At midnight, as I was lazing around in my room, I received a text message. It was from Kushida.
Yamauchi-kun and Ike-kun said OK~ (^^)b
Ike instantly rejected me with a wave of his hand when I asked him The presence of a girl is clearly a big factor concerning boys. Its like they hold infinite power.
I just contacted Sudou-kun too, and I think hell agree too (>>)
I received another mail. Oh~. At this pace, everyone will really meet up tomorrow.
At this faster than expected development, I contacted Horikita with the news. I sent her a mail about how I was working with Kushida, that Ike and Yamauchi agreed to come, and how Kushida would also be participating in the study group.
Well, time to take a bath.
As soon as I got up from my bed, I got a call from Horikita.
Moshi moshi?[1]
I dont understand your text.
What do you mean, you dont understand. Isnt it concise and simple? It looks like all three will come tomorrow.
Not that. The part where you said Kushida-san was helping. This is my first time hearing that.
I asked her earlier. For someone like Kushida who puts great effort in helping her classmates, shed want to participate regardless of whether or not I invited her. In short, Sudou, Ike, and Yamauchi are coming. Ok?
I dont remember allowing that. She didnt even get a failing score either.
Heyby introducing Kushida into our plan, the chances of success go way up. I just took the simplest measure of increasing the probability of success.
Im still not pleased with it. Shouldnt you have done that after asking for my approval?
I know that you hate someone as proactive as Kushida is. However, its to make sure that no one fails. Or do you want to try gathering all students who failed by yourself?
Looks like Horikita understood that getting Kushida on board was a good thing.
Because she has too much pride in herself, its difficult for her to simply agree.
We also dont have much time until the test. Is it not ok?
Speaking of which, Horikita doesnt have much breathing room for her plan to work. But still, she was caught up on something and didnt say anything. It was silent for a while.
Fine. We cant do anything without making a sacrifice. However, Kushida-san will only help gather the students that failed. I cant agree to her participating in the study group.
No, why is that? That was her condition for helping out. Youre being unreasonable.
I wont accept her participating in the study group. That wont change.
Is this about that? Are you trying to get back at her for when we deceived you?
Thats unrelated. She didnt fail her mock test. Having extra people will only result in extra effort and confusion.
Her explanations are pretty reasonable, but I dont understand the reason as to why she refuses to let Kushida join the study group.
Do you just hate Kushida?
Do you not feel uncomfortable when you are next to someone you hate?
I didnt understand what she meant.
Kushida tried to understand and get to know Horikita more than anyone, and tries to become her friend.
I never thought that Horikita actually hated Kushida.
What if they decide to not come because Kushidas not coming?
Sorry, reviewing the test material is taking longer than I thought it would. Im going to end the phone call because its taking so long. Well, good night.
She quickly cut the call. A misanthrope would probably do the same. However, in order to rise up to class A, its necessary to compromise. (T/N always think of Hamilton when it says rise up)
I plugged in my phone, put it on the table, then lied down on my bed.
I thought back on the days since the entrance ceremony.
Defective products, huh.
On the first day of school, thats what the second-year senpais said to us.
In English, that would be Defective product.[2]
Thats what they used to ridicule the students of class D. The flawless Horikita probably has some problems too. I could somehow understand what she was saying today.
What should I do
Should I try to force her? However, Horikita might leave in the worst case.
If Horikita didnt teach, everyones time would go to naught.
Feeling heavy, I called Kushidas number.
Moshi moshi~
At first, I could hear the strong wind in the background. It quickly died away though.
By any chance, were you drying your hair?
Oh, did you hear that? I just finished, so its fine.
Kushida just got out of the bath, huh wait, its not the time to be having these delusions.
No, uh, I have some bad news Can you make it so that I never asked you to gather the failed students?
Um, why?
She answered after a short pause. It seems like she wants to know the reason, rather than getting mad immediately.
Sorry. I cant talk about it at length. Anyway, it got a bit difficult.
Is that so I see that Horikita-san really doesnt like me.
I didnt think I implied that at all, but it seems like Kushida picked up on it over the phone.
Its not related to her. Its my mistake.
Its fine if you dont try to hide it~. I wont get mad. I thought she would reject me because it looks like she doesnt like me. It just happened as I thought it would.
I guess you can call it womans intuition.
Anyway, its my bad that I asked you to help.
Uun, theres no need for you to apologize. But ? I dont think that Horikita-san can gather Sudou and the others by herself.
I couldnt deny that.
Hey, what did Horikita-san say, though? Was she against me gathering the others? Or was she against me participating in the study group?
She got it perfectly right, as if she was listening to the conversation too.
The latter. Sorry for spoiling the mood.
Ahahaha, yea. Theres no need for you to apologize, though. She has a Dont get close to me kind aura. So I expected it to happen anyway.
Even so, youre really perceptive.
But everyone agreed to join because I said I would also participate Before inviting me, couldnt you have lied that I wouldnt be able to participate? If you told them now, everyone would probably hate Horikita-san
I feel a bit frightened towards Kushida. She understands everything.
Can you leave this one to me?
Leave this one to you?
Tomorrow, Ill take everyone to Horikita-san. Of course, Ill go too.
Its fine, right? Or can you solve the problem? Is there a way to gather everyone without me, or a way to convince Horikita?
Its too bad, but thats impossible.
I got it. Ill leave it to you. I wont know what will happen, though.
Thats fine. You wont be responsible for any of it, after all. Well, see you tomorrow then.
The phone call ended. I never thought that Id get more tired than I was after the phone call with Horikita. She said that it was fine, but is it really?
Horikita will insult and taunt anything shes not pleased with, no matter who is on the receiving end. Its clear that this precarious situation will end up in flames. Feeling anxious, I headed towards the bathroom.
Lets stop thinking about tomorrowitll only make me more depressed.
No matter how worried I get, tomorrow will come and go. Things will work out somehow.
Moshi moshi is the usual greeting for phone calls.
Defective product is in English.