. There might be current events on the test.
Current events?
Current events. Events in politics or economics that may have occurred in recent years. In other words, there might be questions that cover material not in the textbook.
Ugh, thats foul play! Doesnt that make the scope of the test useless!?
Thats why youve got to study everything.
I suddenly hate geography
Of course, current events questions may appear on the test, but I think its something we can ignore for now.
If you worry too much about things that might not even be on the test, youll miss the important parts.
Shouldnt we hurry up?
As the conversation keeps going off-track, precious time is wasted.
Yea. Were currently behind because a certain person was late.
Are you still hung up on that?
Its a problem for everyone. Well then, whos the person who came up with inductive reasoning?
Um its that guy we learned last class, right? Uh
While thinking over the answer, Ike spun his pen around.
Oh, its that guy. His name made me really hungry, so I remembered.
Francis Xavier! or something like that, right?
Sudou wasnt able to recollect the correct name.
I remembered. It was Francis Bacon!
Yes! This is definitely a perfect score!
No, not at all
If we continued at this pace for the next week, desperately studying, everyone would probably pass.
Everyone, just take care of your health. We dont have much time to study.
Kushida also understand that there was practically no room for error this time around.
Its ok, itll be fine if its these three.
As expected of Horikita-chan. It feels like youre trusting us!
I think she was trying to say that Idiots dont catch colds, but whatever.
Hey, be quiet over there. Your yapping is loud.
A student nearby paused studying and looked at us.
Sorry, sorry, I was too loud. I was happy since I got a problem right. The person who came up with inductive reasoning is Francis Bacon, you know? I wont forget since I learned it once~
Ike said while laughing in joy.
Huh? By any chance, are you guys in class D?
A group of boys nearby all looked at us all at once. At their reaction, Sudou bristled up in irritation.
So what? So what if were in class D. Do you have any problems with that?
No no, we dont have any problems with that. Im Yamawaki, in class C. Nice to meet you.
Yamawaki looked at us while laughing.
Well, how should I say it I guess its good that this school divides classes by ability. That way I dont have to study with people like you guys.
The one who bursted out in anger was, obviously, Sudou.
Youre just getting mad at the truth. If we fought inside of the school, I wonder which class points will be deducted. Oh wait, you dont have points to start with. Thing is, youll probably get expelled, you know?
You wanna fight? Bring it on!
Sudous outburst attracted the attention of the others in the quiet library.
If this situation becomes worse, the teachers will probably find out about it.
Hes right. If you create a disturbance, we dont know whatll happen. You should keep in mind that getting kicked out is really possible. And I dont mind that youre badmouthing us, but youre in class C, right? Its not really a class you should brag about.
There seems to have been some kind of calculation error between classes A to C. But you guys are on a whole different level.
What a nice way to put it. The way I see it, every class but class A are just bunched up together.
Yamawaki stopped laughing and glared at Horikita.
For an inferior product that doesnt have a single point, youre saying some cheeky things. Did you think you can say anything just because you look cute?
Thank you for your words that have no logical connection to the topic. I was never self-conscious about my appearance until now, but I feel uncomfortable being praised by you.
Hitting the table, Yamawaki stood up.
H-hey. Its dangerous for you to start since others will hear about it.
The other class C students tried to hold Yamawaki back, tugging at his sleeves.
For the next test, if you get a failing mark, you know you have to drop out, right? Im looking forward to seeing how many people will drop out from your group.
Too bad for you, but no one will drop out from class D. Before worrying about us, why dont you worry about yourselves first. If youre not careful, you might fail, you know?
Kukuku. Fail? Stop with the jokes.
Were not studying so we can avoid failing marks. Were studying to get better scores. Dont lump us in with you guys. Also, being happy over knowing Francis Bacon is; are you sane? Why are you studying things that arent even on the test?
By any chance, do you not even know whats going to be covered on the test? This is why youre the inferior class.
Thats enough out of you.
Sudou lost his temper and grabbed Yamawaki by his collar.
H-hey hey, youre really going to use violence? Youll be deducted points. You ok with that?
We dont even have any points to lose~!
Sudou drew back his arm. Ah man, is he really going to knock him out?
I should really stop him. I pushed back my chair to get up
Ok, stop, stop!
A girl called out.
Sudou stopped at the unexpected new character.
Hey, youre not a part of this; dont interfere.
Not a part of this? Im trying to use this library, I cant just overlook this disturbance. If you really wanted to hit him, cant you do that outside?
At the blonde girls reasonable words, Sudou let go of Yamawaki.
And you guys, arent you provoking him too much? If this continued, do you think it would be fine if the school got word of this?
S-sorry. We didnt mean to do that, Ichinose.
Ichinose. I remember hearing that name before.
Oh, it was the student in class B who was talking to Hoshinomiya-sensei.
Hey, lets move. If we study here, well become stupid too.
Yamawaki and his group of friends left the area.
If you guys are going to keep studying here, keep it quiet.
At those words, I gave a small nod, feeling admiration at her gallant form.
Unlike Horikita, she keeps order to this place, huh.
I wasnt trying to create a disturbance. I was just saying the truth.
Saying the truth caused the disturbance, though
Hey That guy said that this wasnt on the test right?
What does this mean?
We exchanged glances.
The material that Chiyabashira-sensei would be on the test was the Age of Exploration.
We all definitely made sure to write that down.
Doesnt this mean that each class gets a different test?
Thats unlikely the test should be same for everyone in the grade.
As Horikita said, all the problems on the test should be same for the five main subjects.
Otherwise, the effect of our grades on the points becomes unclear.
By any chance, was class C informed of a change to the test before anyone else?
Or was class D the only one not informed
From the unexpected new information, we couldnt help but be confused.
What if different topics were tested on the history portion of the test between the classes?
No if only the history portion was different, it would be really weird.
But if the whole test was different
This whole week of studying would become wasted time.